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Russell Brand on Revolution

braintax, proff green, braintax.

its hip-hop where the bite is today

Lowkey (conspiraloon unfortunately but soundtrack to the struggle is a supreme album), Immortal Technique, Mos Def, Akala...

Not heard of Braintax... off to youtube, cheers (or not, we'll see ;) )
listening to All I Need atm, nice, will go for The Beast Is Us next - see one of the youtube vids has thatcher in it's thumbnail so that's :thumbs: from me
Lowkey (conspiraloon unfortunately but soundtrack to the struggle is a supreme album), Immortal Technique, Mos Def, Akala...

Not heard of Braintax... off to youtube, cheers (or not, we'll see ;) )
Mr.Technique is also a massive conspiraloon.
theres quite a few hip hop conspiraloons aren't there? can't recall the name of the artist who turned up at occupy ny giving it full loon. Rothschilds, the works
:( I thought he might be but couldn't remember for sure.
The first tune I googled
You think illuminati's just a fucking conspiracy theory?
That's why Conservative racists are all runnin' shit
I was watching the Towers, and though I wasn't the closest
I saw them crumble to the Earth like they was full of explosives

The Devil crept into Heaven, God overslept on the 7th
The New World Order was born on September 11
And so on

theres quite a few hip hop conspiraloons aren't there? can't recall the name of the artist who turned up at occupy ny giving it full loon. Rothschilds, the works
That was Mr.Technique.
Just had to post The WSWS's take on Brand

Anyone with a shred of political integrity or class consciousness understands that Brand must be defended against such loathsome, conformist bile, articulated by the smug, self-satisfied upper middle-class media servants of the ruling elite. Individually, they hate Brand because he has dared to challenge the status quo from which they benefit. And all references to Brand’s wealth to demonstrate his supposed “hypocrisy”--coming from this quarter--are simply jealousy, combined with a real sense of shock and outrage that someone can so readily bite the hand that feeds them.

At one time, this would have been almost inconceivable. No one but an out-and-out political reactionary would have felt it possible to dismiss such world-historic events with a verbal flourish. But today’s not-so-leftist circles, wedded as they are to a capitalist system that ensures that they are comfortably well off, are more than ready to rail against the supposed futility of the October Revolution without feeling compelled to engage with the titanic figure of Trotsky and his struggle against Stalinism.

Titanic figure. :rolleyes: lulz.

beginning—I would strongly suggest—with a careful study of David North’s The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century.

What a surprise. :rolleyes:
I'm not even disdainful of Trotsky or Lenin (and they've both somewhat influenced my thinking, both as a lesson in what not to do and marxist theory in general) but this sort of idol worship is so cringeworthy ffs. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I want one now! :(

I'm surprised that the Sun are going for him this strongly - do they really care that much? I can't see how he's that big a threat to the order of things. Is this just an attempt at click-baiting 'lefties' to comment on their page?
I'm surprised that the Sun are going for him this strongly - do they really care that much? I can't see how he's that big a threat to the order of things. Is this just an attempt at click-baiting 'lefties' to comment on their page?
People are interested in Brand. People like rows. People like celebs getting some stick. Put all three together and you have sales. That's it. The political content is irrelevant/non-existent.
I'm surprised that the Sun are going for him this strongly - do they really care that much? I can't see how he's that big a threat to the order of things. Is this just an attempt at click-baiting 'lefties' to comment on their page?
I think Brand has been quite outspoken and critical of The Sun in the past. Indeed when i first saw him in a 3/4 empty room years ago he did a routine about The Sun's infamous Asylum Seekers Eating the Queen's Swans story, and the letters page about Ian Huntley having a voodoo doll in his cell. Was very funny.
I'm surprised that the Sun are going for him this strongly - do they really care that much? I can't see how he's that big a threat to the order of things. Is this just an attempt at click-baiting 'lefties' to comment on their page?

I imagine the Tories want to silence him or smear him as soon as possible. The internet can't be bought out like the print media so he's a big threat, exposing the tax avoiders and manipulators of capitalism.
one of his funnier rants as standup was talking about the sun 'You ever grow up with a mate who you realise you really fucking hate?'

or similar Youtube will have it
What butchers said. It's a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship. The celeb thrives on publicity, attention and fame; the sun sells papers, clickthroughs and whatnot. He used to work for them didn't he?
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