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Russell Brand on Revolution

no thats because there is a long running non branded thread about NE stuff, which appeared before Russel got his beatification from mugs.

The title of this thread is "Russell Brand on Revolution."

102 pages on what a louse Brand is, and other stupidities, and NADA about the "Revolution."

The title of this thread is "Russell Brand on Revolution."

102 pages on what a louse Brand is, and other stupidities, and NADA about the "Revolution."
Yeah, it is a subject not really discussed often on Urban. Thank god for russel bringing this hitherto unrecognized subject to our attention
Friday 14 November 2014
The New Era estate has provided affordable rented accommodation since it was built in the 1930s – some families have lived there for over 70 years.

It was bought in March 2014 by a consortium in which the Benyon Estate – the family firm of Britain’s wealthiest MP Richard Benyon – was a minority shareholder.

The firm was also awarded the management contract for the estate with Edward Benyon, Richard Benyon’s brother, acting as estate manager.

However the Benyon Estate has now announced it will be selling its shares back to the company and ending the management contract, saying that residents have “made it clear they do not welcome our involvement” in the estate’s future.

First Negotiations with Westbrook began on 20th November after Boris Johnson dispatched his Deputy Mayor for Housing, Richard Blakeway to talks,

on 28th November Brand posts up demand for Boris to take a stand

Friday 19 December 2014
The Dolphin Square Foundation was formed after the sale of former affordable housing estate Dolphin Square, in Pimlico, was sold to Westbrook Partners in 2005.

The foundation was set up with the aim of providing affordable homes for rent to low to middle income tenants.

In a statement the Dolphin Square Foundation confirmed the deal.

It also confirmed that the former property manager and part owner the Benyon Estate – which pulled out after it was targeted during the resident-led campaign – would take over temporary management of the estate

so in the space of a month one of britains wealthiest MP and property landlord leaves a consortium his mate the mayor intervenes and hey presto they are running things again, old boy network in full effect there.
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How much money has he put into his revolutionary efforts? Selling a book in the run up to christmas to make even more he could do a lot if he was sincere and put his money where his mouth is. Did he say for instance sell his book cheaply, or was it a hardback? How much is he worth Diana9 do you reckon?
How much money has he put into his revolutionary efforts? Selling a book in the run up to christmas to make even more he could do a lot if he was sincere and put his money where his mouth is. Did he say for instance sell his book cheaply, or was it a hardback? How much is he worth Diana9 do you reckon?

He's giving the proceeds of his book to worthy causes, like drug rehabilitation.

I could care less about his bank account. Nor should you.

There are more important things to care about.
why not? He's earned it by giving people a laugh. so what. what's it to you?

Petty fucking bullshit.

Did he give all the profits from his Christmas bestseller to 'worthy causes' as you said or not?

Again, how much is he worth? Ask a few questions and you get snippy. Very weird.
The title of this thread is "Russell Brand on Revolution."

102 pages on what a louse Brand is, and other stupidities, and NADA about the "Revolution."
Do you not think it's worth investigating the bonafides prior to joining in with their revolutionary quest?

Not all revolutions are positive things, they have a nasty habit of ending up with the military jumping in one way or the other, or with a ruthless dictator forcing their way into power, and dissent being crushed.

Personally I couldn't see Russel Brand leading or being significantly involved with any revolution I'd want to support as the chances of it ending up how we might hope it would with him involved would be pretty negligible, and a far greater chance if it did suceed that it'd only do so having been taking over by far more ruthless forces. But mainly that it'd never get past the starting blocks anyway.
Do you not think it's worth investigating the bonafides prior to joining in with their revolutionary quest?

There's nothing to join.

Not all revolutions are positive things, they have a nasty habit of ending up with the military jumping in one way or the other, or with a ruthless dictator forcing their way into power, and dissent being crushed.

Personally I couldn't see Russel Brand leading or being significantly involved with any revolution I'd want to support as the chances of it ending up how we might hope it would with him involved would be pretty negligible, and a far greater chance if it did suceed that it'd only do so having been taking over by far more ruthless forces. But mainly that it'd never get past the starting blocks anyway.

I agree that the word "Revolution" is problematic. Brand's idea of revolution calls for "democracy." Democracy in action on the local level, with global implications.

Again, how much is he worth?

A better question would be how much is the Queen worth. £44 billion the last I read. What did she do for New Era? Did she speak out on behalf of the mothers trying to keep a roof over their children's heads?
A better question would be how much is the Queen worth. £44 billion the last I read. What did she do for New Era? Did she speak out on behalf of the mothers trying to keep a roof over their children's heads?
God save the queen
We mean it man
We love our queen
God saves
He didn't get the campaign mainstream attention, the story broke nationally when the Benyon family pulled out due to the ongoing pre-Brand campaign. Richard Benyon is believed to be the UK's richest MP, thats a juicy story for the liberal/left press at the moment. The fact Brand had been to a recent demo was window dressing to a far bigger story. Then Westbrook took over and threatened to kick the families out - shadowy US property developers making families homeless at xmas is another big story, and also mobilised lots of people who are interested and active in these kinds of things to take notice, it was all over facebook etc and the demo they had planned looked to be getting big. Brand went on that demo, and thats where the footage of him arguing with a hack came from. Suddenly Brand was the story, although behind the scenes, against a backdrop of growing pressure on Westbrook from everywhere and the threat of a sustained and well supported anti-eviction campaign they relented and New Era won. That it is now being painted as his victory by the press is an example of the criticisms on this thread playing out for real.

