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    Lazy Llama

Roosh V, Pro-Rape Pick Up Artist, Announces Worldwide 'Tribal Meetings'

I don't know for sure. But it seems unlikely that so many rich entitled white guys would pose, for months on end, as guys who never have any sex.

I suspect the truth is that the percentage of men who never have any sex is on the rise, and I think open hypergamy is the reason for this.

What makes you think they are posing? They might have loads of money and be a cesspool of rage over the fact that they have never been laid.
That's my whole point. It is precisely because of the liberties that feminism has wrought in the real world that an increasing number of women feel free to pursue their true sexual desires openly.

It's not that hypergamy wasn't practiced before--in fact it's about as close to a universal as human behavior gets. But it was rarely acknowledged as an authentic expression of desire. Today it is. And as we see from Roosh and the like, that fact is simply intolerable to a certain type of man (those who do not benefit from it basically).

what women want to do if they weren't constrained by societal expectations is not the same thing as women's fantasies.
No. But I do think they represent a new and growing subsection of young men.

Seems like there's an 'echo chamber' effect there.

Self-selection, constructed subjectivity, positive feedback around various kinds of counter-cultural interpretation.

Cultic milieus again ...

In principle reality might not have changed at all, but what changed is how groups of young men gather and tell each other stories about how the world is ...
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What makes you think they are posing? They might have loads of money and be a cesspool of rage over the fact that they have never been laid.

And why are there so many men raging because they can't get laid? Because women are now free to pursue their sexual desires without regard for male approval. When this is the case, they will reject a significant proportion of men entirely, in accordance with their hypergamous tendencies, where in pre-feminist days many of them would have been forced to accept such men against their wills.

This liberation of female sexuality is quite literally intolerable to (many of) the men who do not benefit from it, and so they are beginning to act out online--and even in real life (see Sodini, Rodgers et al).
And why are there so many men raging because they can't get laid? Because women are now free to pursue their sexual desires without regard for male approval. When this is the case, they will reject a significant proportion of men entirely, in accordance with their hypergamous tendencies, where in pre-feminist days many of them would have been forced to accept such men against their wills.

This liberation of female sexuality is quite literally intolerable to (many of) the men who do not benefit from it, and so they are beginning to act out online--and even in real life (see Sodini, Rodgers et al).

Were you crafting that little gem of a post for a while or are you deliberately ignoring the recent posts that make your logic look like shit?
Seems like there's an 'echo chamber' effect there.

Self-selection, constructed subjectivity, positive feedback around various kinds of counter-cultural interpretation.

Cultic milieus again ...

In principle reality might not have changed at all, but what changed is how groups of young men gather and tell each other stories about how the world is ...

Maybe, but I doubt it.

Since the word "hypergamy" has caused confusion, let me try to put it in other terms. When women are free to pursue their sexual desires without regard for male approval, and in the absence of male direction, a relatively large number of them will pursue a relatively small number of men.

The statistically inevitable consequence is that a significant proportion of men will be left out of the "dating market" entirely. In men who already have misogynist tendencies (which is to say, many men), this can produce a literally insane mode of anti-feminism. Enter Roosh and company...
You're telling women you know more about women than women know about women. You're telling women you know more about what gets them wet than they experience when they actually, you know, get wet.

Sounds a lot like some other guy I vaguely recall us discussing
And why are there so many men raging because they can't get laid? Because women are now free to pursue their sexual desires without regard for male approval. When this is the case, they will reject a significant proportion of men entirely, in accordance with their hypergamous tendencies, where in pre-feminist days many of them would have been forced to accept such men against their wills.
You are funny Phil, to the extent that Roosh is funny. Which is not a lot.

This whole "hypergamy" thing - your favourite MRA word - is exactly where you're missing the point:
As far as patriarchy is in retreat that's how much less women will be forced to pair up with men of high status in order to survive.

Maybe the success of 50 shades (erotic fiction) is a symptom of that, of how submission has moved from a necessity in the real world to a fantasy, just like how powerful tory politicians are drawn to the ministries of strict madame whatever, for fun, for a carnivalesque escape from reality.
Maybe the success of 50 shades (erotic fiction) is a symptom of that, of how submission has moved from a necessity in the real world to a fantasy

That is what I have spent the last ten or so pages saying.

It is because of the freedom that women have won in the real world that they feel free to pursue their sexual fantasies openly, as men have always done.
There's a list.

We circulate it nightly. It gets updated monthly. It contains the small number of men we women, as a cohesive group, consider acceptable for sexual relations and/or marriage. It's listed on the stock exchange (it's called the SEX-E) and we play the market, seeing who is worth buying, who we should sell. Those not on the list are universally ignored and never get to benefit from being chosen by us all powerful women. Poor unlisteds.
Since the word "hypergamy" has caused confusion.

no it hasn't. we are perfectly capable of understanding the behavior patterns it refers to.

what you are getting is not the result of women en masse being too silly and girly to comprehend what you are saying,. this is the result of women understanding the term and your arguments and disagreeing with you. there's a difference.
And why are there so many men raging because they can't get laid? Because women are now free to pursue their sexual desires without regard for male approval. When this is the case, they will reject a significant proportion of men entirely, in accordance with their hypergamous tendencies, where in pre-feminist days many of them would have been forced to accept such men against their wills.

This liberation of female sexuality is quite literally intolerable to (many of) the men who do not benefit from it, and so they are beginning to act out online--and even in real life (see Sodini, Rodgers et al).

But you're assuming all these men are low status. What makes you think there aren't any high status ones? How do you know Roosh doesnt have a few CEO mates that think all the fit girls are going off with bin men?
But you're assuming all these men are low status. What makes you think there aren't any high status ones?

I suppose it might be the fact that the site is full of self-declared "betas" moaning and groaning about how their low status is preventing them from attracting women.

Maybe they're lying. Maybe they're all Roosh in disguise. Personally though I doubt it. I think these sites are exploiting a genuine phenomenon.
You can just imagine it.

'I have a college degree. I am attractive. I have lots of money from mum and dad. I am the height of Masculinity - a King in fact! Yet I walk down the street and even the bin men and lorry drivers are on the phone to their wives and girlfriends, the inferior, castrated, feminised little plebs, whereas I have to do with wanking into a sock! It's SO UNFAIR!'
Recent rally in support of Roosh V.

This ^^
Whatever they may be - young, badly-dressed, pissed-off Tory virgins - they don't look economically or socially deprived. T-shirt boy looks as if he went to public school and the others look as though they're pretending they did, so according to dwyer they ought to be able to pull. Surely there'd be some poor, social-climbing female willing to put out for them? Hmm. I guess not.
Maybe, but I doubt it.

Since the word "hypergamy" has caused confusion, let me try to put it in other terms. When women are free to pursue their sexual desires without regard for male approval, and in the absence of male direction, a relatively large number of them will pursue a relatively small number of men.

The statistically inevitable consequence is that a significant proportion of men will be left out of the "dating market" entirely. In men who already have misogynist tendencies (which is to say, many men), this can produce a literally insane mode of anti-feminism. Enter Roosh and company...

What you're offering there sounds like a proposed explanation of why there are potential members of such communities and participants in constructing such subjects, but it seems to me that doesn't need a whole lot of explaining (except obviously by the members of such communities, because they'd be wanting to blame some 'other' for their fucked up state, same way racists etc need to ... )

The dynamics of how those 'literally insane' modes of anti-feminism get constructed within self-selecting online communities on the other hand, they seem like something that's more important to understand.
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