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Anarchist Communist Group Public Meeting on rising authoritarianism in UK (11 Jan)

Communists are communists, qualify it how you like. If they gained power, the 'qualification' would soon be dropped.

It is is utterly risible really. People farting about as if they were the many and of importance, rather than a minute group of deluded malcontents and underachievers.
Sadly today the deluded malcontents and underachievers form the government of the uk
As opposed to the AC malcontents and underachievers that cannot muster enough votes to elect a Parish Councillor?

You haven't answered my question as to how many of the AC massive attended.
You didn't ask me

If you haven't the wherewithal to muster arguments - real arguments - against the ACG's ideas maybe your time would be better spent on other threads
As opposed to the AC malcontents and underachievers that cannot muster enough votes to elect a Parish Councillor?

You haven't answered my question as to how many of the AC massive attended.
Sas, I’m a member of the ACG. You seem to know all about my political opinions, because you occasionally lose the rag with me and put me on ignore.

It may surprise you to learn you’re barking up a whole mistaken arboretum.
Sas, I’m a member of the ACG. You seem to know all about my political opinions, because you occasionally lose the rag with me and put me on ignore.

It may surprise you to learn you’re barking up a whole mistaken arboretum.
I ask again, how many people turned up to support this massively popular group? I'm surprised I didn't hear about it on the evening news, huge events like that are generally covered.

You know my views on leftist splinters, they are fantasists.
It’s on record. But even if I told you, against which metric would you judge whether that was good or bad? What is your benchmark?

I have no benchmark, merely an interest in how many turned up at the event. The turnout is not necessarily a marker of the 'worthiness' of a group.

You state it is on record. Where? I find the coyness with regard to attendance little puzzling.
I ask again, how many people turned up to support this massively popular group? I'm surprised I didn't hear about it on the evening news, huge events like that are generally covered.

You know my views on leftist splinters, they are fantasists.
I wasn’t there, having been ill with Covid at the time. But again, your benchmark is what?

Last time I attended a community council public meeting there were a dozen present. Last time I attended an ACG public meeting there was 60 present. What are you going to infer from this? Anything useful to you at all?

I attended, during COP26, a zoom meeting called by my local MP. The attendance was 8.
I'm surprised I didn't hear about it on the evening news, huge events like that are generally covered.
These are straw people. Nobody has claimed our public meetings are considered newsworthy by the media. Nor has anyone laid claim to it being a “huge” event. But on the other hand, if you can find me a “huge” comparable public meeting I’d be amazed. I’m a veteran attendee of political meetings and public meetings are very much out of fashion, whoever organises them.
These are straw people. Nobody has claimed our public meetings are considered newsworthy by the media. Nor has anyone laid claim to it being a “huge” event. But on the other hand, if you can find me a “huge” comparable public meeting I’d be amazed. I’m a veteran attendee of political meetings and public meetings are very much out of fashion, whoever organises them.

Forgive me, but that sounds very like 'there aren't really very many of us'.

Genuine question, why waste your time and effort on something that is never ever going anywhere?

I can appreciate the frustration with mainstream parties, but surely participation to effect change is the way forward, rather than permanently standing on the impotent fringes?
Can someone let me know what the ignored #ToryScum is saying?

Is he explaining how well the Disgraced Lying Government are doing? Or do they have an opinion on another political matter?
How many in the away end? Sasaferrato You're loyalist to a regime literally built on rapine and human chattel slavery so get off the high horse and it's not like we're going to reduce our analysis of liberal democracies to that.
Hate to say I told you so about Sasaferrato not reading anything that goes beyond the wilful ignorance of his turgid conservative mindset.

On numbers, there were 40-something. The fact that hundreds or thousands didn't turn out for this... ahem... zoom meeting seems to have some weird significance for Sas. Of course, in these times of relatively low class consciousness, when ruling class ideology is so deeply embedded into everyday life and thought, then surely, mass meetings at events organised by pro-revolutionary organisations like the ACG would really be weird - though not unwelcome :)

Sas's reactionary blowhard routine is amusing though :D
Hate to say I told you so about Sasaferrato not reading anything that goes beyond the wilful ignorance of his turgid conservative mindset.

On numbers, there were 40-something. The fact that hundreds or thousands didn't turn out for this... ahem... zoom meeting seems to have some weird significance for Sas. Of course, in these times of relatively low class consciousness, when ruling class ideology is so deeply embedded into everyday life and thought, then surely, mass meetings at events organised by pro-revolutionary organisations like the ACG would really be weird - though not unwelcome :)

Sas's reactionary blowhard routine is amusing though :D

Your hubris is most entertaining. :D
Yes, yes it is. But not “participation” in parliamentary democracy, which is not participation at all.

So you admit that your efforts are utterly impotent? Other than as a bizarre form of masochism, I really don't understand your engagement in something that cannot succeed.
So you admit that your efforts are utterly impotent? Other than as a bizarre form of masochism, I really don't understand your engagement in something that cannot succeed.
It depends on what you think I’m trying to achieve. Measured by MPs elected we’re doing very badly. But we aren’t trying to do that. Changing the personnel in Parliament does not change the structure of power in society.

Parliamentary democracy creates a political class whose interests are not the same as their electors.

What we concentrate on is supporting working-class communities to rebuild self-confidence and self-direction. We want to spread the ideas of direct action in our communities. And that’s going great, thanks.
Communists are communists, qualify it how you like. If they gained power, the 'qualification' would soon be dropped.

It is is utterly risible really. People farting about as if they were the many and of importance, rather than a minute group of deluded malcontents and underachievers.
I don't think anarchism, of whatever stripe, has anything much to offer, but I fail to see what your issue is with malcontents and underachievers. These categories make up a significant proportion of any society which has overcome subsistence, possibly a majority,and populate left, right and the vast apolitical majority, and their discontent finds expression in all kinds of ways. Anarcho-communists are the least of your worries when it comes to malevolent or anti-social forces, for example. Most people live and die discontented and disappointed, their potential remaining unfulfilled, and it isn't something that can necessarily be overcome by political means. As for delusion, the world seems riddled with it at the moment, and again it spans both left and right (the latter especially so) and the massed apolitical ranks.
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So you admit that your efforts are utterly impotent? Other than as a bizarre form of masochism, I really don't understand your engagement in something that cannot succeed.
No society-transforming project ever succeeds in its entirety, and probably never can. Even those with the big money behind them fall short of their goals. Thatcherism for example-it took the Blair governments to push its economic programme on to areas where Thatcher never dared to go, and even there it fell well short of what the free-market fanatics in the think tanks who did her thinking were suggesting. The social conservatism of Thatcher herself was almost totally defeated: in 1979 she could never have imagined the social liberalism now embraced by a majority of her own party (at least the upper levels). She failed to understand how the economics she favoured undermined it, for one thing. So isn't everybody in politics involved in something that ultimately cannot succeed?
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So you admit that your efforts are utterly impotent? Other than as a bizarre form of masochism, I really don't understand your engagement in something that cannot succeed.
Give it a rest, eh? If we're so irrelevant, why do you even bother engaging? Nah, you're just a clueless troll.

Rather that than an impotent fantasist.
It's even worse, though, as I hinted at above, to be a fantasist who doesn't even know he is one. Anybody who in today's society feels threatened enough by 'communism' to have to frequently rail against it is quite clearly a fantasist. And there are millions like you throughout the internet right and beyond, which reinforces my point about the delusion which is rife throughout the world.

That is, of course, assuming you're not simply the troll you've been accused of being.
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