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Russell Brand on Revolution

it also ignores the fact that in the unskilled and semi skilled labour market gangmasters that recruit overseas have a long track record of exploitation through clawbacks such as charging for accommodation, meals and transport whether the worker uses it or not, failing to pay NI contributions and genrally being a bunch of parasitical scumbags that exploit the inbalance between the employee and employer to the hilt.
Actually I didn't accuse anyone of anything, just expressing surprise that some here didn't take exception to that passage from Ricky Tomlinson. If it had been said by Farage, a Tory or Blue Labour (as it could have been) I'm sure someone here would have done. Bear in mind also that the SLP, the party Tomlinson supports, declared in its manifesto for the Euroelections in May:

As a party we are against the uncontrolled movement of labour and capital.

In other words, they are opposed to employers recruiting workers from eastern Europe and want jobs in Britain reserved for workers from Britain, white or black. They are not racist any more than anyone here is. Just nationalist.
This is what Tomlinson said:

If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone.

a clear stand against workplace and employment discrimination. You, you rat, turn this is into a smear on other posters for being racist. And you also end up supporting the right of capital to employ who they like when they like on what grounds they like. Buckaroo was right, fuck off.
Actually I didn't accuse anyone of anything, just expressing surprise that some here didn't take exception to that passage from Ricky Tomlinson. If it had been said by Farage, a Tory or Blue Labour (as it could have been) I'm sure someone here would have done. Bear in mind also that the SLP, the party Tomlinson supports, declared in its manifesto for the Euroelections in May:

In other words, they are opposed to employers recruiting workers from eastern Europe and want jobs in Britain reserved for workers from Britain, white or black. They are not racist any more than anyone here is. Just nationalist.
Tell us exactly what you object to in the anti-discriminatory argument that 'If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone.' please. Forget the SLP sand in the eyes nonsense.
Yesterday's Grauniad has an article about another celebrity comedian who has endorsed a political position: Ricky Tomlinson who endorses the Scargill Labour Party:


He was once a member and even a candidate for the National Front in his youth. But he is living proof that people can change and nobody holds this against him. Fortunately, it is not the case that "once a fascist, always a fascist" but of "once a [something], not always a[something]".
Interesting. It seems that you cannot let his past go - to the extent of twisting his expression of an anti-racist sentiment into racism.
I never said he was a racist. Just implied that he was a nationalist. You're the one that's introduced the 'racist' tag and playing it for all it's worth (which isn't much).
I never said he was a racist. Just implied that he was a nationalist. You're the one that's introduced the 'racist' tag and playing it for all it's worth (which isn't much).
You know damn well what your mealy mouthed nationalist means. Let's hear what you have against "If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone." please.
Why are you pretending not to see the difference between a "racist" and a "nationalist" ? The racist BNP, EDL, NF etc stand for "British jobs for white British workers". The anti-EU left stand for "British jobs for British white and black workers", i.e are not racists but simple nationalists. I'm against both nationalism and racism as they both divide the wage and salary working class against each other. You don't seem to mind nationalism which (not being funny, but genuinely) surprises me as I thought from your other posts on urban 75 that your views were more advanced than this, with some sort of commitment to the world-wide working class.
Why are you pretending not to see the difference between a "racist" and a "nationalist" ? The racist BNP, EDL, NF etc stand for "British jobs for white British workers". The anti-EU left stand for "British jobs for British white and black workers", i.e are not racists but simple nationalists. I'm against both nationalism and racism as they both divide the wage and salary working class against each other. You don't seem to mind nationalism which (not being funny, but genuinely) surprises me as I thought from your other posts on urban 75 that your views were more advanced than this, with some sort of commitment to the world-wide working class.
Explain your disagreements with:

If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone.

If you cannot then your whole intervention has been a cowardly smear.

And here we have yet another smear thrown in - i don't mind nationalism, i'm happy to endorse something that you see as being anti-w/c. Well done Jean-luc. The voice of the advanced speaks.
OK, what's wrong with
If there's jobs available it should be available for everyone.
Nothing in the abstract but I don't think anyone thinks that this means they should be available to any worker anywhere on the planet, do they? I don't think Tomlinson meant this, as it follows:
And when firms advertise jobs in Poland and not here, that’s bang out of order.
I doubt if he wants them to be advertised in Poland at all (let alone in the ILO Gazette), though I suppose he might go as far as to say that they should be available to workers from Poland already in Britain. Anyway, to stay on thread, imagine Brand had said something like this ...

And of course there's the wider picture where under capitalism people's ability to work is a commodity bought and sold on the labour market which inevitably pits worker against worker for the jobs the capitalist economy makes available (or not).
So there's nothing wrong with the quote but the person who made it is a liar so clearly meant something else entirely and if you agree with him then you're an anti working class nationalist. Fantastic stuff.

