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Spammed by the Synergy Project

zubaier said:
christ, well, i think the horse is well and truly dead now.. the trauma of receiving a spam is clearly still too much for most of the elite brixton crew, so heres a coupla pressies for y'all..
I see you've managed to spectacularly miss the point.

Seeing as the issues here are clearly a little too much for you to engage with, perhaps its best you stick to posting up pretty little pictures.

But not here. We're trying to have a grown up discussion.
Depressing - I mean maybe it'll turn out to be a good thing, I dunno. But even the name "Synergy" sounds pretentious really.

"Synergy maaan!"

Yeah right. You hear teens on the street saying that all the time don't you?

:rolleyes: :(
Terrific posts by TeeJay. Which should, by law, be printed on the cover page of every grant application form, and maybe projected onto the Lambeth Town Hall clock.

If only 1% of what TeeJay writes is correct then the issues of democracy, accountability and transparency are central to Synergy's Brixton operation.

Yet unless a members list is found we're dealing with two private limited companies consisting of three people who have just got their hands on £41,000 of public funds (possibly 'matched' with another £41,000).

And Steve has posted:
We're not going to publish our accounts on the web. They are open to people who contribute, not otherwise.
I also wish Synergy every success. But it would be great if there was a bit of democracy, accountability and transparency as well.
I hear a great deal of loud music on my estate, but never ever, hand on heart, the sound of trance. People just arn't into it.

So true the young adults who would benefit from this kind of project, I know, are 100% Garage and RnB and would die of shame before being seen at a trance or even techno event (or even to be associated with white dreaded fluro type crew would be enough to put most off).

I hope they do some good though and lay off the fluro crusty trance hippy look when earning their wage down the community center.
Without wanting to sound like a conspiracy theorist, after more than three years without hearing a single peep, out of the blue I today suddenly get an email from Lambeth Town Hall inviting me to:

...an evening showcase of Brixton's Creative and Cultural Community.

Host: Valerie Shawcross, London Assembly Member for Lambeth & Southwark.

Tuesday 23rd March 2004, 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
London's Living Room, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA.

RSVP to [email protected] (020) 7926 1097
Paul Rogers - Brixton Regeneration Manager

He was also kind enough to leave all the email addresses in the "To:" field of the header (which is one way in which people can get hold of vast numbers of email addresses).

Anyway, it is kind of relevant to this tread, in as far as I am wondering if they are going to have some of this trance stuff included in the line up? ;)

(By the way, if anyone would like to go in my place*, all I ask is that you print of my previous post about funding in Lambeth and pass it around at the event. :D :D :D )

*It is actually a Brixton Area Forum event by the looks of it so it should be open to everyone really, although you probably need to register/book a place beforehand. If in doubt just tell them you got an email about it from them.
Odd use of Public Wedge

Teejah, a fantastic post that actually should be required reading for anyone disbursing public funds, perhaps you should use the list kindly provided by Lambeth Council in oreder to inform those attending of the real issues.
IT does seem that the Smoke and Mirrors method espoused by New Labours leadership is actually seem as the way forward by all their Junior Minions at local level.
Surely, if any public money is to spent they ought to be forced to actually ask local people if thats what they want. Persoally I think people of Goa ought to be asked if they want their States name associated with this bollocks- actually I know what the answer would be, you only have to read the letters pages of the Goan newspapers to realise that they are even more pissed off with it than anybody here is.
If they do any good, well, fair play- but I reckon its about as applicable to local interests as a publicly funded Palestinain Folk Dance class in Stamford Hill
TeeJay said:
All I can remember you doing managing a troop of African drummers and using every opportunity to get them onto the bill at ever single event on the circuit.

Well he did a good job: I remember seeing them perform in Weymouth!
"...an evening showcase of Brixton's Creative and Cultural Community.

Host: Valerie Shawcross, London Assembly Member for Lambeth & Southwark"

I got that too.

"hosted" by Valerie Shawcross? - mmm, I take it she's doing stand-up comedy then?

I guess this is a business event, because I've never heard of anything "creative" in Brixton "hosted" by a politician.

I guess it won't be anything like a punk gig at the Railway with fisting videos then? Or Test Department at Cooltan or a Basement Jaxx Junction party?

I hate to be so cynical, really, but this labelling of Brixton as a "cultural quarter"? Will it really make this a more interesting, cultural place to live? I think all the artists have left anyway..... and their studio spaces have been turned into executuve live/work units.

