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Shoplifting on the rise

Waitrose/John Lewis are offering free coffees to popo "in a bid to deter shoplifters." Hard times.

Waitrose offers police free coffees to deter thieves
Most forces ban their officers from taking advantage of this kind of offer as getting a free coffee in the middle of a 12 hour shift as the only break would not be acceptable to the public apparently.

Although if the Chief of PCC got an invitation to lunch with the manager of said supermarket at a local high end restaurant would apparently be OK...
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Most forces ban their officers from taking advantage of this kind of offer as getting a free coffee in the middle of a 12 hour shift as the only break would not be acceptable to the public apparently.

Although if the Chief of PCC got an invitation to lunch with the manager of said supermarket at a local high end restaurant would apparently be OK...
It's not hard to imagine the local wrong'uns hanging around Waitrose until they get a feel for when Plod take their coffee breaks and then go and turn the Morrisons over.
Most forces ban their officers from taking advantage of this kind of offer as getting a free coffee in the middle of a 12 hour shift as the only break would not be acceptable to the public apparently.

Although if the Chief of PCC got an invitation to lunch with the manager of said supermarket at a local high end restaurant would apparently be OK...
They are never out of the bars here drinking brandy and smoking outside.
Probably the least surprising retail closure since Harrods shut their Luton branch...
I know you're only having a laff, but crap towns type stuff ain't so funny when you live there. :(

I hold no candle for Waitrose, (apart from the reductions), but the closure was just one more element of the hollowing-out of what was, once, a significant and useful regional shopping centre.
Most forces ban their officers from taking advantage of this kind of offer as getting a free coffee in the middle of a 12 hour shift as the only break would not be acceptable to the public apparently.

Do they need a break from doing 12 hours' worth of fuck all?
Their is a precedent for this. McDonalds franchises in central London gave officers coffee etc.

Met declared it:

A gift and hospitality declaration seen by the Guardian shows an offer of “free Teas [sic] and coffees” was accepted by the force at six McDonald’s branches. The Met also accepted an offer of “restaurant areas for exclusive use of our officers after 2300 [11pm]” at the Strand and Leicester Square branches, according to the document.

The Met’s gifts and hospitality policy states: “All offers of gifts and hospitality (whether accepted or rejected) must be recorded in the gifts and hospitality register held locally.”
I've yet to see any of these purported shed loads of free shit. But if there was any free shit, myself and any other teacher would gladly trade it in to get back all the hours we work for free.

We'd also be quite happy if, instead of bringing in imaginary bribes for teachers, parents adequately clothed, fed and socialised their children.
All it would require would be a letter to parents stating gifts aren't wanted or required at Xmas and end of year and I am sure many parents would give a sigh of relief. When mine were at primary school it would be a total ball ache as some mothers would start suggesting collections for Xmas which invariably involved contributions of 10 or 20 pounds per child. Another pain in the arse extortion being the 2 pounds for non uniform day which goes to charidee. Having non uniform days defeats the only valid point in uniforms and extracting 2 quid for some scam takes the biscuit.
Your best bet for finding a copper at night is probably the local BP garage, when I lived by one they were always there when I went in late for a pint of milk - think a blue light uniform must get you a cheap coffee or similar.
If you want to find a copper round here between 7 and 9am, there’s usually at least two panda cars parked outside the local greasy spoon for the duration
There are many things about shoplifting that I dont like tbh , intimidation of staff or fear of going to work for staff, local shoppers feeling uncomfortable whilst people steal things etc . However shareholders' profits isn't high on my list .

Interestingly enough the same news channel also has this to say Retailers say organized theft is biting into profits, but internal issues may really be to blame

I'd also add that if my local pharmacy closes because of the increasing take-the-piss shoplifting sprees that I witness a few times a week it will mean a lot of people in the community without access to transport are screwed when they now have to travel a couple of miles to the nearest pharmacy for their prescriptions, etc.

If someone's shoplifting 'cos they have no other choice, fair enough. If someone's shoplifting in bulk just 'cos they're a cunt? Fuck 'em.
This is a wild example of some of the mass thefts that are happening:

Of course it doesn't help that social media influencers are encouraging this:

They've arrested 52 people so far, most of them adults, with three juveniles. This is the kind of thing that gets clerks and customers hurt. They found weapons on some of them, with at least one gun. Some reports suggest that many of them arrived in vans and moved around the city to loot other places. The other awful thing about this is that it was timed to coincide with a protest downtown to protest the death of man at the hands of police last month. They were hoping that the blame would fall on the protestors, rather than themselves.
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Setting aside all the legitimate points about staff on minimum wages in the front line, paying customers not being able to get stuff they need etc, I reckon looting on a grand scale like this is inevitable, and has been coming down the pipeline for some time.

It just looks like the natural outcome of capitalism ripping people off.

They can only take the piss for so long before the mark loses their rag and lunges back at the bully.

Not saying it’s good, not supporting it, not advocating it, not excusing it.
Just saying it looks like a natural development to me.
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This is a wild example of some of the mass thefts that are happening:

Of course it doesn't help that social media influencers are encouraging this:

They've arrested 52 people so far, most of them adults, with three juveniles. This is the kind of thing that gets clerks and customers hurt. They found weapons on some of them, with at least one gun. Some reports suggest that many of them arrived in vans and moved around the city to loot other places. The other awful thing about this is that it was timed to coincide with a protest downtown to protest the death of man at the hands of police last month. They were hoping that the blame would fall on the protestors, rather than themselves.

How much do they have to steal before consequences kick in?
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