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    Lazy Llama

Spammed by the Synergy Project

I would be interested how Synergy got the email addresses-their is no answer on this question which concerns me.

Im not into alternative "spirituality" myself but a surprisingly large number of people are--Astrology,I ching,Tarot,Buddhism,Jungian pyschology etc.Usually a mixture of various influences that also include American style positive thinking like NLP.This is not specific to "Synergy".Also a lot of "Greens" are into this stuff in relation to saving the planet.

My concerns with it are that those who dont believe it are often labelled as,for example,not in touch with their emotions etc.Also even though some find "Synergy" website over the top it does surprise me the number of people I meet who believe their is something in Astrology for example.

Their is an increasingly slightly scary IMO tendency in modern culture to seek in the irrational a solution to personal and political problems.

See this article on Adorno and irrational beliefs,

what a line-up:

In full acoustic flavour we will indulge in:
Pinknruby Enchanting and truly beautiful duet
Carrie Tree Soft innocence and beauty all in a voice
Martha Tilston Mesmerising songstress of Mouse fame
Fantazmagoria Gypsy waltz ska cabaret

worth the 75 quid entrance fee all by itself..
Epona said:
I have nothing against people who are genuinely spiritual - if I did I'd have to hate my entire family!

What I do think is cheesy is when it's used as marketing, which is what is going on here. OTT graphics and a hippy-trippy website. Statements like 'chakra altar' and that bloody pyramid thing - it's nothing more than spin used as an advertisement to appeal to the pseudo-hippy tie-dye teenage juggler market.

Real personal spirituality I have the greatest respect for even if I am not in the slightest bit spiritual myslef. This just comes across as fake.

That is exactly it.
While aware that what Synergy has done is totally out of order, I am sort of into the alternative culture/psychdelic trance scene myself, and I am now wondering if it's all "hippy bollocks" or if there is some genuine stuff out there in that scene/subculture (if there is give examples).
i noticed mr synergy lurking earlier, i rather hoped he'd provide us with some answers on the whole spam business.

no such luck.

maybe he's off trying to find the best way to apologise.
bristle-krs said:
that is a great title :D

Heres the rest of the article...

Ever thought about all that being born timing stuff? What you saw that younger folks missed, what you missed that older folks saw, what you were there for but missed anyway, or what you were supposed to miss but it was late so you saw it, or it was early or something?
I always reckoned I'd been pretty lucky; firstly I was born long enough ago to have witnessed England win the world cup - absolute magic - although at two weeks old I admittedly failed to grasp some of the finer psycho-cultural implications... and secondly, the timing was perfect so that during those years prior to developing any interest in music whatsoever, I grew up blissfully unaware of one of the darkest sonic calamities of our time....progressive rock. It's great to think that while all those earwigs were running around getting me to throw darts at them, the apocalyptic ear spaghetti generation passed me by like a dinosaur in the night. Nice one earwig martyrdom fellas!

So what the hell's going on then? well, psychoanalysis has taught us that those events of shame that we, as individuals, societies and cultures fail to digest properly and come to terms with, are likely to be acted out by, or upon, the next generation in a guilt resurrection psychodrama swap thing. Take a top 70's fashion, like flares; who can say that we ever came to terms with the issues surrounding all that stuff? So, the 80's were spent in denial that they ever existed and then, whaddaya know...90's youth in audacious leg yacht encounter. Well, flappy keks are one thing, but, moving closer to the cultural epicentre, I have far more serious charges of generational guilt misanthropy to lay out; I ask you this... goa trance - 90's prog rock or what?

Goa trance - prog rock - its the same thing isn't it?... an additional 20 years of hippy distillation bother, but basically the same old formula; lumpen rhythms and arse magic... in a word, thdogsdinnr. Yet loads of folks have seemingly been lappin' it up for quite some time now. Or have they? Call me an old and grumpy person, but I'm a bit suspicious of stuff that exists in symbiotic relationship to gonzo drug culture - stuff where, it seems, you've got to get out of it to get into it; total disconnection. But one quick look at the cosmic arm judo & goldfish face buffoonery on the goa type dancefloor certainly suggests some form of drastic mind-body existential interface connection drama; Oi mate! That's not dancing! Obviously, lumpen rhythms & sort of annoying flapping bits go hand in glove with lumpen torsos & sort of annoying flapping bits, but where's it all going to end? During which stage of evolution was it that the hips - the major pivotal joints in the human body last time I looked - became redundant? Geoff Hurst didn't score a hat-trick in the '66 world cup final by flapping his arms in the air and gurning at Jerry. No no no; he wiggled & jiggled, got deep & funky down the middle, found some space & time, and whack! And did he go into some sort of trance ("hypnotic state resembling sleep" according to my dictionary)? Course not. That's why its so ridiculous to hear these goa-type folks claim him as one of the forerunners of their scene. Come off it goa-type folks! Did he have a picture of Ganesh on his back? Or some fractal shit? No way - he had the number 7 or 9 or 10 or something.

