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Russell Brand on Revolution

I don't think it's a liberal prejudice to think that Bush is profoundly stupid. I wouldn't say the same of Brand but I don't see that he justifies the degree of attention he's receiving.

I mean the whole 'omg he said nucular/misunderestimate etc' thing

Guy went to harvard AFAIK.
That's me. Really thick, obvs.

Me too. I should have been shot by the education authority once it became obvious that I would never amount to nothing. I will never become someone bubbletastic like what articul8 is.
Okay, so I thank all the unknowable deities of the universe EVERY FUCKING DAY that I haven't amounted to what articul8 has, but that's beside the point! :)
#parklife ? I've agreed people with no formal quals can be erudite and intelligent. Doesn't justify media in painting Brand as height of eloquence.

Which is why it's good that they don't.
In fact, the sections of the media most opposed to him do the exact opposite - they imply that his wordiness isn't derived from knowledge, but from his innate pretentiousness.
Now, who else on this thread has described brand's wordiness as "pretentious", hmm?
Now, who else on this thread has described brand's wordiness as "pretentious", hmm?

Me but I have no real problem with Brand's speaking, I don't understand the problem anyone has with that. His writing is just pretentious and bad, there is a strong possibility that it's ghost written by the plagiariser though
Here's saint russell on the incident where he smashed a prostitutes phone:

"She went back into the bathroom and started getting dressed and came out wearing her underwear, and I thought, “Bloody hell she looks nice. I wonder if there’s anything I could say to . . .”
But there isn’t. As we picked up the bits of her phone, this atmosphere of faint possibility dissipated all too quickly, and by the time we were going downstairs I was thinking, “This is not looking good—I’m going to have to walk past reception in a minute, five paces behind a crying prostitute.”"

The whole thing is played for laughs.
Here's saint russell on the incident where he smashed a prostitutes phone:

"She went back into the bathroom and started getting dressed and came out wearing her underwear, and I thought, “Bloody hell she looks nice. I wonder if there’s anything I could say to . . .”
But there isn’t. As we picked up the bits of her phone, this atmosphere of faint possibility dissipated all too quickly, and by the time we were going downstairs I was thinking, “This is not looking good—I’m going to have to walk past reception in a minute, five paces behind a crying prostitute.”"

The whole thing is played for laughs.

But he has changed, he has seen the light, lessons have been learned, and when he goes public and denounces JR as an absolute misogynistic git, I will become a convert and subscribe to the trews:D
His flirtation with fascism and anti semitism can be tucked under the carpet, youthful ignorance etc etc.
fuck off you dull, patronising wanker.
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