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Russell Brand on Revolution

It's interesting how you all descend into gibberish when substance is called for. Sort of reminds me of chatbots.

I did invite you to show how that article you posted moves the discussion forward. You seem to have ignored that?
That Russell Brand could use his celebrity to get mainstream attention for what ordinary people can do when they work together as a community is not only meaningful but also sends a message to the powers-that-be.

He didn't get the campaign mainstream attention, the story broke nationally when the Benyon family pulled out due to the ongoing pre-Brand campaign. Richard Benyon is believed to be the UK's richest MP, thats a juicy story for the liberal/left press at the moment. The fact Brand had been to a recent demo was window dressing to a far bigger story. Then Westbrook took over and threatened to kick the families out - shadowy US property developers making families homeless at xmas is another big story, and also mobilised lots of people who are interested and active in these kinds of things to take notice, it was all over facebook etc and the demo they had planned looked to be getting big. Brand went on that demo, and thats where the footage of him arguing with a hack came from. Suddenly Brand was the story, although behind the scenes, against a backdrop of growing pressure on Westbrook from everywhere and the threat of a sustained and well supported anti-eviction campaign they relented and New Era won. That it is now being painted as his victory by the press is an example of the criticisms on this thread playing out for real.
USA what you like about brand,Iraq my brains to come up with a better idea,Innuit a good Idea to end this because when all is said indian ,something something Pakistan
He didn't get the campaign mainstream attention, the story broke nationally when the Benyon family pulled out due to the ongoing pre-Brand campaign. Richard Benyon is believed to be the UK's richest MP, thats a juicy story for the liberal/left press at the moment. The fact Brand had been to a recent demo was window dressing to a far bigger story. Then Westbrook took over and threatened to kick the families out - shadowy US property developers making families homeless at xmas is another big story, and also mobilised lots of people who are interested and active in these kinds of things to take notice, it was all over facebook etc and the demo they had planned looked to be getting big. Brand went on that demo, and thats where the footage of him arguing with a hack came from. Suddenly Brand was the story, although behind the scenes, against a backdrop of growing pressure on Westbrook from everywhere and the threat of a sustained and well supported anti-eviction campaign they relented and New Era won. That it is now being painted as his victory by the press is an example of the criticisms on this thread playing out for real.

Well finally, an intelligent response. Thank you.

By national you mean England. I'm over here in California and didn't hear about the New Era until Russell Brand got involved. I doubt New Yorkers did either, until Brand interviewed the Mayor of New York City, who backed New Era and condemned Westbrook for doing the same thing to tenants in NYC. Since New York authorities had taken prior legal action against Westbrook, the ball was thrown in in Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London's, court to protect British citizens from the American predator. He subsequently intervened to broker a deal with Westbrook. So the press Russell Brand brought to bear on the situation had a significant impact on the outcome and emboldens others undergoing the same problems in cities on both sides of the pond to follow New Era's lead and take similar action.

The bottom line is: the story is about people and community action. Russell Brand is the conduit for that story. I see nothing wrong with that.

Russell Brand's interview with the Mayor of New York City:
Kenya stop for a minute Ive got a serious point.

This is what Brand reminds me of, a bit.

But even this is not all; a further clue is provided by the final moments of di Caprio. He is freezing in the cold water, dying, while Winslet is safely floating on a large piece of wood; aware that she is losing him, she cries: "I'll never let you go!", and, while saying this, she pushes him away with her hands - why? Beneath the story of a love couple, Titanic tells another story, the story of a spoiled high-society girl in an identity-crisis: she is confused, doesn't know what to do with herself, and, much more than her love partner, di Caprio is a kind of "vanishing mediator" whose function is to restore her sense of identity and purpose in life, her self-image (quite literally, also: he draws her image); once his job is done, he can disappear. This is why his last words, before he disappears in freezing North Atlantic, are not the words of a departing lover's, but, rather, the last message of a preacher, telling her how to lead her life, to be honest and faithful to herself, etc. What this means is that Cameron's superficial Hollywood-Marxism (his all too obvious privileging of the lower classes and caricatural depiction of the cruel egotism and opportunism of the rich) should not deceive us: beneath this sympathy for the poor, there is another narrative, the profoundly reactionary myth, first fully deployed by Kipling's Captain Courageous, of a young rich person in crisis who gets his (or her) vitality restored by a brief intimate contact with the full-blooded life of the poor. What lurks behind the compassion for the poor is their vampiric exploitation.
Well finally, an intelligent response. Thank you.