And this was the person you brought into the thread as a great example of someone moving beyond nationalism. The person you're now calling an anti working class nationalist.
So there's nothing wrong with the quote but the person who made it is a liar so clearly meant something else entirely and if you agree with him then you're an anti working class nationalist. Fantastic stuff.
I never said he was a liar. He comes across as a decent bloke and I'm sure he was expressing his sincerely held view. After all, he is a supporter if not a member of the SLP (he does some of their election broadcasts) and the SLP is opposed to Polish (and general EU) immigration into Britain.

And this was the person you brought into the thread as a great example of someone moving beyond nationalism. The person you're now calling an anti working class nationalist.
Correction: as someone who moved beyond fascism. And I brought him in as an example of someone else who has had an unsavoury past but who has (rightly) been forgiven.
I never said he was a liar. He comes across as a decent bloke and I'm sure he was expressing his sincerely held view. After all, he is a supporter if not a member of the SLP (he does some of their election broadcasts) and the SLP is opposed to Polish (and general EU) immigration into Britain.

Correction: as someone who moved beyond fascism. And I brought him in as an example of someone else who has had an unsavoury past but who has (rightly) been forgiven.
Excellent. His sincerely held view isn't the one he actually expressed, but one you've decided that he should hold.

Of course he's a liar, he said one thing when he clearly meant something very different which you worked out for him. He's lying about what he really means.
Actually I didn't accuse anyone of anything, just expressing surprise that some here didn't take exception to that passage from Ricky Tomlinson. If it had been said by Farage, a Tory or Blue Labour (as it could have been) I'm sure someone here would have done. Bear in mind also that the SLP, the party Tomlinson supports, declared in its manifesto for the Euroelections in May:

As a party we are against the uncontrolled movement of labour and capital.

In other words, they are opposed to employers recruiting workers from eastern Europe and want jobs in Britain reserved for workers from Britain, white or black. They are not racist any more than anyone here is. Just nationalist.

Please link to this manifesto and then explain how that line means: "the SLP is opposed to Polish (and general EU) immigration into Britain." - because we wouldn't want any smears now would we?
Really outdone yourself this time Jean-Luc:

A) Ricky Tomlinson says: "If there’s jobs available it should be available for everyone"
B) Jean-Luc: anyone who agrees with that is an anti-w/c nationalist.
C) Do you agree with it Jean-Luc?
D) Yes. But that means i'm not an anti-w/c nationalist.
E) Why?
F) Because i was agreeing with the words themselves - everyone else, including the person who spoke them, was really agreeing with something else entirely which is anti-w/c and nationalist. In agreeing with the thing i disagree with i'm the only one agreeing with the real meaning.
G) Fuck off eh.

What a tangled mess you vanguardists get yourself into.
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Please link to this manifesto and then explain how that line means: "the SLP is opposed to Polish (and general EU) immigration into Britain." - because we wouldn't want any smears now would we?
Go here and scroll down to item headed "May 2014 - The Socialist Labour Party provides the only full-blooded left opposition to the Capitalist run EU."

Explain how this passage does not mean that the SLP is not opposed to EU immigrationn into Britain:
As a party we are against the uncontrolled movement of labour and capital and wish to trade with the whole world without EU restriction, especially since as a country we were taken in to the EU under false pretences. We were told it was just to be a trading union, but it has now morphed into a political one. This contrasts with UKIP which believes only in control of Labour movement within the EU and would continue to allow capitalism and big business free rein to exploit workers all over Europe. The single issue parties of the so-called ‘left’ on the other hand are against any restrictions on movement of labour within the EU and as we have seen this is depressing British wages.
Go here and scroll down to item headed "May 2014 - The Socialist Labour Party provides the only full-blooded left opposition to the Capitalist run EU."

Explain how this passage does not mean that the SLP is not opposed to EU immigrationn into Britain:

So, what you're saying is that there is no European election manifesto at all- it doesn't exist, you invented it by puffing up a line from the news section of the news section of their website.

No, you have made a very specific claim that the SLP support and promote a racist (not nationalist) policy - namely blanket ban on polish immigration: "the SLP is opposed to Polish (and general EU) immigration into Britain." - they don't support this position - in the manifesto that you so helpfully invented for them (in the same way that you invented Ricky Tomlinson agreeing with this non-existent manifesto and secretly meaning this when he said something completely different) or otherwise. To claim that they do on the basis of this single line ("As a party we are against the uncontrolled movement of labour and capital.") is shameful and you have no ground on which to make it. Stop this pathetic vanguardism and stop the smearing.
This thread really does highlight the tendency of some to believe that "the norms" can't think for themselves.
Why would Ricky Tomlinson, the SLP, the people who liked my post, me or anyone else need to think for ourselves when we have Jean-Luc and his comrades to do it for us? I mean just look at the last few pages...who wouldn't trust them?
Go here and scroll down to item headed "May 2014 - The Socialist Labour Party provides the only full-blooded left opposition to the Capitalist run EU."

Explain how this passage does not mean that the SLP is not opposed to EU immigrationn into Britain:
jesus mary and joseph :facepalm:

where in your quote does it say "we're not for accepting any europeans into the uk" or words to that effect?

you thick cunt. if you had any decency or integrity you'd quit this thread now instead of continuing to lie and lie and lie.
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