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Russell Brand on Revolution

Yesterday's Grauniad has an article about another celebrity comedian who has endorsed a political position: Ricky Tomlinson who endorses the Scargill Labour Party:


He was once a member and even a candidate for the National Front in his youth. But he is living proof that people can change and nobody holds this against him. Fortunately, it is not the case that "once a fascist, always a fascist" but of "once a [something], not always a[something]".
Yesterday's Grauniad has an article about another celebrity comedian who has endorsed a political position: Ricky Tomlinson who endorses the Scargill Labour Party:


He was once a member and even a candidate for the National Front in his youth. But he is living proof that people can change and nobody holds this against him. Fortunately, it is not the case that "once a fascist, always a fascist" but of "once a [something], not always a[something]".
Ricky Tomlinson spent 2 years in prison for his principles prior to becoming a national celebrity. Not much of a comparison, is it?
Interesting bit from that article i was going to post on the edl or UKIP thread just after that last link i posted:

His memories of his National Front days do nevertheless help him to make sense of Ukip’s rise: “For everyone who’s been out of work for a couple of years, with no hope for a job, and then they see people coming in and working for less than the rate – it must make them angry, and if we pretend it doesn’t we’re kidding ourselves. You see where Nigel Farage is scoring – he’s playing on this. He’s absolutely playing on this. So you have got to talk about immigration, you can’t just attack someone because you disagree with what they say. And when firms advertise jobs in Poland and not here, that’s bang out of order. If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone. And I don’t believe some of the stuff that people in this country won’t work. I won’t have that.”
{quote]And when firms advertise jobs in Poland and not here, that’s bang out of order. If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone.[/quote]A bit surprised at those who "like" this statement.
He probably thinks that not approving of companies requiring agricultural workers in Lincolnshire to speak Polish is some sort of concession to racism or something stupid like that.
The only people who think that companies should be allowed to exploit migrant workers in preference to British workers are members of the Socialist Party. My colleagues at the call centre I work at must be very good at keeping their entryism secret...
I think it's a mealy-mouthed way of saying that jobs in Britain should go to workers in Britain not to workers from Poland.
I think it's a mealy-mouthed way of saying that jobs in Britain should go to workers in Britain not to workers from Poland.
It doesn't matter what you think it means - what matters is what you were insinuating about posters on here who liked my post. Have the courage of your convictions - call them racists. Or maybe you could sprinkle some fairy dust on it and call them nationalists.
No it's a reasoned accusatiuon of nationalism. I wouldn't have thought you were a racist.
You haven't offered any reasoning. All you've offered is a cheap smear and a terrible shocking misreading of a small quote - whilst managing to miss the reason behind it even being quoted.
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