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SWP expulsions and squabbles

In my opinion Leyton96 is putting clarity into this issue from a different perspective to others on this board with maturity and as much trans parity as can be given without compromising the disciplinary procedure.
He also shows rounded knowledge and experience of trade union affairs the law surrounding this issue, judicial procedure and the play of different political groupings and parties that have chosen to involve themselves for whatever reason.
In my opinion Leyton96 is putting clarity into this issue from a different perspective to others on this board with maturity and as much trans parity as can be given without compromising the disciplinary procedure.
He also shows rounded knowledge and experience of trade union affairs the law surrounding this issue, judicial procedure and the play of different political groupings and parties that have chosen to involve themselves for whatever reason.

Is trans parity some new intersectional thing?
Some of the discussion we've had has been useful in clarifying our respective positions but I've noticed you have a tendency to avoid substantive points by introducing red herrings into the debate.

This is a bit rich, given that you're using issues of protocol re RMTs procedure to undermine the rep who felt he needed to set the record straight because your own political organisation - the SP - had issued a statement saying Hedley had "no case to answer" and linking to a highly tendentious account on his own blog, which also attempted to use a contested description of Caroline's mental health history to imply she must currently be delusional.
This is a bit rich, given that you're using issues of protocol re RMTs procedure to undermine the rep who felt he needed to set the record straight because your own political organisation - the SP - had issued a statement saying Hedley had "no case to answer" and linking to a highly tendentious account on his own blog, which also attempted to use a contested description of Caroline's mental health history to imply she must currently be delusional.


You are organically incapable of honesty, aren't you?

I've already answered your distortions regarding the article (not 'statement') in the Socialist.

As for 'undermining' Andy Littlechild I think you and cesare (for different reasons to be fair) are exaggerating my impact of his credibility.

Andy Littlechild is a hugely respected militant on the London Underground with a formidable record as an activist and trade union rep. In my view as someone who has also been a trade union rep I think he made a mistake in going public on some of the details of the internal investigative process when he knew an appeal was ongoing. I have explained in exhaustive detail why I think that is. At the end of the day I might be wrong in what I believe but you of course have made no attempt to engage with the substantive points of my argument. How surprising.

It also appears that he might have been selectively quoting from the police and Bob Crow. From the very beginning I have accepted that this is hearsay and it hasn't been the main thrust of my criticism. If it turns out to be wrong I'll come on here and say it was wrong. If it's right then people can draw their own conclusions.
You are organically incapable of honesty, aren't you?

Why all this abuse? Actually I did not use this as an opportunity to publicly slam the SP (which I have no interest in doing) - I raised the issue confidentially with both the SP and the RMT as I knew Caroline a few years ago and was shocked by her claims.

I've already answered your distortions regarding the article (not 'statement') in the Socialist.
Perhaps you could tell me how many "articles" in The Socialist are concluded with "Socialist Party Executive Committee"?

In strict protocol terms no doubt Andy should have waited for the appeal to be concluded. But since both Hedley and the SP went so public with the "no case to answer" stuff, he presumably felt that provoked him into a more immediate response.
normally I can put up with your infantile abuse. But this is a serious topic, so off you fuck...
fuck off you piece of labour shit. you're in no position to offer anything but fucking sniping from the fucking sidelines because you're not part of the solution, you've chosen to make yourself part of the problem.
What waiting?
I may have misunderstood you. You said

Since there's no definitive way of proving I'm not I'm prepared to put it to a vote. If the majority of the next 20 or so people who post (I'll let you decide the number) say I'm sock puppeting then I'll close my account and not trouble Urban 75 again.

So I thought you would be waiting for the next 20 or so posters before making any more posts that might affect the outcome. Personally I think it's a bloody silly idea that smacks of all or nothing tactics (that also puts an unreasonable pressure on posters to state a side, when the argument is between you and me) but it's your suggestion.
I may have misunderstood you. You said

So I thought you would be waiting for the next 20 or so posters before making any more posts that might affect the outcome. Personally I think it's a bloody silly idea that smacks of all or nothing tactics (that also puts an unreasonable pressure on posters to state a side, when the argument is between you and me) but it's your suggestion.
my post? sp

for the hell of it
Getting back to the topic of the thread, here's a telling bit of trivia.

