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Rogue One - A Star Wars spoiler thread

Went to see it again with ms A320 as she didn't join me when it opened. Still brilliant.

Saw it in 2d rather than 3d this time and the CGI generated 'old' human characters seemed much more real.
So the home release date has been leaked to be 28 March, in the US at least.

I'll be getting the blu ray version regardless of content if it just comes to a few quid's difference. Not that I expect it to have much extra content vs the DVD release. Having said that this is the one and only film ever where I'd be tempted to buy an extended/ special edition if they were genuinely going to include a substantial amount of deleted scenes, given the by now legendary amount of original footage that was reshot.

Was there a special edition of The Force Awakens ever released? If so, anyone here got it and was it worth the extra dosh/ wait? I've always been a bit wary of such releases.
personaly if it isn't main sequence then I don't give a fuck. Rogue on will get downloaded yes but so far as I am concerned I stole the death star plans ages ago when playing Dark Forces

But still... I can't wait for it to be leaked
As well as the standard Blu Ray release of Force Awakens, there was a 3D Collectors Edition released in November. It had "additional deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes conversations with cast and crew, and revealing, never-before released audio commentary by director J.J. Abrams".

It was 4 discs and had 3D Blu Ray, Blu Ray, HD Digital and DVD versions of the movie as well. Quite a few people were pissed off that they had to buy that version to get all the extras.
As well as the standard Blu Ray release of Force Awakens, there was a 3D Collectors Edition released in November. It had "additional deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes conversations with cast and crew, and revealing, never-before released audio commentary by director J.J. Abrams".

It was 4 discs and had 3D Blu Ray, Blu Ray, HD Digital and DVD versions of the movie as well. Quite a few people were pissed off that they had to buy that version to get all the extras.
Mmm... doesn't do it for me. Whereas I would have liked a few more deleted scenes/ commentary, I would have not had a need for multiple copies of the film on various platforms, which presumably they used as justification to charge fuck knows how much for the edition.
IS that Clone Wars stuff worth watching? Presume it's not canon.
It's canon - there were two things, Star Wars:Clone Wars and Star Wars:The Clone Wars and I think they're both canon.
I started watching but, nah, didn't like them. Not tried Star Wars:Rebels which is the current animated thing.
Clone Wars is, IIRC how many series there are, shit for three series, okay for one series and then good for two series. And totally worth it for the good stuff at the end... if you're a Star Wars nut.

I love Rebels but that may just be me.

All canon, yes.
Clone Wars is, IIRC how many series there are, shit for three series, okay for one series and then good for two series. And totally worth it for the good stuff at the end... if you're a Star Wars nut.

I love Rebels but that may just be me.

All canon, yes.
Rebels is great, that episode where the mandalorian woman fights the blind jedi to truly master the darksabre is great. Even though she is no force weilder that innate 'foce sensitivity' gives an edge. And it was an emotional training fight.

Also: thrawn rescued from the oblivion of 'star wars legends' and really creepy in rebels.

Still waiting for a rogue one torrent so haven't read the thread. Just waiting on a torrent and everytime I see this thread bumped I get a hope. A new hope
It's canon - there were two things, Star Wars:Clone Wars and Star Wars:The Clone Wars and I think they're both canon.
I started watching but, nah, didn't like them. Not tried Star Wars:Rebels which is the current animated thing.
its got Darth Maul in it riding his torso ontop of a robot crabby thing :cool:
Nothing pre-Disney other than the six films are canon. Disney retconned it all into oblivion.

Not even Knights of the Old Republic is canon any more :(
yep. Turns out I didn't steal the death star plans in the game Dark Forces. And all those tie fighter/x wing missons? not real either :(
oh the one fly in Rebels otherwise sound ointment is that wanker Ezra. Think of all of luke skwalkers most boorish and whiny early traits stuffed into one kid.
On the other hand, Chopper is what you get if you make R2D2 entertaining. He's brIlliant.
It seems that the best scene in the film (for me at least) was a last-minute addition and it almost didn't happen...

Edwards also told Fandago that the film's brutal final scene with Darth Vader, which sees him cut through a horde of rebel fighters attempting to get the plans safely off Scarif, was also a last-minute addition.

"He arrives and obliterates the Calamari ship, and then the blockade runner gets out just in time and he pursues the blockade runner. And then Jabez was like, 'I think we need to get Darth on that ship,' and I thought, yeah, that's a brilliant idea and would love to do it, but there's no way they're going to let us do it. It's a big number and we had, what, like 3 or 4 months before release. Kathy [Kennedy] came in and Jabez thought, f*ck it, and pitched her this idea, and she loved it. Suddenly within a week or two we were at Pinewood shooting that scene."

Blu-Ray comes out on 10 April. Just days before my birthday. A number of hints have been dropped to my better half.
Ahsoka Tano.

The greatest character not to appear in films...yet.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film) - Wikipedia

She was even on the poster

ehh a curates egg for me. On the one hand it was pretty good when it came to the action and computer cushing was OK- everything was all good there. But for all the talk of the force there was not enough of it. Basically I felt cheated out of a lightsabre duel. But yes THAT vader moment was good and tere are lots of elements that were sick. Some quality x wing action for starters. Ends well also, no messiness.
I'm not a huge fan of 'Rebels' but if you can get the chance to see the final minute of the latest episode (20) you really ought to - a really nice moment that works nostalgically and as an intervention and update on a very beloved character.
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