steve indigenou said:
Both Synergy Communities (the parent company of the Synergy Project) and The Brixton Synergy Centre are properly constituted non-profit organisations (unlike previous other 'underground' community arts projects we could mention !) After each party we present our accounts to the wider community who have put the party on for approval.
We do not donate money to the particpating NGOs. Many of us having been working unpaid in the holistic education sector for years and are trying to make a living from it. We are currently in debt, as working in what is a very competitive marketplace has ensured we have not always covered our costs. All surpluses in the future will either go towards paying the artists and crew who put on the parties a decent wage for their work or in developing infrastructure to support emerging talent and organisations in the creative industries.
So Steve, you run these two organisations? Presumably you set the wages for everyone including yourself? Or maybe you have a few of you who do it together? You charge people £13 for coming to parties and also blag taxpayers money and all this goes into paying yourself what you think is a "fair wage", and investing in more equipment and stuff for the "project"? I wonder if the "emerging talent and organisations in the creative industries" is just shorthand for "me and my mates"?
It sounds like you have nicked the entire idea from the Jan Rebane/Ecotrip centre - you are even using the same location - and other squat parties, free festivals and other stuff from the last ten years or so, except back then everyone was doing it as volunteers and all the money raised went on campaigning or simply went on the next party or event. Most people were living off the dole or had bits of other work - it was a voluntary thing done because people believed in it, and was anti-capitalist, linked to road protests and free festivals and squat parties etc, not an excuse to set up a company and pay themselves wages.
I understand that campaigning, voluntary work and putting on free or donation-only fundraisers is hard work and you have finally decided that you need to get a "job". But dressing this up as some kind of 'radical' campaigning thing is just pure bullshit, but then again I always did wonder if you were interested in politics anyway. Just for the record - what *are* your political beliefs, if any? All I can remember you doing managing a troop of African drummers and using every opportunity to get them onto the bill at ever single event on the circuit. I never remember you being anything more than a kaftan-wearing lifestylist, certainly never anything very political.
OK, you are now going to say that this is totally wrong and all the money raised is going to go to good causes (apart from you and the staff of course)...
Just the other day, for example, I had a meeting with the Somali community in Streatham, who need help bringing together artists from within the Somali refugee community to do educational workshops in schools to tackle racism and discrimination.
You doing any of this kind of community work Mike, Hatboy ? Much more fun and so much easier to continue slagging us off, ain't it ?
This is a *meeting*. Is this yet another ruse to blag yet more taxpayers and charity money to get pumped into you buying disco equipment so that you can have "trance parties" and pay yourself whatever you feel you 'deserve' for the priviledge? Can you point to a single good cause that money has gone to so far? Have you done one single thing for the community and/or for charity or local people yet? Or is this just more hot air and pie in the sky so people will fork out yet more money so you can pay secretly yourself whatever you feel like, buy more toys and build up a mini-me empire to rival that of the ersewhile "great leader"? Just to add - the bit of text I read about "providing placements" sounds rather like you are going to get supplied with New-Deal-type teenagers as zero-costs labout for when you go and make money with your "rave tent" around the festivals. There used to be a word for zero-cost sweated labour - what was it? oh that's right - "slavery". And I have seen this scam in action in Lambeth before, so I know what I am talking about (long live the YTS). Why not get some community service people from the Probation Service while you are at it too? (Maybe you could "re-educate" them with your quasi-neo-fascist-post-rational dribble at the same time?
Come on mate, prove you aren't just some theiving con-artist! Oh sorrry - that's right - it's none of our business.
steve indigenou said:
The ethics of spam can be discussed in greater detail at another time.
Yeah right! Sure they can.
In case you hadn't noticed but your spammery started this whole thread. You have broken the law and you won't even say sorry. Frankly, you'd deserve it if someone reported you and you were taken to court. Judging by how unpleasant and unapologetic you've been so far maybe its actually better you keep your mouth shut since it wouldn't be surprising if this doesn't end in legal action. Alternatively you could try and be honest, immediately tell everyoine where you got the email addresses from and apologise unreservedly, although personally I feel you deserve to have the book thrown at you. Fool.
By the way, jusy a side note, don't think you are somehow becoming "respectable" by getting into bed with Lambeth council and the whole snout-in-the-trough "charity" industry. Lambeth and many its spin-offs are the biggest firm of crooks, con-artists and jobs-for-the-boys south of the river FFS. On second thoughts maybe they are right up you street - they are past masters of getting money for the community which they then pour into black holes, the masters of fraud-by-business-plan and the high arts of "making up your own job description and salary then doing fuck all for the community". I wonder if it is a coincidence that those same Conservative (and Lib Dem) councillors who have been trying to prosecute Shane in the courts over the canbnabis festival are the same matey-matey new friends of yours who seem to be throwing you a bung (a retainer perhaps) and probably love to see you calling the main Green party person in Lambeth a criminal. I have always wondered if this attention correlates in any way to the steadily rising Green Party vote in Lambeth, where in many wards it has overtaken the Conservatives, Labout and Lib Dems to become the second-place party. Dirty tricks? But how could I think such things? Hope you can sleep at night mate with all your new ethically-sound Conservative mates that you seem to have made.
And then on to your real agenda for posting here - not to apologise for spamming and breaching the Data Protection Act, or getting money under false poretences but:
In the past, say in Ecotrip, which was run on different principles, people were not paid and the money was siphoned off to support the political career of the charismatic leader.
I seem to remember the last time you libelled Shane Collins on Urban75 you were told to put up or shut. I seem to remember (although maybe others can conform it for me) that you were neither able to "put up" *any* evidence or witnesses nor were you able to shut up, and the whole thread was binned - something normally reserved on Urban75 for threads started by the worst type of BNP-trolling fuckwits.
Since you have no compunction in repeatedly calling Shane a thief despite not one shred of evidence and many other people saying that you are lying through your teeth (because you have a personal vendetta against the guy and you are insanely jealous), I have no compunction in telling everyone that you are dishonest, a liar and a fraud. You have set this whole thing up as an ego-driven, money-making power-trip and I will be glad to see you fail miserably when you are rumbled and run out of town. Maybe you will do your own version of Lord Lucan and run away to your beloved Goa when the courts and creditors come looking for your sorry arse. Oh sorry - its a limited liability company. You shoud be OK then.
Now the thing is, in this life you very often see people on the make or onto some little scam, but life is too short to stick your nose in. The difference with you Mr Steve
<suname removed>, is that you are starting a fight. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. You're in a glass house, wired up with semtex and a trip switch mate. I suggest you shut the fuck, stop making false allegations, stop nicking anti-capitalist clothing, slogans and ideas for your little scam, and you might just get away with it. Carry on like this and it will blow right up in your face.
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothin comes out when they move they lips
Just a buncha gibberish
And muthafuckas act like they forgot about Dre