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Roosh V, Pro-Rape Pick Up Artist, Announces Worldwide 'Tribal Meetings'

Gosh, look what he's done. I forgot what phil in full flight looks like.
Can you please explain what is so horrific about fat people?

Yes, I am sorry about that (Miss Caphat also) it was very poor form on my behalf and isn't what I meant at all. I was posting in a wound up rush and what I was getting at but failing to actually point out was that sexual attraction can't be boiled down to attraction to power, but that lots of other things (maybe even class, I don't know, I'm only just really thinking about this stuff) come into it. The 'marrying above your station' rubbish was getting to me, which is why I stopped posting. I knew it was crap at the time, and I knew I wasn't engaging with the thread in a lighthearted way any more which is why I've stopped posting. So yes, apologies, but I'm out.

Yes, I am sorry about that (Miss Caphat also) it was very poor form on my behalf and isn't what I meant at all. I was posting in a wound up rush and what I was getting at but failing to actually point out was that sexual attraction can't be boiled down to attraction to power, but that lots of other things (maybe even class, I don't know, I'm only just really thinking about this stuff) come into it. The 'marrying above your station' rubbish was getting to me, which is why I stopped posting. I knew it was crap at the time, and I knew I wasn't engaging with the thread in a lighthearted way any more which is why I've stopped posting. So yes, apologies, but I'm out.

apology accepted, I understand.

and this type of thing is why it does get silly when we get into generalizations about what is and isn't attractive*. There is also a huge amount of fat shaming on Roosh's site and no doubt all of the others like it.

*and I know this definitely wasn't just you...it's just that the conversation was becoming a bit meta, imo anyway
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Jaysus. It gets worse:

"To borrow conspiracy-theory terminology, the media shitstorm around this weekend's meet-ups is a false-flag operation. Roosh has intentionally brought the wrath of the global left upon himself."

Intention, schmintention. This guy's going to jail. I give him six months of freedom max.

two things: 1, I don't think it's just the left. Hatred for this douche seems to be bipartisan. This is important again because of the line they tow that all their adversaries are feminists, sjw's, feminist men, homosexuals, etc. And as long as they can keep telling themselves people are against them simply because of (what they see as weak or "fringe") political beliefs, they can keep feeling self-righteous

and 2) I would be surprised if he goes to jail. I think he's a lot cleverer than that. But it does seem like he's on a path of self-destruction (maybe he sees it as martyrdom?) It's all very (Tom Cruise's character in) Magnolia
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"hypergamy" = pretentious cod-sciencey word to describe the social phenomenon of 'marrying up' = a step up from the bald assertion that "all women are whores, you'll end up paying one way or another".

there are so many holes in the roosh (and dwyer) Theory of Hypergamy that it is, as they say in the harder sciences, "not even wrong". But just a few points:

- Hypergamy has in fact been the ENFORCED SOCIAL NORM, since forever, in patriarchal societies, with the difference that women had no choice in it but you can bet their families schemed, saved and coerced like mad to get them the 'best' (=richest, most high status) husbands. And since patriarchal societies only really value women when they are nubile fertile virgins that means a poor family wishing to 'marry up' must usually sweeten the "deal" with an unusually young girl or a hefty dowry.

- and because patriarchy is horrible in all dimensions, and hurts men too, in truly hypergamic societies elite men marry/buy/enslave more than their "fair share" of the "good" women; polygamy flourishes; and many poor men were (and still are) likely to end up with no female partner.

- now that women are free to earn their own money and pick their own partners they are VASTLY more likely to pair up with men who are NOT elite - that dishy bin man is even MORE attractive when you don't have to rely on his wage and can buy your own lipsticks! so the idea that hypergamy is 'on the rise' is questionable at best.

- as seen from the rising number of partnerships where the female partner earns more than the male, yet they manage to stay together and in some cases even bear and rear offspring. why does dwyer think that is?