You want to go there with this? Seriously?

Lindsey Garrett said:
I don’t think we’d be here now without Russell Brand's support... By getting involved he gave us a bigger voice. And rather than taking over, he gave us a much bigger audience to speak to. The amount of publicity that came with him really helped us.

So let me ask you smokedout, are the new era campaigners still getting it wrong over brand's contribution to their campaign?
Ok, since reading and comprehension isn't your thing...

Watch this cartoon Dexter posted earlier and see if you can recognize yourselves.

I don't think I am doing it right! What I get from the cartoon is that like the big bird, it would be better for everyone if Brand just fucked off.
I don't think I am doing it right! What I get from the cartoon is that like the big bird, it would be better for everyone if Brand just fucked off.

yup, the chattering little bird tribe would still have their comfy and warm feathers if it wasn't for Big bird shaking them out of their comfort zone. This is true. But are they better off?

What would they have to chatter about if it wasn't for Big bird? They'd just be nit picking at each other.

In the end, all you can do is laugh, like Big bird, at the naked absurdity of it all.
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Do you not think it's worth investigating the bonafides prior to joining in with their revolutionary quest?

Not all revolutions are positive things, they have a nasty habit of ending up with the military jumping in one way or the other, or with a ruthless dictator forcing their way into power, and dissent being crushed.

Personally I couldn't see Russel Brand leading or being significantly involved with any revolution I'd want to support as the chances of it ending up how we might hope it would with him involved would be pretty negligible, and a far greater chance if it did suceed that it'd only do so having been taking over by far more ruthless forces. But mainly that it'd never get past the starting blocks anyway.
Actually, Brand addresses this point in his book:
A lot of other political struggles and social uprisings labelled 'revolutions' are in my mind unworthy of the term, in that they were simply a hegemonic exchange. Whether it's the Russian Revolution, which led to Stalinism, or the American Revolution, that led to corporate oligarchy. The Revolution we advocate ought to have two irrefutable components: 1) non-violence, and 2) the radical improvement of the quality of life for ordinary people.
So, at least he's not a member of Russian Revolution Re-enactment Society.

I think he's using the word to make the point that what is required to get a society in which the resources of the world will be used to meet the needs of the people of the world is the complete ending of the capitalist system of elite control and production for profit. This would make the day-to-day struggles of people to survive within the system (necessary and inevitable as they are as long as the system lasts) a thing of the past. People wouldn't need to do this to try to get even their basic needs satisfied.
Brand became aware of the New Era campagin in mid-September and here is his own version of events...

The 93 families of the New Era estate have achieved an incredible victory against greedy corporations and lazy politicians and I believe, and the name of the estate suggests, this is the start of something that will change our country forever.

When I first clattered into Lindsey, Lynsay and Danielle in Hoxton market, East London, bantering, smashing out flyers and hassling shoppers into supporting the campaign to keep their homes, I had no idea that I had inadvertently wandered into the heart of a truly accessible and exciting movement to oppose pointless government and tyrannical big business.

As I stood and listened to the hollering trio, their kids wove in and out of their legs like titchy Agueros. The women have one child each; “The Lindsays” are both working single mums. I was captivated by their abundant spirit, the clear validity of their cause (greedy landlords jacking up rents, inefficient authorities doing F.A) but also by an eerily resonant pang, a ghostly memory of something lost to me, or perhaps stolen.

Over the next few months I became further enchanted by my new neighbours and met more of the New Era families. Initially just popping to the estate to glean information germane to the campaign – how much is rent going up? (it’s being quadrupled) Is this social cleansing? (the growing practice of moving working people out of big cities, yes.) Have Westbrook, the American corporation in charge, done this before? (yes, they’ve been banned for dodgy practices in NYC). Then I started to stay at the estate for tea, perhaps with Lindsey G’s parents Chrissie and Tony. Then for food, Lynsay S is a mean cook. Then for no reason at all Danielle’s boyfriend Ian is a laugh and we chat about football. I went there whenever I had free time. It became, to simplify it, basically the plot of “Dances With Wolves”.

I left my lonely (luxury tax haven!!!) house, which would be Kevin Costner’s fort, waved goodbye to Morrissey, my cat, which, in my mind, would be that wolf, I believe he was called “Socks”, and headed to New Era – in this patronising analogy they’re the Native American tribe.

Drawn in initially by the importance and ubiquity of the cause, housing is the issue of our time, I was compelled to stay, as if held by the heart, by a deeper issue, both social and personal. By something I didn’t even know I was grieving; the loss of community, our connection to each other.

