Storm in a tea cup anyone ?
You'll all perhaps think I'm being dismissive or evasive but...
all this stuff about the Data Protection Act and the fact that Synergy has broken the law :
Our lists are broken down into various component parts :
Those gathered off the web-site, with the privacy policy, are administered separately and only used to Synergy purposes, not exchanged with others. So, the privacy policy is intact.
Others we collect at the parties and at the info stall I used to run. No privacy policy attached. We control this list still but occassionally use it to send out info about partner organisations and their events - one of the explicit roles of Synergy - see the web-site mission statement. Continental Drifts exists to support underground arists breaking into the overground and didn't see that helping promoting Synergy was contrary to their objectives, but actually very compatible with them.
Various people on U75 are waving the data protection around, but has anyone actually read the Data Protection Act ? I'd be quite happy to stand up in a court and argue that the cooperation with Continental Drifts was very much in line with the stated aims of both organisations, which are agencies that exist to support and promote the arts and artists behind them.
Even now, we'be been asked to help Rising Tide - an organisation that takes on multi-nationals like BP and Total about global warming, to help them promote one of their events, at the forthcoming AGM of BP, through out lists. I think we should oblige as supporting eco-campaign groups is also part of our mission.
The remit of the Synergy Centre is slightly different from that of the Synergy Project. Anyone interested in reading the proposal can email me at
[email protected] and I'll send it on. The Council funding is to support the centre, not the project, and is to be spent on repairs to a disused community centre, not the salaries of anyone involved.