They want a 'unique chakra altar installation' on every street corner.murat said:I don't live in Brixton so I haven't seen these people..
What precise changes are they pushing for
Paid for by the taxpayers, natch.
They want a 'unique chakra altar installation' on every street corner.murat said:I don't live in Brixton so I haven't seen these people..
What precise changes are they pushing for
Loki said:er,
'In addition to running training courses in sound and video production, the Centre will provide on-going support and training in the area of arts management and marketing, insuring that local talent achieves the widest exposure'
Doesn't sound like hippy shite to me...
tarannau said:But if those websites are anything to go by, they aren't exactly pushing that 'local talent and marketing' envelope very far are they? Unless they're going to teach kids how to make 3rd rate Goa-psybollocks designs that would have looked tired in 1969 that is...
Sheesh, that woman is far gone. Some of her art is quite nice tho.murat said:
hendo said:I'm quite pleased there are still these sort of people around TBH. I reckon they're the hippy equivalent of those japanese soldiers found in the jungle in 1978, still thinking the war was on.
Loki said:Some of her art is quite nice tho.
hatboy said:The artwork on that link above is absolute BS and so are the words.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti spirituality, but often the people who tell you how spiritual they are far from it. The least connected, self-aware, insightful, etc. The words on the above site about a part of the brain are just nonsense.
steve indigenou said:Apologies to those who feel they have been we are 'spammed'- we are aware that some may not want to receive the info, but think that maybe some might, so take the risk of annoying some (who are perhaps far too easily annoyed) for the sake of trying to please others.
Synergy Steve
steve indigenou said:You doing any of this kind of community work Mike, Hatboy ?
steve indigenou said:what gives you the right to slag off other people's spiritual beliefs ?
By the way, what is it with all this Ganesh stuff and the wholesale appropriation of the symbols of eastern mystic tradition? Alright, we've all taken acid, and it throws up all sorts of interesting & expansive psychological spaces, experiences and intuitions, both beyond & beside the mundane; fair enough. And I'm sure that the Aurobindos & Buddhas and Booboos & Patanjalis of this world have taken a few drugs in their time, but the thought that the combination of psychedelics, pretty pictures & wibbly arse magic add up to anything but the shallowest of backwaters in comparison to the intensive internal work that fosters the depth of inner/outer understanding, awareness and transrational insight of these bods has got to be, like, having a laugh. It's like appropriating the bit of froth without the pint of lager. Bad animal psychedelia!
Blagsta said:From an essay called "Goa Trance - A National Tragedy" by Stu Bigfoot.
steve indigenou said:Anybody reading this thread who would like to come and see what all the fuss is about is welcome to call me on 07766 566691 to arrange a guest list pass.
bbc news link I believe the fine can be up to £5,000, or unlimited if it goes before a jurySince 11 Dec 03 it has been a legal requirement that unsolicited PR/marketing material must not be sent to individuals by email, text, voice, sound, picture or video message unless they consent to receive such material or unless certain criteria have been satisfied.]
It's even easier not to fucking spam people in the first place.steve indigenou said:It's a fairly easy task to un-subscribe...
That's a lie I'm afraid.steve indigenou said:We do loads for the community - workshops in schools, support to emerging groups - for virtually no money, and all Mike Slocombe and others can do is slag us off.