(By the way, what is it with all this Ganesh stuff and the wholesale appropriation of the symbols of eastern mystic tradition? Alright, we've all taken acid, and it throws up all sorts of interesting & expansive psychological spaces, experiences and intuitions, both beyond & beside the mundane; fair enough. And I'm sure that the Aurobindos & Buddhas and Booboos & Patanjalis of this world have taken a few drugs in their time, but the thought that the combination of psychedelics, pretty pictures & wibbly arse magic add up to anything but the shallowest of backwaters in comparison to the intensive internal work that fosters the depth of inner/outer understanding, awareness and transrational insight of these bods has got to be, like, having a laugh. It's like appropriating the bit of froth without the pint of lager. Bad animal psychedelia!)

No, Hursty showed us future sonic salvation alright, but it has knack-all to do with trance; think about it.... deep & funky right down the middle, space & time, and the occasional dubby echo bit - these were the groundbreaking musical hurstivisions of '66, and sure enough thats exactly whats really great now and I should know, I love it. Not the trance 'em folks though; just like that speccy no-eyes bloke in Jurassic Park who gets a bit lost & drops his retro DNA stash & gets covered in goo & eaten by those frisky little dinosaur fellas... the combination of reptilian chemicals & the trancosaurus hex have unleashed the shady underworld of the 10 second romantics into a parallel flakytopian universe of negative reality inversion, karmic overdraft and general mishaps. Take my housemate - buys decks...buys trance records...falls over... knocks teeth out. I do believe there's a lesson for us all there... and here's another good one; my friend's son, six weeks old, every time he hears trance stuff bursts into tears. Well what does he know you might say? Well I know loads, and its only my enduring internal acquiescence to the stereotypical male culture of apparent emotional invulnerability that stops me going the same way. Probably. That and the shouting.

Anyway, despite all this stuff, I was going to reacquaint myself with goa in a big-scale-big-club sort of way - I thought it would be good groundwork for a thoughtful, well researched and sensitive piece, instead of this gratuitous and ill-informed dis... but then, like my friend Scampi said, what on earth's wrong with a gratuitous and ill-informed dis? And now that I think about it, I'm sure that the last time I did end up at a goa night was what started my hair falling out - compliments of the Moseley hair thieves. Thanks, hippies
Steve, if you're still lurking, I'm intrigued enough by what you're doing (and how) to prolly check it out at some point, BUT....you really didn't write the book "winning friends and influencing people", did you? In response to a legit gripe from Mike (I mean, do YOU like spamming? I don't, and I speak with the authority of someone who has just been invited to their 15th penis extension trial in 14 days), you've totally gone off on one. I don't necessarily disagree with your authorities-partnership approoach to what you do-I've just not personally seen any fruit of your arts 'n' education labours. And - for all that's been said on the subject here - what makes yer so sure that Mike or anyone else does?
And if you really want to engage with the wider community, ranting on here about how U75 is somehow unjustifiably persecuting you is a bizarre way of pursuing that end.
"someone who has just been invited to their 15th penis extension trial in 14 days".

15 extensions. Really? And it's still not big enough? You poor luv. :)
I've been spammed by them also, a couple of days ago ... :mad:

Just because I go to Glastonbury a lot, doesn't mean I've got any time for their wibbling New Age crystal hugging cobblers, if I hear words like Balance You Aura or Realign Your Yin Tang Chakra at Glasto, I head straight for the Cider Bus ... :D
so how did the email farming happen?

editor? is there a security loophole? because if this many of us have been spammed he's obviously gathered the emails from here somehow (if it had just been a couple of us, maybe not - i'd have probably got one from Continental Drifts anyway, and the editor's email is no secret) but this smacks of skullduggery.

can we ban the fucker?
I'm slightly gutted that the Synergy project has got off on such a wrong foot here and would be the first to admit that Steve with his "qualified" apology hasn't helped things much either.

But aside from all the chakra bs and the spamming I'm prepared to wait and see if the project comes up with the goods before judging them too harshly.
Loki said:
I'm slightly gutted that the Synergy project has got off on such a wrong foot here and would be the first to admit that Steve with his "qualified" apology hasn't helped things much either.

