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Russell Brand on Revolution

Excellent - his hanging around with and endorsing bit-coin homophobes, anti-semites and open far-righters is a bonus, a good thing, because he's not being judgmental.

I think he should be judgmental i think he should judge peoples views. But we know that you don't - as long as they say one thing that you agree with they can do anything they like. They can smear a woman as a slut so bad and so relentlessly that she has to leave the country - in fact you'll join in with the smearing - as long as the person dictating the smearing says they are a socialist.

If you have one iota of proof to back that up, feel free. (That I've been involved in smearing any woman...or indeed used the word slut or anything similar....you certainly seem comfortable using it.)

Otherwise...as usual...you're just a loud-mouthed cunt shouting out bad words.

Always trying to escalate, insult and smear. Predictable, childish and ineffectual :)

Just to recap...I smear women and call them sluts, right? :rolleyes:

Go you, butchers!

You're the model on which action should be based! :thumbs:
Yes. We - there's more to this earth than you.

What are you on about?

Your snide knee jerk comments aside, I'm saying that the likes of Brand who are straightforward, accessible and un-patronising attract more people than insidious, infighting, dick swinging know it all types who alienate people who want change and justice but are wary of hectoring urban warriors.

But yes, I'd say you have failed. Utterly. You are the crude, pompous tub thumper who have nothing but bile to offer. RB may not be your cup of revolutionary tea but by christ, he's got people interested.

Now, back to your cardigans and angry rhetoric, comrade.
What are you on about?

Your snide knee jerk comments aside, I'm saying that the likes of Brand who are straightforward, accessible and un-patronising attract more people than insidious, infighting, dick swinging know it all types who alienate people who want change and justice but are wary of hectoring urban warriors.

But yes, I'd say you have failed. Utterly. You are the crude, pompous tub thumper who have nothing but bile to offer. RB may not be your cup of revolutionary tea but by christ, he's got people interested.

Now, back to your cardigans and angry rhetoric, comrade.
i wonder whether andrew sachs shares your view of brand as straightforward, accessible and unpatronising. at least brand now knows that the money he's shovelled to public relations men wasn't wholly wasted now he's persuaded one credulous twat here (that's you, krtek) he's worth listening to.
What are you on about?

Your snide knee jerk comments aside, I'm saying that the likes of Brand who are straightforward, accessible and un-patronising attract more people than insidious, infighting, dick swinging know it all types who alienate people who want change and justice but are wary of hectoring urban warriors.

But yes, I'd say you have failed. Utterly. You are the crude, pompous tub thumper who have nothing but bile to offer. RB may not be your cup of revolutionary tea but by christ, he's got people interested.

Now, back to your cardigans and angry rhetoric, comrade.
Yeah, the victory will belong to the snivelling little lick spittles.
What are you on about?

Your snide knee jerk comments aside, I'm saying that the likes of Brand who are straightforward, accessible and un-patronising attract more people than insidious, infighting, dick swinging know it all types who alienate people who want change and justice but are wary of hectoring urban warriors.

But yes, I'd say you have failed. Utterly. You are the crude, pompous tub thumper who have nothing but bile to offer. RB may not be your cup of revolutionary tea but by christ, he's got people interested.

Now, back to your cardigans and angry rhetoric, comrade.
the only change you want is the sort that you get at the bar.
This really isn't much to do with urban. Most people think he is a bit of a joke.

I'd have to say i think yre wrong on both counts, by a long way.

undeniably/uncontestably a lot to do with Urban, and the subjects endlessly discussed.

And a fair few people on here might think "he's a bit of joke " ( might need a poll on this ) , and the Sun / DM brigade might agree, but there's a lot of folk in between who I suspect don't, and they're an important constituency right now, could be a very important one in the future.
cantsin said:
I'd have to say i think yre wrong on both counts, by a long way.

undeniably/uncontestably a lot to do with Urban, and the subjects endlessly discussed.

And a fair few people on here might think "he's a bit of joke " ( might need a poll on this ) , and the Sun / DM brigade might agree, but there's a lot of folk in between who I suspect don't, and they're an important constituency right now, could be a very important one in the future.

Fair but I don't really know anyone in real life who thinks he is some sort of messiah or anything.
He's more famous as a comedian than a politician, loads of people didn't like him before and won't now, plus the schsgate thing put a lot of people off him. Loads of people dislike him for reasons that are nothing to do with politics.
Also plenty of people don't like him and found him annoying as a comedian before he got involved in politics. A lot of people thought he was a shit comedian before and probably do now.

there's certainly a good chance he's not the messiah, but personally think we was a really decent, thought provoking comedian more recently, ( in the context of headline/big arena Michael Mackintyre/John Bishop boots stamping on the human face forever types ) and commendably off his rocker (though pretty exhausting ) MTV goon in the old days ( )
I know a fair few who like him speaking out. I guess they're happy that at least one celeb is taking a stance other than the status quo. I don't think they've really thought through the implications of his unsolicited overtures towards these campaigns.
I know a fair few who like him speaking out. I guess they're happy that at least one celeb is taking a stance other than the status quo. I don't think they've really thought through the implications of his unsolicited overtures towards these campaigns.

Yep, me too.
the only change you want is the sort that you get at the bar.

From the guy who'd probably be hiding behind his bigger mate as he said such a thing.

It doesn't matter what I want; it matters to a lot of people out there who would want change but people like you and your hectoring master put them off voicing their concerns.
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