Bump as yet another reason why the prequel trilogy is an abomination has come to mind.
Some of the technology seen in the prequels is far more advanced and deadly than what we saw in the original and sequel trilogies, in particular these battle droids complete with deflector shields
Lucas will always deserve massive credit for the universe he delivered, but apart from the highly irritating repeated tweakings of the original trilogy, and the soul destroying disappointment the prequel trilogy turned out to be, how on earth could he think introducing advanced almost indestructible hardware on a prequel story can be credible?
One of those droids is worth a hundred stormtroopers, and would have wiped out the rebel troops on every infantry battle seen in the original and sequel trilogies. They would have certainly minced Han, Leia and those fucking Ewoks before they’d had a chance to get anywhere near the shield generator. Why the fuck would the Empire decommission them?