But aside from all the chakra bs and the spamming I'm prepared to wait and see if the project comes up with the goods before judging them too harshly.
but what goods? a couple of leaflet stalls at their overpriced trance nights and maybe some tai chi lessons at the 'arts centre' (ahem).

that'll have the authorities quaking.
Dubversion said:
so how did the email farming happen?

editor? is there a security loophole? because if this many of us have been spammed he's obviously gathered the emails from here somehow (if it had just been a couple of us, maybe not - i'd have probably got one from Continental Drifts anyway, and the editor's email is no secret) but this smacks of skullduggery.

can we ban the fucker?
I'd wager it was from some sort of Brixton-based source, since I've not gotten any (unless my spam filter killed them).

Of course, an "ethical spammer" would identify the source, letting those who don't want to be spammed remove themselves from it. Let's not go into the legal ramifications.
Dubversion said:
editor? is there a security loophole? because if this many of us have been spammed he's obviously gathered the emails from here somehow (if it had just been a couple of us, maybe not - i'd have probably got one from Continental Drifts anyway, and the editor's email is no secret) but this smacks of skullduggery.
I'm confident that there's been no security lapses on these boards, but unless I get a full explanation from Steve as to where he acquired my personal email addresses, I will be taking the matter further.

It's up to you Steve....
steve indigenou said:
Just the other day, for example, I had a meeting with the Somali community in Streatham, who need help bringing together artists from within the Somali refugee community to do educational workshops in schools to tackle racism and discrimination.

You doing any of this kind of community work Mike, Hatboy ? Much more fun and so much easier to continue slagging us off, ain't it ?
Glad to see Mike and Hatboy didn't respond to this. But there's no reason why I can't.

The other day I witnessed Hatboy at a public meeting where, with a few well-chosen words, he got the draft UDP changed - Lambeth's hugely influential ten year built-environment plan - so national chain stores are formally discouraged from colonising central Brixton and turning it into a cod Tunbridge Wells of corporate blandness.

This isn't a "sexy" instance of what David Blunkett calls "Active Citizenship," such as the one you give, and being a modest sort of person I've not heard Hatboy go on about it.

Then there's this website, the "foul-mouthed hypocrite" owner of which you illegally spammed, and then huffed and puffed (in amusing Mrs Bucket fashion) when asked to desist and apologise.

U75 is a model example of free agents of all types and backgrounds (very large numbers of them) jointly pursuing their interests: from exchanging gossip to getting laid to arguing about politics to fighting local campaigns to taking the piss out of "hey man" spirituality on the rates.

And it's sustained for years at nil cost to members and taxpayers. I hope Synergy lasts as long.

A number of people in authority will dislike U75 intensely. You can't have ordinary people self-organising and providing themselves with a strong media platform beyond the control of their elders and betters.

That sort of thing must be left to Rupert Murdoch, Dirty Desmond and Esther Rantzen. It must be reserved for those - such as your organisation, with its opaque finances - which collaborate with the state.

So good luck to Synergy. And well done for helping the refugees. I suspect what really irritates you about urban75 is that, unlike Synergy, it hasn't climbed into bed with the state and is hugely successful as a consequence.

Yes. I bet that pisses you off. U75's success suggests that a collaborationist venture such as Synergy is not only a sell-out it's a failure of imagination as well.

But good for you for pursuading the politicians and their paid bureauctats to fund Synergy. But there'll be a price to be paid. All Quislings pay for their collaboration. You're paying a bit on this thread. And you don't like it. It makes you angry, humourless, defensive and aggressive.

Would you mind terribly if I suggested that a modicum of charm, self-effacement and a sense of humour might go a long way to "sell" Synergy?

Perhaps spend an hour "chilling" in a floatation tank clutching a tantric crystal to the accompaniment of "ambyant computa sounz?"

BTW have you considered twining Synergy with an excellent new website called "Dissensus?" It could be a marriage made in heaven.
anna - i'm sorry i didn't vote for you at xmas. but i'm happy to doorstep on your behalf when the next election's up.

Dubversion said:
but what goods? a couple of leaflet stalls at their overpriced trance nights and maybe some tai chi lessons at the 'arts centre' (ahem).

that'll have the authorities quaking.

No, I was talking about the Brixton Synergy centre.
it'll be a club space which will try and justify its funding by hosting some basketweaving.

like the Dogstar did with the community webcafe that didn't actually ever exist.
The first thing is that the Head Honcho and moderators run this site on a voluntary basis so that IMO counts as valuable community work.

