editor said:
I'm confident that there's been no security lapses on these boards, but unless I get a full explanation from Steve as to where he acquired my personal email addresses, I will be taking the matter further.
It's up to you Steve....
First the good news, there's not been a security breach on U75. We did a emailing list trade with a friendly organisation, who we did a favour for at the same time. We discussed the issue of spam at the time, and both thought it wouldn't be a problem. I will be discussing it with them on Monday, having already left a message that this has come up. I am sure that they would be happy to discuss it with Mike and will ask them to call him asap to clarify their position.
I also think this Spam issue is just a smokescreen for underlying issues about Cooltan, Shane, and the ideology of engagement, with the old-timers in Brixton feeling threatened by a new organisation with a different approach of which they're suspicious. I haven't got the time and energy to indulge the petty play-ground (or should it be farm-yard) politics of Mike and Dubversion for as I've made pretty clear, I don't give a shit what they think about me or Synergy, largely because other people (who can have an impact on the success of the project) matter alot more, so I'm going to put my energies into enaging with them, which will benefit the people I work with alot more than defending ourselves on U75.
I could go into some length about the issues surrounding stucture and engagement, but have done so elsewhere to little avail. When the centre opens, I will be happy to sit down and debate the finer points with the contributors who are more interested in discussing real issues than heaping abuse on us.
Synergy is a private non-profit company limited by guarantee.
Cooltan Arts, are probably now the same and are, with a delightful twist of irony, now engaged in Southwark's Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) scheme, which is the counterpart to the Lambeth Raising our Sights programme that is funding the Synergy Centre.
for more info see :
I could say alot about New Age Mysticism and Dance Culture, the merits of post-rational belief systems and the like, but when all Mike will do is to come back with some more foul-mouthed abuse as a substitute for an argument, it hardly seems worthwhile.
One more thing.
While I have a lot of respect for the work some of the U75 people have done campaigning against the Merrits in Brixton (an issue on which we are very much in agreement), U75 should not kid itself that the Council pay you that much attention or that you should think of yourselves as having the monopoly on activist-cool in Brixton. Of course, U75 is just a forum, but to me it seems that Mike seems to think that he has some monopoly of wisdom on what is what around here.
For too long, Shane, Mike, Marky and co have been doing things in the same way, and in my eyes not really doing much of any lasting value. Synergy represents a threat to their status as the local alternative cultural vanguard, and they are pissed off as anything that we're actually doing well. So don't expect me to get all flustered when you guys have a pop, as to get all wound up about it will just indulge your pettiness.
The bottom line is this :
Organisations supporting Synergy :
War on Want
Vegan Society,
The Gaia Foundation
Tourism Concern
Survival International.
United Diversity
Lambeth Education Business Partnership
and before too long, the Arts Council of England too...
plus all the people who come to our parties, as they did last night, and say how brilliant they are.
People who say Synergy is shit :
Mike Slocombe
and others who neither know me nor my work.
And you expect me to bend over backwards and grovel in the face of your vitriol ?