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Russell Brand on Revolution

as i say in my post 1698 you knew nothing of the call to the rape line. nothing. nada. fuck all. so don't sit there you ignoramus and pontificate solely on the basis of the case for the defence.

You gettin all pious then Pickmans? very good at the old righteousness enit? Suppose you thought the Australian prank calling DJ's who called a hospital pretending to be the queen (when the nurse afterwards killed herself for unconnected reasons and a history of depression), were also evil folks, and should have been proper condemned, enit? you suck!
To be fair butchers I think she went and looked it up when it was mentioned on here. And dismissive and judgemental Cheesypoof? When it comes to egotistical celebrity conspiraloons yes I am. Also I haven't actually said that he is a charlatan etc, I suggest you go back and read what I have said because just a few pages ago I was saying that Michael moore books helped me get interested in politics. I am actually think of buying brands book for that reason, to see what is actually said in it.

fair enough. Read it, i'm interested in your views, and dont mean offence to you, sorry.
You gettin all pious then Pickmans? very good at the old righteousness enit? Suppose you thought the Australian prank calling DJ's who called a hospital pretending to be the queen (when the nurse afterwards killed herself for unconnected reasons and a history of depression), were also evil folks, and should have been proper condemned, enit? you suck!
are you saying i did, or are you saying you suppose i did?
Better than that, see if it's in the library...
it might be in a publick library, i don't suppose i'll ever see it in a library i work in. unless it's going in the pulping box. or i get a job in a copyright library.

but even if it's in a publick library, wait six months and you'll be able to pick it up for a quid in the sale.
Russell Brand is calling for a revolution, not just outlining 'ideas.' When he was asked directly by (I think Paxman), 'Are you calling for a revolution?' he said 'yes.' What is your point, or maybe you are pontificating for the sake of it. ..?

He's not calling for a revolution. Saying "I want a revolution" or even "I'm calling for a revolution" isn't actually doing so. To call for a revolution means actually giving the people you're relying on to revolt some kind of guidance as to what to do, not just blah-ing out "I'm calling for a revolution, mmkay?". :facepalm:
He's not calling for a revolution. Saying "I want a revolution" or even "I'm calling for a revolution" isn't actually doing so. To call for a revolution means actually giving the people you're relying on to revolt some kind of guidance as to what to do, not just blah-ing out "I'm calling for a revolution, mmkay?". :facepalm:
It's not really about Brand all this huff and puff is it? I mean if you met this fella down the pub/clubbing/at work he would probs be quite good company and at least you'd think 'well he's not Ukip and/or the fash'. I mean forgive me for speaking broadly but he seems kind of crusty. He's thin, talks about "spirituality" which doesn't exist, flirts with Cps, but doesn't like the system and so on. It's all a bit crusty to me. Personally I still don't get the strong feelings either way.

All this furore about him it's really about fame, media, today, celebrity isn't it? And powerlessness. Our powerlessness.

If I saw him in the street I wouldn't verbally abuse him like I do people from the Labour/Tory party/Lib Dems. I mean, he means well I think, but it's not really about him is it?
I wont take that personally....I'm not as good a writer as you, but quite tuned in.

i agree. i think people as in the public need to be reminded, it will incense them to be more active and passionate about changing things - i hope. There is certainly no harm in what he is doing.

There's no harm in drawing people into political debate, but rehashing old grievances like Walmart kind of misses the point that the issue about their treatment of staff and suppliers is massively well-publicised already in every country that Walmart own outlets.

So what? if it comes across that way to you? you wont believe me if i say i happen to be crazy about music.

Why wouldn't I believe you? I may not agree with your choice of icons, but I'm well aware that many people (including myself) are "crazy about music".

And i do revere artists and am very knowledgable on the music that i like. I'm also an idealist. However, as i get older, im becoming more cynical and dont want to become bitter - you should watch your own self as sometimes come across as up yourself, keen to piss on people's parades especially if they are sensitive.

Oh please! Becoming cynical is a natural phenomenon as you're exposed to more and more of how shit some things in life can be - cynicism is a protection against disappointment. There's an old saying - "hope for the best, but plan for the worst", which is probably the most effective piece of advice anyone can ever listen to.
As for being sensitive, you don't appear to have worried about that in the past when it's been you pissing on peoples' parades.
Try not to be a hypocrite, eh? :p

i think he does think about what. What harm do you think doing the Trews or publishing his book has done, exactly? (serious question). And how would you suggest he go about getting his message across instead? By working directly within the community ? You think that Russell Brand would be better 'spent' getting stuck into community aid anonymously? If not, what do you suggest he do?

I'll repeat myself yet again. In my experience celebrities need to walk a fine line in supporting causes, not because of themselves, but because of the damage that can be caused to such causes if the media decide to be cunts. I'm not talking about anonymity, I'm talking about Brand choosing his battles with the above in mind, especially if the media start calling him on some of his conspiracy theory beliefs.
He doesn't mention the god factor - he mentions the x factor numerous times though. You've not read it. As i suspected as soon as you said you have. You've read one of his other books and are trying to blag it.

He mentions the God factor.....:rolleyes:. And not the X factor. You are obviously taking the piss and mustnt have read it at all....
He mentions the God factor.....:rolleyes:. And not the X factor. You are obviously taking the piss and mustnt have read it at all....
strange how you say it's in the book about the lessons he drew from that rape call yet you were unaware of the call from the book. i am very tempted to call bullshit on you having read it at all.
You gettin all pious then Pickmans? very good at the old righteousness enit? Suppose you thought the Australian prank calling DJ's who called a hospital pretending to be the queen (when the nurse afterwards killed herself for unconnected reasons and a history of depression), were also evil folks, and should have been proper condemned, enit? you suck!

Evil no, stupid thoughtless and worthy of condemnation yes.
He mentions the God factor.....:rolleyes:. And not the X factor. You are obviously taking the piss and mustnt have read it at all....
Is that right?

Russel Brand in Revolution said:
I have it in me, this extremist, destructive impulse. When the pie-eyed teens in the school hall, where I, decades before, had grasped the tendril with which I would swing out of Essex, like a tubby Tarzan, look to me full of X Factor ambition and Xbox distraction and tell me that they “want to be famous too,” I wince, but I want to tell them they’ve been swindled. That they are being horribly misled by the dominant cultural narratives.

West Ham’s results, the Oscars, X Factor, even high cultural musings on Piketty or Roth or Bach or Beckett are not more important than the physical reality of our oneness. Anything that directs consciousness away from that truth instead of towards it is bollocks and it has to go. Don’t worry, I panicked myself there a bit. I’m not suggesting a year-zero book-burning immolation of all culture. I’d really miss West Ham, and, to be honest, there’s nothing wrong with X Factor, in its place.

Why are we pretending that we don’t live in a culture where, in spite of record-low voter turnouts in political elections, millions of people every Saturday night demonstrate their democratic right to vote for who they want to progress on X Factor?

Mentions of the god factor = zero.

He does though, mention it in other books of his - the ones you have read. Because you haven't read this one.
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