By national you mean England. I'm over here in California and didn't hear about the New Era until Russell Brand got involved. I doubt New Yorkers did either, until Brand interviewed the Mayor of New York City, who backed New Era and condemned Westbrook for doing the same thing to tenants in NYC. Since New York authorities had taken prior legal action against Westbrook, the ball was thrown in in Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London's, court to protect British citizens from the American predator. He subsequently intervened to broker a deal with Westbrook. So the press Russell Brand brought to bear on the situation had a significant impact on the outcome and emboldens others undergoing the same problems in cities on both sides of the pond to follow New Era's lead and take similar action.

The bottom line is: the story is about people and community action. Russell Brand is the conduit for that story. I see nothing wrong with that.

Russell Brand's interview with the Mayor of New York City:

so now you credit Boris fucking Johnson with the result? For real?
Well finally, an intelligent response. Thank you.

By national you mean England. I'm over here in California and didn't hear about the New Era until Russell Brand got involved. I doubt New Yorkers did either, until Brand interviewed the Mayor of New York City, who backed New Era and condemned Westbrook for doing the same thing to tenants in NYC. Since New York authorities had taken prior legal action against Westbrook, the ball was thrown in in Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London's, court to protect British citizens from the American predator. He subsequently intervened to broker a deal with Westbrook. So the press Russell Brand brought to bear on the situation had a significant impact on the outcome and emboldens others undergoing the same problems in cities on both sides of the pond to follow New Era's lead and take similar action.

The bottom line is: the story is about people and community action. Russell Brand is the conduit for that story. I see nothing wrong with that.

Russell Brand's interview with the Mayor of New York City:

Brand called the Mayor who called the Mayor who called the investor and the chaps sorted it out - this is vile and a complete misreading of how it played out. Westbrook fucked up in the face of a solid campaign, sometimes capital overreaches and they did, when even Boris is telling you not to be a cunt then you know you're being a proper cunt. All these rich men were running round flapping, including Brand, because of what people did on the ground and what might happen in the future, whether being opportunistic or playing damage control, the rich men were the bit players in the events - the people who saved new era were new era and now you and Brand and Boris are trying to take that away.
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so now you credit Boris fucking Johnson with the result? For real?

Do you really, really have a reading and comprehension problem?

Where do you see credit being given to Boris? He had to be shamed into doing something by the Mayor of New York City.

That's called playing hard ball. Russell Brand knows the game, you obviously don't.
actually to be fair, I'm not sure Brand is trying to take that away, its just whats happening, and I dont think even Boris is either. But you are.

Urban is trying to take it away by posting 102 pages of garbage about Brand, thereby deflecting from New Era which after all the blahblahing on this thread has hardly been addressed until *I* brought it up.
Do you really, really have a reading and comprehension problem?

Where do you see credit being given to Boris? He had to be shamed into doing something by the Mayor of New York City.

That's called playing hard ball. Russell Brand knows the game, you obviously don't.

you fucking don't. why do you imagine Boris gives a flying fuck what the Mayor of New York thinks, or that Westbrook give a fuck what Boris thinks? everyone acted in their own self-interests in the face of a crisis, thats how power behaves.
you fucking don't. why do you imagine Boris gives a flying fuck what the Mayor of New York thinks, or that Westbrook give a fuck what Boris thinks? everyone acted in their own self-interests in the face of a crisis, thats how power behaves.

Sure, self-interest for a politician like Boris is when another Mayor of a major city publicly points out that he's not doing his job for his constituents. Self-interest for Westbrook is when they get bad press in every city where they own property and where residents will act to boot them out of their neighborhoods as New Era has done.
Urban is trying to take it away by posting 102 pages of garbage about Brand, thereby deflecting from New Era which after all the blahblahing on this thread has hardly been addressed until *I* brought it up.
no thats because there is a long running non branded thread about NE stuff, which appeared before Russel got his beatification from mugs.
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