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Russell Brand on Revolution

I missed this passage from that same page under the heading "August 2013 - The Capitalist Parties’ drive to force ‘slave labour’ wages in Britain.":
It is no wonder that the Labour Party has very little of relevance to say these days. Their meaningless drivel concerning the ‘good and bad’ points about ‘Tesco’ and ‘Next’ employment practices cannot mask the fact that the real problem regarding wages is Britain’s continued membership of the EU. ConDem and Labour Party spokespersons have not ceased to pump out the illogical reasons for our continued membership. As a result, we have had unprecedented EU immigration, especially from Eastern Europe, which has had a devastatingly depressing effect upon our wages.
You're on to a looser here. Don't understand why you are so keen on defending a dyed-in-the-wool vanguardist like Arthur Scargill and his SLP.
I missed this passage from that same page under the heading "August 2013 - The Capitalist Parties’ drive to force ‘slave labour’ wages in Britain.":
You're on to a looser here. Don't understand why you are so keen on defending a dyed-in-the-wool vanguardist like Arthur Scargill and his SLP.
You genuinely don't realise that I've already won and you've already lost do you. Just by you acting this way. Making things up, smearing people, telling people they meant something different from what they said and so on.
I like Ricky Tomlinson and enjoyed reading his autobiography when I was given it for Christmas about six years ago (although if memory serves the NF bit was covered in about 2 pages and seemed to consist of him calling them a bunch of weirdos) what I cannot forgive though is going to watch 'Ricky Tomlinsons Laughter Show' at the Stafford Gatehouse Theatre in 2009 as a birthday present from my parents. This consisted of 20 minutes of him retelling his funniest 'telling Cilla Black to fuck off' anecdotes from his book, then half an hour of the worst kind of 70s 'watch your backs lads here comes the poofters' 'you cant say anything any more!' comedian. I left before the interval but was reliably informed the second half consisted of black fucking onyx. i wasn't the only one who left early
Is that it? Really?

You have been calling people racist. I've just exposed your latest lie about the slp arguing for and promoting a racist policy of immediate and total ban on polish immigration.
Where did I say that the SLP demanded an "immediate and total ban on polish immigration"? I just pointed out that they are opposed to EU, including Polish, immigration.i wouldn't be surprised if they did think this though (it's the logic of their views as of UKIPs), but why would this be racist (as opposed to nationalist)? I don't even think that UKIP is racist, just xenophobic.

Anyway, point me to where I used the word "racist" in relation to anyone. Or is this just you
telling people they meant something different from what they said
Where did I say that the SLP demanded an "immediate and total ban on polish immigration"? I just pointed out that they are opposed to EU, including Polish, immigration.i wouldn't be surprised if they did think this though (it's the logic of their views as of UKIPs), but why would this be racist (as opposed to nationalist)? I don't even think that UKIP is racist, just xenophobic.

Anyway, point me to where I used the word "racist" in relation to anyone. Or is this just you
i would be grateful if you could point to where THEY said they are opposed to eu, including polish, immigration. but i suppose you'll keep lying and lying and lying, which you show scant sign of stopping.

in addition, perhaps you can share with us the major differences between xenophobia and racism.
I've quoted you your own words three times now - no amount of wriggling will free you from this hole that you've dug for yourself:

Jean-Luc said:
the SLP is opposed to Polish (and general EU) immigration into Britain.

That is, they support and promote a racist policy of ending polish immigration. They don't. To suggest they do is to call them racist. And a clever vanguardist like you should take note that you didn't need to openly call them racist, to use the word racist, to call them racist. And then to extend that smear to firstly, Ricky Tomlinson (he's a member, of course he supports this racist policy i just invented from a manifesto that i just invented) then, to posters on here who liked a post quoting his words. That's how smears work. That's what you've been doing.
Pathetic wriggling as everyone else can see.
Seriously - you invented a manifesto. You invented a policy. You pinned that policy on the SLP. You told people that they are nationalists to agree with a policy that you agree with. You told RT that he meant something else than what he said, you told him he really meant that policy that you invented in that manifesto that you invented - and you then told people who liked my post that this was what they were agreeing with to. I'm embarrassed for you.
Sorry to kick you when you're down but the Stalinist vanguardists you are strangely defending have form on the question of Polish immigration. Here's a passage from Harry Pollitt's 1947 pamphlet Looking Ahead (it on page 72):
I ask you, does it make sense that we allow 100,000 of our best young people to put their names down for emigration abroad, when at the same time we employ Poles who ought to be back in their own country, and bring to work in Britain displaced persons who ought to be sent back to their own countries?
A 'like' from dexter and PMs of support rolling in.
So what?

Butchers posted that I was involved in smearing a woman as a slut and that I was involved in a campaign to drive her from the country. He's a liar. Fuck him. He said this because my opinion was contrary to his on Brand.
Wow. A pamphlet from a totally different party from 70 years ago. It gets even better.
"Totally different", another exaggeration. I know I shouldn't as this is a thread on Brand but, Butchers, I'm on a roll. So here's my favourite SLP quote on immigration. It's from a leaflet handed out by John Hayball, SLP candidate in the Chessington ward of Kingston in the 2006 London borough elections;
Racism has sprung out of the hegemony of imperialist society in the Twentieth Century with its large migrations of workers to the metropolitan countries. A socialist immigration policy is required to break this cycle and one that mirrors socialist Cuba. in Cuba nobody is allowed in and nobody is allowed out.
Normally you would have liked it too.
"Totally different", another exaggeration. I know I shouldn't as this is a thread on Brand but, Butchers, I'm on a roll. So here's my favourite SLP quote on immigration. It's from a leaflet handed out by John Hayball, SLP candidate in the Chessington ward of Kingston in the 2006 London borough elections;
Normally you would have liked it too.
Amazing. The CPGB is not the SLP. It was never the SLP. Really. It was only established 50 years after that old CPGB pamphlet for starters. Do you similarly think that your SPGB is also the CPGB?

I note you only have your own party claiming this leaflet was handed out to back you up. And we've just seen that you are quite happy to invent things - manifestos, policies etc then claim others hold them.

And you think that you're on a roll? Seek help.
Me too, though I suspect there'll be quite a few here welcoming you getting your cumuppance though who daren't say so for fear on bringing a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse down on them.


Well, no.
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