I hope I'm wrong.
Sorry to float this up to the top again, but I think it's such a shame that Steve decided to take aim at his foot and fire in such a stupid way.

The last few Synergy nights have always clashed with nights we (or our friends) were putting on, so I haven't seen what it's been like recently - I do know that the folks involved do range across the whole spectrum from full-on hippy to shrewd businessmen and women (and in some cases both). Having seen the resulting disappointment when two major parties with huge potential were shut down last year, I can see why they chose to go in the direction they did.

I'd like to say to Steve (and Enrico Antiworld if he's listening) that *spamming doesn't work*, and most people really hate it. You're more likely to convince a recipient to never have anything to do with your parties than get them to go. Synergy was always going to get loads of people from the ID Spiral/Liquid Connective posse, plus their friends and random people, to come anyway - more than enough to pack out the SEOne.

Musical opinions (I quite like psy-trance, but as with almost any genre about 80% of it is *dire*) and social grouping (yeah, I'm a bit of a hippy, but I try not to shove it in people's faces) aside, I know that Steve's broadsides at the Urban crew are not even remotely true, and that if it weren't for the spamming (and later, Steve's frankly *bizarre* ranting) the antipathy would never have grown.

Hi guys, hope all's well - 's been a while.

Steve... *shakes head* - opportunity wasted, and you've only got yourself to blame.

Anna Key said:
Any idea why he did it?

Your guess is as good as mine... :(

An interesting point made by another guy on another board though...

Quotes from the Synergy Project members sign-up page;

please fill in the following information to become a synergy project website member.
this information will be used only by us, we will not pass it on to any 3rd party
and your email address will never appear on this site.


email :

we will not pass this on to any third party,
and it will not appear on the web-site.

Quote from Urban75 by Steve Indigenous

We did a emailing list trade with a friendly organisation, who we did a favour for at the same time.

The two posts would seem to contradict each other. N'est pas?

It annoys the hell out of me because it gives party organisers a bad name - especially when a lot of them do go out of their way to promote responsibly, without resorting to email or text spam. It annoys me especially because if you do it to a place like Urban (which is quite equivocal in it's attitude to music), it gives the psy-trance scene a bad name by extension. Which is in itself quite ironic because a representative of Synergy posted a while back saying that they were trying to de-emphasise psytrance within their night.

I'd like to add to this that Steve's 'tude is doubly annoyong, 'cos many of us-Dub, Gramsci, Brixton Hatter etc-have bent over backwards to be reasonable and fair-minded, when it would have been easier (and p'raps justified) to go into full-steam headbangrant mode from the off. Now I'm thinking, why did I fucking bother? :mad:
Anna Key said:
Nah. The hippies would moan about it being just so, like, square and boring man.

if you knew what you were talking about, you would know that people don't really talk like that any more...
Cariad said:
if you knew what you were talking about, you would know that people don't really talk like that any more...

Anna Key takes pride in being a grumpy old man. But I think he know's he's "square".

TeeJay said:
I today suddenly get an email from Lambeth Town Hall inviting me to:

...an evening showcase of Brixton's Creative and Cultural Community.
Host: Valerie Shawcross, London Assembly Member for Lambeth & Southwark.
Tuesday 23rd March 2004, 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
London's Living Room, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA.
RSVP to [email protected] (020) 7926 1097
Paul Rogers - Brixton Regeneration Manager

I saw a notice on the fence at Windrush Square advertising some sort of Jazz event on Sat 27 March, also being hosted by Lambeth Regeneration. Is it connected? Anyone know any more?
Cariad said:
if you knew what you were talking about, you would know that people don't really talk like that any more...

B4 U start 2 slag off established membaz of dese boards U betta jus know 4 tru dat Anna Key is one SERIOUSLY kool geezah! Innit!
I doubt anyone still cares, but...

Hi everyone, first post!!!

Seeing as Steve quotes people from psy-forum without asking permission, he obviously wont mind if I do it to him! hee hee hee! ;) :D :p :)

As I said on U75 a few times, the spamming issue is just a smokesreen for other differences between me and somebody I used to work with, ripped me off big time and is now pissed off that we have got some funding from the local council to open a community centre. The reason I'm so aloof with them is I know why they're having a go, and it has little to do with spamming but everything to do with local Brixton politics.