I agree with Anna that this site causes those in "official" power problems as they dont control it.Mention this site to any Councillor and they start looking worried or pretend they have not heard of it.Whilst Blunkett et al go on about "Active Citizenship" they dont mean U75.They mean well behaved people who will swear allegiance to the Crown.

I also think Synergy should come clean on where it got the email addresses from.Someone said they could have come from a Brixton source.In that case as Synergy work with the Council could the Council be a possbility?

Their is a political debate to be had about working within the Council/Government structures without being coopted.Secondly their is a discussion about Structure versus Structurelessness.

Unless you are going to be an out and out Anarchist working within (the Brixton context) means dealing with the Council.I cant see any way out of it.Its how the bike shop campaign was done.Also those of us dealing with Housing issues have to deal with Councillors.Is this collaboration?Not necessarily.It does mean making compromises.

The second issue is that of the "Tyranny of Structurelessness".This issue has arisen out of the recent "Anti-capitalist"/newer Green movement movement-but actually is an older issue going back to the 60s.Having no structure was considered desirable as this meant that the problem of power/hierarchy was solved.Having no structure would mean that the project that people worked on would be more democratic.A formal structure would lead to rigid hierarchies and some people having more power than others.

IMO this is not necessarily so.A "Structurelessness" organisation can lead to less transparency and less accountability.The strongest characters get to do the leading and criticism can be interpreted as negativity etc.
Gramsci said:
.A "Structurelessness" organisation can lead to less transparency and less accountability.The strongest characters get to do the leading and criticism can be interpreted as negativity etc.

that sounds scarily familiar
Gramsci said:
I also think Synergy should come clean on where it got the email addresses from.Someone said they could have come from a Brixton source.In that case as Synergy work with the Council could the Council be a possbility?
Impossible. The council don't have my e-mail addy for starters. They must have been lifted from this site somehow, although I would have thought that impossible too :confused:
Dubversion said:
it'll be a club space which will try and justify its funding by hosting some basketweaving.

like the Dogstar did with the community webcafe that didn't actually ever exist.
Well I'm prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt and wait and see what happens with this centre. I hope if it's a success you'll modify your opinion of them.

Steve sent me another e-mail this morning and mentioned that they feel that you and Mike seem to wish them nothing but ill. I don't know if you've got some kind of history with Steve but your posts did seem vitriolic (although I'll admit Steve has posted on u75 in a style that isn't particularly winning him friends).
The concept of "Synergy" is not easy to define as it now covers a whole range of disciplines from Biology to economics.I have not read enough on it but I gather its linked to such ideas as Chaos theory,Games theory etc.

The definition of Synergy on the website is "The interaction or cooperation of agents,organisations etc to produce a new or enhanced effect compared to their separate effects."

The website also states that;

"Moving beyond the limitations of protest politics,the project seeks to work in partnership with established authorities to empower and develop individuals and communities..promote constructive alternatives to increasingly discreditated institutions,ideologies and technologies."

Without reading up more on "Synergy" as a political theory I guess that the idea is to change established "systems" by interacting with them rather than confronting them directly.If the theory of synergy is correct then this will lead to social change due to the unexpected changes that will occur in the system interacted with.A form of revolution by stealth.Their goes Marxism as a "discredited ideology".

The "Synergy" project also is designed to be an "Umbrella" organisation and faciliator.This goes with the definition of Synergy as 2 things working to produce a greater effect.

My problem is that how the idea of "Synergy" can lead to progressive social change.IMO without social conflict no changes for good or bad take place.Protest politics can seem limited as in the present climate they keep losing.For example I went on most of the anti war marches.Didnt stop the war or its present continuence.If it had it would not be seen to have been limited but a success.Doesnt mean I think I wasted my time.

I would like to see a reply to this from Steve or any other Synergy supporters.Im not having a go for the sake of it -Id like to see a debate on some of these issues.Im not necessarily against the Synergy project.
Loki said:
I don't know if you've got some kind of history with Steve but your posts did seem vitriolic ).

no history other than here: somebody comes along trumpetting some hippy=capitalist venture as the rebirth of Cooltan or some such. this got my back up big time - it was an important project and a MILLION miles away from this chakra-fuelled bullshit. i conceded, when steve arrived, that he hadn't claimed such a lineage.

however, his arrogance, his judgementalism and what i feel to be the horrible nature of his organisation really piss me off, and the way he described U75 compared to Synergy is fatuous beyond belief.

for him to then start spamming the very people who he KNOWS don't like what Synergy is about is surely a bit fucking rich, loki?
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