On the New Era estate I was welcomed first by the campaign leaders but then by everyone as I continued to hang out there, Harry, father of a teenage son and a boxing coach, Nell, who speaks mostly in swearwords and still thinks I’m Russell Harty and Mary. Mary who sounds like my Nan and with the first words she said to me hit a dormant chord that hadn’t been struck for ten years since she died.

At Dolly, Linsey’s daughter’s confirmation at St Clements, at the buffet I fell backwards through decades wasted and ignored. Old dears that were old lady shaped cooed and brought me paper plates of nearly vegetarian food, and the memory of my ol’ Nan’s mates; the Joyce’s and the Vi’s welled up in me as I mimed eating bacon quiche. Her house on Lillechurch Road, Dagenham where she lived and died and where I’d crash and hide when I nightly crumbled in London and all that stood between me and suicide was a 3am omelet.

The Eastend communities of her generation spilled into Essex as “The Smoke” coughed up its natives to make room, not for immigrants, like they thought but for creeping gentrification. Their kids, my parent, maybe your parents bought their homes in Essex and Kent, but more was swapped than mortgage for rent. I grew up alone in Grays End Close, a lonely boy, the only son of a single working Mum. By the time my growing up was half done the idea of tribe, community was an abstract one. For me “You make yer own luck in this world son” was my creed and individualism my religion.

I got the things I was told would make me right; fame, money, glamour and it’s not all that. It’s better than signing on or being a junkie but is it ever as simple as that?

Now I know, thanks to the New Era families, that what I was looking for, perhaps what we’re all looking for is already here; “the kindom of Heaven is laid upon the earth but man does not see it”, it is found when we put aside selfish things and come together.

I gave up a lot to pursue my dream of fame and fortune and now I’m not sure that dream was ever mine to begin with. Now I know that what I lost, or perhaps what was stolen was a tender thing that’s hard to weigh or render, but it’s there. It was there at my dear old Nan’s, where the door was always open, it lingers in me still after the decade long crusade for personal glory and it’s there in the New Era estate where 93 ordinary families stood up to corporations and lazy government and won. There’s a little of this spirit in all of us and it is beginning to awaken.

Some people here show a worrying lack of understanding of freedom of speech and discussion. You can't just tell people to shut up and go away just because you don't agree with what they are saying. Fortunately they are not in a position to enforce this.
Can you avoid using that as a pejorative please?

the old people divided by a common language thing in full swing. tbh I'm grateful to Diane for bringing her yank sensibilities to this thread. For all our exposure to them we remain Europeans, Brits and, hereabouts, reasonably communist minded ones at that. So we're not often served an attempt at the Great Man theory of politics and history.

And very seldom indeed does anyone suggest that all that's needed to sort out parochial struggles is an American politician to bark out a few orders for British politicians, media, capital and people to follow.

It's good to be reminded, now and again.
go away Diana- you are an unwanted and irrelevant irritant - go and sip a fucking latte or summat...inane Californians have zero to add to this debate...and your output has been particularly feeble.

On the contrary! As Diana has herself pointed out, the Americans have a unique ability to understand the situation which we poor little Britons are unfortunately not capable of. Nor will we ever be, shameless monarchists that we are. Let's think about that now!! Instead of talking about Russell Brand, let's talk about the Queen, as Diana has demanded, and the Queen's wealth. Ah, if only we could face up to our internal contradictions and find a solution! May we forever be thankful for the Americans, natural leaders and torch bearers for a better form of democracy! Lead us, oh Americans! Impart upon us your wisdom of advanced democracy! Imbue us with the spirt of Boston in 1775, the most revolutionary of all revolutionary situations!!! Not, as some idiot urban gibberish-merchants would have it, a revolt by rich white men against other rich white men to protect the wealth of the aforementioned rich white men in a faraway land where wealth was in large part generated by slavery. No. The other America. The beacon. The path-finder, if you will. Not the missile, I mean. Sort of in a biblical sense. Like Russell Brand.
Everyone seems to be missing the point in my opinion. It means fuck all that he doesn't live like Mother Theresa. It means fuck all that he is famous. It means a lot that he is a loonspud conspiracy theorist destined to be the useful idiot of people more powerful than him. Whatever short-term victories result from his involvement in campaigns, the long-term impact will be the discrediting of anything he touches.
Also people who keep pointing out his involvement in campaigns as if a) that makes him good, and b) that makes him one of 'us' - what about the Easeman character Brand is or was chummy with. Fash and involved in the same stuff - he one of us too?
Still, suggesting the Russian Revolution wasn't worthy of the name and reducing it to mere "hegemonic exchange" (and suggesting it simply lead to Stalinism), is one of the fucking dumbest things I've ever read.

If only Brand realised that one of the reasons the Bolsheviks were successful was because they were the most organised. All of this leaderless revolution, occupy lizard, hold hands and sing bollocks is exactly what leaves a space for the more ruthless and organised elements to grasp power in a revolutionary situation. "We're all just vibrating on the wrong frequency. Change the way you think about reality, maaan!"
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