Over the last few years, the lead SWSS candidate always came first or second in the elections for the part time positions on the NUS executive. This year, they got 10 votes. As I understand it it's the first time in decades that there hasn't been a SWSS candidate elected.
I may have misunderstood you. You said

So I thought you would be waiting for the next 20 or so posters before making any more posts that might affect the outcome. Personally I think it's a bloody silly idea that smacks of all or nothing tactics (that also puts an unreasonable pressure on posters to state a side, when the argument is between you and me) but it's your suggestion.

No i just offered up a straw poll, I'll keep posting in the interim but the offer still stands if people think I am sock puppeting I'll close the account. It's 1-0 to the sock puppet so far.
On the other issue, seriously, what do any of you hope to achieve by getting involved in back and forth over an issue that is apparently still being investigated? It may or may not be wise or well advised for people who are actually involved to "go public", that's up to them, but it's certainly not wise or productive for people who aren't involved to be debating things we really don't have any way of knowing much about.

(Also the sock puppet thing is silly.)
On the other issue, seriously, what do any of you hope to achieve by getting involved in back and forth over an issue that is apparently still being investigated? It may or may not be wise or well advised for people who are actually involved to "go public", that's up to them, but it's certainly not wise or productive for people who aren't involved to be debating things we really don't have any way of knowing much about.

(Also the sock puppet thing is silly.)

If it hadn't been raised and in that manner; no-one would be discussing it.
On the other issue, seriously, what do any of you hope to achieve by getting involved in back and forth over an issue that is apparently still being investigated? It may or may not be wise or well advised for people who are actually involved to "go public", that's up to them, but it's certainly not wise or productive for people who aren't involved to be debating things we really don't have any way of knowing much about.
But it's ok for organisations who don't know much about it to say he has "no case to answer" and point to his public character asassination of her?
But it's ok for organisations who don't know much about it to say he has "no case to answer" and point to his public character asassination of her?
let's not forget you belong to an organization which has blackened the names of lots of people. i don't think you've a leg to stand on on this point, an organization which has had a war criminal as leader: yet which thinks he, despite his complicity in the deaths of thousands, has, er, no case to answer.
But it's ok for organisations who don't know much about it to say he has "no case to answer" and point to his public character asassination of her?

I don't think it was wise or productive for the SP to say anything much at all about a case it has no direct involvement in either.

cesare said:
If it hadn't been raised and in that manner; no-one would be discussing it
Well, yes, nobody would be discussing it if someone hadn't raised it. The issue though is why does anyone think it's a good idea to still be talking about it, when an investigation is apparently still going on, and nobody on any side of the discussion seems to have anything solid to add.
Well, yes, nobody would be discussing it if someone hadn't raised it. The issue though is why does anyone think it's a good idea to still be talking about it, when an investigation is apparently still going on, and nobody on any side of the discussion seems to have anything solid to add.

That's your issue, and I'd be happy to leave it there. However my issue is that undermining that union rep is completely out of order to the point where I'm prepared to make a bloody stand over it. But if there's no more of it, there won't be anything for me to make a stand about.
However my issue is that undermining that union rep is completely out of order to the point where I'm prepared to make a bloody stand over it.

Presumably you know the rep in question, because otherwise that strikes me as somewhat trivial given a context of much more serious issues.
Presumably you know the rep in question, because otherwise that strikes me as somewhat trivial given a context of much more serious issues.
He's right in the middle of a very serious issue but I'd feel the same about any rep trying to represent a member in difficult circumstances.

Edit: Oh, I see. You want to know if I know him. No, I know of him and I was at an RMT meeting at Quaker Hall where he spoke once.
pickman's model said:
let's not forget you belong to an organization which has blackened the names of lots of people.

articul8's in the Fall?! well that's the last credence (s)he's getting on this topic from me.
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