We traded our list with an organisation called Continental Drifts, who are a really sound organisation keen to support Synergy. Check their web-site to see who they are. Note that I'm happy to reveal their identity here, among reasonably supportive people, than on U75 where there are some people who bear us some serious ill-will.

Anyway, can someone tell me why spamming is any different from receiving junk mail in the post ? So easy to throw it in the bin. Why is it so unethical to send someone an unsolicited email ?

I'm keen to hear...


Clears up where they got the list from at least! This thread is great, i'm going to have to start spending more time here! ha ha ha!
i fucking knew it was from Continental Drifts, and i'll be having a word with a couple of them at the weekend about what a dickhead Steve has made out of himself and how it may reflect badly on them..
The reason I'm so aloof with them is I know why they're having a go, and it has little to do with spamming but everything to do with... .

.. the fact that they've all realised what an utter, utter cock you are.
x2c quoting Steve said:
the spamming issue is just a smokesreen for other differences between me and somebody I used to work with...
No it's not. I assume Steve's referring to Shane Collins.

I've met Shane Collins once. I've never been to the cannabis festival, never knowingly attended any of the venues Shane's been associated with, never been a member of the Green Party, never supported the Green Party and never voted Green. In fact I'm quite anti-Green.

What I object to is two private limited companies consisting of three people and - according to Companies House - with no members receiving £41,000 of public money, possibly matched by another £41,000 from elsewhere.

Where's the transparency? Where's the democracy? Where's the accountability? Answer: there isn't any.

But there is a tremendous amount of hippy bullshit which seems almost a substitute for the normal accountability rules when spending public money on communty activity. Plus there's the spamming.

So Steve's 100% wrong. I couldn't care less about his spat with Shane Collins (except it's quite funny to watch). But I do care about the absence of democracy, transparency and accountability surrounding a £41,000 grant for a Brixton community centre.

Wecome x2c. :)
And I shall also quote his latest post on psy-forum as well, for he finally has given some sort of "answer" to the question about their privacy policy and the Data Protection Act...

steve indiginous said:
Storm in a tea cup anyone ?

You'll all perhaps think I'm being dismissive or evasive but...

all this stuff about the Data Protection Act and the fact that Synergy has broken the law :

Our lists are broken down into various component parts :

Those gathered off the web-site, with the privacy policy, are administered separately and only used to Synergy purposes, not exchanged with others. So, the privacy policy is intact.

Others we collect at the parties and at the info stall I used to run. No privacy policy attached. We control this list still but occassionally use it to send out info about partner organisations and their events - one of the explicit roles of Synergy - see the web-site mission statement. Continental Drifts exists to support underground arists breaking into the overground and didn't see that helping promoting Synergy was contrary to their objectives, but actually very compatible with them.

Various people on U75 are waving the data protection around, but has anyone actually read the Data Protection Act ? I'd be quite happy to stand up in a court and argue that the cooperation with Continental Drifts was very much in line with the stated aims of both organisations, which are agencies that exist to support and promote the arts and artists behind them.

Even now, we'be been asked to help Rising Tide - an organisation that takes on multi-nationals like BP and Total about global warming, to help them promote one of their events, at the forthcoming AGM of BP, through out lists. I think we should oblige as supporting eco-campaign groups is also part of our mission.

The remit of the Synergy Centre is slightly different from that of the Synergy Project. Anyone interested in reading the proposal can email me at [email protected] and I'll send it on. The Council funding is to support the centre, not the project, and is to be spent on repairs to a disused community centre, not the salaries of anyone involved.

Curiously enough, I - and others from these boards - are now being spammed by the SEOne club.

Just like with Synergy's list, I didn't subscribe to their mailing list or request to be sent any material.

And would you believe it? Synergy's club nights are hosted at....the SEOne club!!!

What a co-incidence!

Maybe I'll write to them and ask where they got their list from...
I've just taken a look at their website and noticed there's a petulant - and dishonest - link description to this site:

"Urban 75 (irrelvant anti-Synergy ranting)"

Oh, and it's spelt 'irrelevant', Steve.

I can't be arsed to explain to you all over again that urban75 is not 'anti-Synergy', but I would suggest you get off your high horse and read what people have actually said.

And why don't you take on board my good advice about the dreadful accessibility issues of your site's design? Or don't you give a fuck about people with disabilities?
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