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Star Wars discussion thread, Jar Jar, to Jedis.

One of those droids is worth a hundred stormtroopers, and would have wiped out the rebel troops on every infantry battle seen in the original and sequel trilogies. They would have certainly minced Han, Leia and those fucking Ewoks before they’d had a chance to get anywhere near the shield generator. Why the fuck would the Empire decommission them?
Constructing a battle station the size of a small moon with the power to destroy planets was a ruinously expensive endeavour for the Empire. And that meant cuts in other areas of Empire's army to pay for it. Those droids aren't cheap; do you have any idea how many credits each one costs? Something had to give to balance the Empire's budget, and having a huge army of stormtroopers had the bonus of keeping down unemployment in the Empire.
Droidekas also require corridors or quite flat grass to travel about. They'd be useless on sand, snow or a forest floor.
ISTR that part of the post-Republic fall also supposedly involved a loss of knowledge regarding certain technologies. Credible or not given the amount of time that had elapsed, he was trying for a kind of “dark ages” period at the point of the Rebellion, and contrasting that to the glory of the Republic at its height. Like comparing the Roman Empire to what followed its demise.
Constructing a battle station the size of a small moon with the power to destroy planets was a ruinously expensive endeavour for the Empire. And that meant cuts in other areas of Empire's army to pay for it. Those droids aren't cheap; do you have any idea how many credits each one costs? Something had to give to balance the Empire's budget, and having a huge army of stormtroopers had the bonus of keeping down unemployment in the Empire.
Plus the privatsation of the military meant that fiscal policy shifted to maximize dividends to shareholders.
Droids whilst effective aren't as cheap as a disposable labour force that can simply be coerced into serving due to repressive living conditions.
Bump as yet another reason why the prequel trilogy is an abomination has come to mind.

Some of the technology seen in the prequels is far more advanced and deadly than what we saw in the original and sequel trilogies, in particular these battle droids complete with deflector shields


Lucas will always deserve massive credit for the universe he delivered, but apart from the highly irritating repeated tweakings of the original trilogy, and the soul destroying disappointment the prequel trilogy turned out to be, how on earth could he think introducing advanced almost indestructible hardware on a prequel story can be credible?

One of those droids is worth a hundred stormtroopers, and would have wiped out the rebel troops on every infantry battle seen in the original and sequel trilogies. They would have certainly minced Han, Leia and those fucking Ewoks before they’d had a chance to get anywhere near the shield generator. Why the fuck would the Empire decommission them?

That is all true, and I think one of the great missed opportunities of the prequel trilogy was how the coming of the Empire was portrayed.

Obviously it was a different, pre-9/11 time but I think it would have been much more believable and a much better story if the Republic had turned into the Empire because of the efforts made in the Clone Wars. Personally I'd have loved it if, instead of the Trade Federation, the prequel enemy had been the Mon Calamari and they'd bred the clones to help them fight the Republic (as calling something the "Clone Wars" always made very little sense if it wasn't against the clones). The fight against and then suppression of / genocide of "those responsible" would have produced better and probably much darker films that could explain why it was that people let the Empire come into being (and still tolerated it years afterwards), why the Jedi were disposed of, why the rebellion relied on Mon Cal ships, why Vader kept fighting them and so on.
Bump as yet another reason why the prequel trilogy is an abomination has come to mind.

Some of the technology seen in the prequels is far more advanced and deadly than what we saw in the original and sequel trilogies, in particular these battle droids complete with deflector shields


Lucas will always deserve massive credit for the universe he delivered, but apart from the highly irritating repeated tweakings of the original trilogy, and the soul destroying disappointment the prequel trilogy turned out to be, how on earth could he think introducing advanced almost indestructible hardware on a prequel story can be credible?

One of those droids is worth a hundred stormtroopers, and would have wiped out the rebel troops on every infantry battle seen in the original and sequel trilogies. They would have certainly minced Han, Leia and those fucking Ewoks before they’d had a chance to get anywhere near the shield generator. Why the fuck would the Empire decommission them?
And yet the prequel trilogy is still better than the new sequels.
I watched about 20 minutes of minutiae about the components of protocol droids and thus why TC-14 is not a different model to C3PO in spite of what the 2006 expanded book about droids says, because this contradicts the 1989 role paying game anyway and why would it…

And then I thought, “what the HELL am I doing with my life?”
I watched about 20 minutes of minutiae about the components of protocol droids and thus why TC-14 is not a different model to C3PO in spite of what the 2006 expanded book about droids says, because this contradicts the 1989 role paying game anyway and why would it…

And then I thought, “what the HELL am I doing with my life?”
Watching a star wars video and the rest you where just wasting.
i clicked in the middle and managed 30 seconds which was about racer pod design in the computer game :D
....its fascinating in the extremity of the nerdiness and what star wars does to peoples brains

I refuse to believe there's anything nerdy about Star Wars.
whats the schedule for new star wars content: a disney product?
Andor S2 is said to have completed principal photography. No word yet on release date. The hope is Nov/Dec this year, otherwise Spring next year. That is the one product I and most people are really looking forward to, seeing as it is arguably the best SW content not just of the Disney era but since the original trilogy. Or to be more precise, since The Empire Strikes Back.

Various other spinoff series are due subsequent seasons but I don’t know which ones or frankly care for any further instalments of anything Disney has done. With the exception of The Mandalorian, of course; the next and apparently final instalment of which will actually be a theatrical release film rather than another season.

Disney has also said there is a new suite of theatrical releases planned in the next few years, but I reckon even they don’t know what they will be about or which timeline they’ll occupy. I’ve heard rumours about a new storyline set a millennia before the events of the original trilogy featuring the emergence of the Jedi Order, or even the Yoda race.
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I think I mentioned it before but my mate's in Andor 2. They went back just before Christmas to shoot the final retakes and also do the pew pew bits so the Sfx can put the lasers in.

Man was stoked to run around in set shouting Pew Pew!

He's such a nice guy. If the stones fall the right way, he'll l be a massive star.
I think I mentioned it before but my mate's in Andor 2. They went back just before Christmas to shoot the final retakes and also do the pew pew bits so the Sfx can put the lasers in.

Man was stoked to run around in set shouting Pew Pew!

He's such a nice guy. If the stones fall the right way, he'll l be a massive star.

He had the good sense to steal every prop not nailed down though right? ;)
He had the good sense to steal every prop not nailed down though right? ;)
I remember seeing Domhnall Gleeson being interviewed once, he said he really really wanted his character's (General Hux) coat, and when he turned up for the last day of filming, the coat had been removed so he never got to nick it :D
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