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Remakes no one wanted.

The original Matrix film is stupid.

Stupidly entertaining and, despite some obvious derivatives, revolutionary and highly influential at the time.

That year was so full of anticipation for The Phantom Menace, but The Matrix (totally unexpected) blew it away.
I saw it at the cinema when it came out. Everyone was laughing at Keitel's anguished howling because it was unintentionally hilarious. And yet another Keitel full-frontal nudity thing was just tedious. :rolleyes:

Yeah, don't really get the love for Abel Ferrara. Think King of New York is his best.

Herzog is godlike, if a bit cantankerous.
Apparently there've been remakes of both Oldboy and Point Break to name but two, but given that the originals are brilliant I wonder if anyone here's seen them...?

I'm sure it's been mentioned already but I was shocked to discover the Get Carter remake with Sylvester Stallone no less. Thankfully it arrived at a time I was too skint for cinema so I've got 20+ years distance on that 'un.

There's apparently been a Flatliners remake as well for some reason. Was the original even that popular...? I remember it as being distinctly ho-hom hokum. Similarly in the "found the original pretty meh" bucket, apparently Jacob's Ladder was remade in 2019 as well.
Is it still a remake if the different versions are based on the same source material, such as an original book or play?

I remember when Payback came out the Director was quick to state it was based on the same book as 1967s Point Blank, but not a remake. I think Red Dragon was sold this way too; that it was not a Manhunter remake, but base don the same source material.

Either way, I'd take the earlier films over the later attempts.

Get Carter was based on a book, but the Stallone version, which nobody wanted, was openly a remake of the Caine classic.
No, no, no no, no.....it's just so wrong 😡
Is it? Like I said, it's not a patch on the original. But Irma P Hall and JK Simmons rescue it, partly. Tom Hanks is at his most grotesque (at least until his turn as Colonel Tom Parker) and that doesn't really work. Wayans is amusing and the music is wonderful blues and gospel.

A mixed bag and the weakest of the Coen Bros output.
Steve McQueen deserved an Oscar for the Hustler. Didn’t get it.

They remade it as The Colour of Money.
He got the Oscar for that even though in my opinion he didn’t deserve it. Kind of evens out though. He got the Oscar he deserved by proxy.

Both good movies. I’ll allow that remake.

If someone said remake The Great Escape though I’d be like Nooooooo! Don’t want.
It wasn't Steve McQueen, it was Paul Newman - and the Colour of Money was a sequel not a remake.

Fair comment about the Oscar though.
The original Matrix film is stupid.
We’ll have to agree to disagree there. I thought it was a highly gripping film with a very fresh and innovative storyline the first time one watches it.

Perfectly fine with anyone thinking the film was silly, crap, or even shit. But even so, any flick that yields as significant a popular cultural legacy (not to mention its philosophical, and even psychiatric significance) as this one deserves a lot of recognition imo.
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Steve McQueen deserved an Oscar for the Hustler. Didn’t get it.

They remade it as The Colour of Money.
He got the Oscar for that even though in my opinion he didn’t deserve it. Kind of evens out though. He got the Oscar he deserved by proxy.

Both good movies. I’ll allow that remake.

If someone said remake The Great Escape though I’d be like Nooooooo! Don’t want.
Paul Newman surely
As others have probably suggested in the thread, remakes no one wanted but turned out to be as good or better than the original would be an interesting offshoot discussion.

The one film that I find a genuine one-off is The Fly. It has had not one but two remakes, and imo they’re all as great as each other. Wouldn’t want to pick a best one because they’re all different beasts, and classics in their own right.

At the other end of the spectrum, how many fucking versions and remakes of A Christmas Carol has humanity been subjected to over the decades? The Muppets one is okay though.
We’ll have to agree to disagree there. I thought it was a highly gripping film with a very fresh and innovative storyline the first time one watches it.
I saw it at the cinema and was blown away. Watched it several times on video. Hardly tired of it. Had not seen it for years and watched it recently with my wife and daughter (who had never seen it before). . . . My god it hasn't aged well. I'd actually say it's laughably shit and actually pretty boring. It was of its time, and certainly a game changer in many ways, but unfortunately it doesn't stand out proud as trailblazer of modern cinema in the way citizen kane still does.
As others have probably suggested in the thread, remakes no one wanted but turned out to be as good or better than the original would be an interesting offshoot
I prefer the 70s bodysnatchers. The evil dead 2 is better than the evil dead. Despite the '2' its really a remake with more cash.
We’ll have to agree to disagree there. I thought it was a highly gripping film with a very fresh and innovative storyline the first time one watches it.

Perfectly fine with anyone thinking the film was silly, crap, or even shit. But even so, any flick that yields as significant a popular cultural legacy (not to mention its philosophical, and even psychiatric significance) as this one deserves a lot of recognition imo.
It did not make sense.
As others have probably suggested in the thread, remakes no one wanted but turned out to be as good or better than the original would be an interesting offshoot discussion.

The one film that I find a genuine one-off is The Fly. It has had not one but two remakes, and imo they’re all as great as each other. Wouldn’t want to pick a best one because they’re all different beasts, and classics in their own right.

At the other end of the spectrum, how many fucking versions and remakes of A Christmas Carol has humanity been subjected to over the decades? The Muppets one is okay though.
They’re all versions of the novella, rather than remakes. This is absolutely fair play, IMO. No one complains when the RSC stages a newer version of Hamlet, so don’t see the issue with the movies doing the same
At the other end of the spectrum, how many fucking versions and remakes of A Christmas Carol has humanity been subjected to over the decades? The Muppets one is okay though.
The Muppets? you are joking?
The only Christmas Carol worth watching is the 1951 version with the great Alistair Sim
"Critic A. O. Scott of The New York Times regarded this film as the best adaptation ever made of the Dickens classic.[50]"
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