- what IS on the rise in western affluent societies is now assortative mating (i.e. the consolidation and hardening within class barriers) and the classic hypergamy scenario of say a banker marrying a showgirl is if anything LESS common than it used to be imho - as the global 1% pulls up the drawbridge and won't accept commoners without college degrees, even if they do have hot bods or Russian accents.
He certainly is an opportunistic fucker, turning the situation to his advantage by making sure more of his followers buy his e-books

(from this article, which I thought was an accurate summary of the story so far) ‘Neo-masculinists’ cancel worldwide meetups over fears of feminist ‘mobs’

"In the blog post, titled “PRIVATE MEETUPS: Protocol To Attend Meetups That Now Have Hidden Meeting Locations,” Valizadeh told his followers that they can learn the location of the meeting nearest them by emailing proof that “you’re one of us” such as screenshots of receipts for his many self-published books, such as “Bang,” “Day Bang,” or “Bang Iceland.”"
- now that women are free to earn their own money and pick their own partners they are VASTLY more likely to pair up with men who are NOT elite - that dishy bin man is even MORE attractive when you don't have to rely on his wage and can buy your own lipsticks! so the idea that hypergamy is 'on the rise' is questionable at best.
I was just reading an article that suggested marrying across socioeconomic lines is the lowest it's been in 50 years. in here - I was wondering if it had any relevance here as it happens (certainly it contradicts Phil's argument, if any more contradiction were needed).
two things: 1, I don't think it's just the left. Hatred for this douche seems to be bipartisan.

Agreed. I didn't use the term "the Left." In fact I never use it. I think the left/right dichotomy is obsolete. The convergence to which you allude is good evidence for this.

and 2) I would be surprised if he goes to jail. I think he's a lot cleverer than that.

He doesn't strike me as intelligent at all, in fact I think he's as dumb as an ox. I don't think this is any sort of mastermind plot to make himself famous, I think it's a dreadful miscalculation that has left him well out of his depth. I'd be surprised if he's still walking the streets by Easter.
He certainly is an opportunistic fucker, turning the situation to his advantage by making sure more of his followers buy his e-books

(from this article, which I thought was an accurate summary of the story so far) ‘Neo-masculinists’ cancel worldwide meetups over fears of feminist ‘mobs’

"In the blog post, titled “PRIVATE MEETUPS: Protocol To Attend Meetups That Now Have Hidden Meeting Locations,” Valizadeh told his followers that they can learn the location of the meeting nearest them by emailing proof that “you’re one of us” such as screenshots of receipts for his many self-published books, such as “Bang,” “Day Bang,” or “Bang Iceland.”"

Frankly that's hilarious. And so very sad.
I was just reading an article that suggested marrying across socioeconomic lines is the lowest it's been in 50 years. in here - I was wondering if it had any relevance here as it happens (certainly it contradicts Phil's argument, if any more contradiction were needed).

Wtf are you on about? That article doesn't contradict my argument at all, it supports it.

The article notes that college-educated women are finding it harder to find "appropriate" men to date, because there are now more college-educated women than men. The point is that women are unwilling to date "down." So this is more evidence that I am right.
One thing I have found quite funny about this whole debacle is how 'mras' have sought to distance themselves from this bloke saying that he does not represent them. That amuses me in particular cos they not only think that all feminists are collectively responsible for everything that every feminist does they also extend that to all women.
- Hypergamy has in fact been the ENFORCED SOCIAL NORM, since forever, in patriarchal societies, with the difference that women had no choice in it but you can bet their families schemed, saved and coerced like mad to get them the 'best' (=richest, most high status) husbands.

This is why I was careful to distinguish between "covert hypergamy" which, as I've said, has always existed, and "open hypergamy," which is new.

Covert hypergamy takes no account of women's sexual desire. It is typical of patriarchal societies.

Open hypergamy is what happens when women are free to follow their own sexual desires without significant legal or social restraints. It is typical of postmodern Western societies.
Wtf are you on about? That article doesn't contradict my argument at all, it supports it.

The article notes that college-educated women are finding it harder to find "appropriate" men to date, because there are now more college-educated women than men. The point is that women are unwilling to date "down." So this is more evidence that I am right.
I'm not sure that women tending to date within the socioeconomic group they belong to really counts as 'hypergamy'.
- as seen from the rising number of partnerships where the female partner earns more than the male, yet they manage to stay together and in some cases even bear and rear offspring. why does dwyer think that is?

Hypergamy isn't only a matter of income. As I said, the status that attracts women can take many and various forms.

Nor am I talking only about marriage. I'm talking about sexual attraction. The essential point being that, for the first time ever, women are now genuinely free to choose their sexual partners on the basis of their own sexual preferences. That's a completely unprecedented situation, with profound implications.

(Sorry to break up your post like this, it's too long to answer in one go).
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