Random observation about SW plot holes, certainly not worth a new thread though.
Whenever I have any trouble falling asleep I tend to replay some of my favourite films to distract my mind. As it often the case one can have quite the revealing thoughts at that time of night.
And it recently occurred to me that the biggest plot hole in A New Hope isn’t the Desth Star’s laughable weakness (ignoring Rogue One’s solution to it). It surely is far more improbable than the Empire, who is desperate to find out the location of the rebel base, couldn’t really extract the information from any of the numerous Rebel troops captured when Vader raids Leia’s ship.
Vader says later in the film that Leia’s resistance to the mind probe droid is remarkable as she will just not reveal which planet the rebels are on. Are you telling me every single soldier would be as resilient? To mind probes, and torture?
Not to mention Jedi mind tricks, which a Sith Lord would be as capable of performing- probably better as they would not have any qualms about hurting or brain damaging their target- as any Jedi.
it should have taken the Empire a few hours at best to get the rebel base location from one of the prisoners they captured. A similar flaw affects the capture of Admiral Raddus’ ship at the end of Rogue One of course.