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Remakes no one wanted.

Not in this house they are not.
Grew up with them. They changed kids TV and along with the Children's Television Workshop, brought entertainment to millions. Especially in the States, where inner city kids had historically been ignored by middle class/consumerist programming. Sesame Street turned the Muppets into a force for good.

There's a wonderful documentary on the show that's really worth checking out. It's possibly on Netflix, can't remember the name.

ETA: it's
Street Gang - How We Got to Sesame Street
Grew up with them. They changed kids TV and along with the Children's Television Workshop, brought entertainment to millions. Especially in the States, where inner city kids had historically been ignored by middle class/consumerist programming. Sesame Street turned the Muppets into a force for good.

There's a wonderful documentary on the show that's really worth checking out. It's possibly on Netflix, can't remember the name.
I get the sesame st thing but this is not going well. We do not have netflix. We have more than enough crappy television without buying more.
Cut the silly talent shows then. You’ll thank me later

The Great Pottery Throwdown is excellent, and not exactly incompatible with liking the Muppets. A combination would be, um, messy though...

Most Dickens experts rate the Muppets Christmas Carol highly - I think Dickens would have too; going on what his contemporaries said, he wasn't exactly po-faced and serious in real life.
the one I got really upset about was the amazon remake of channel 4s Utopia. the channel 4 version was one of my favorite TV shows and it was so depressing seeing it butchered and diluted for a cheap cash grab.
the one I got really upset about was the amazon remake of channel 4s Utopia. the channel 4 version was one of my favorite TV shows and it was so depressing seeing it butchered and diluted for a cheap cash grab.

Tbf, was disappointed with the original, just never got the hype.
We have a new The Omen coming AND a new The Crow. These unnecessary remakes seem especially prevalent in the horror genre, which is a shame as there are plenty of things to be scared of that could be mined by film-makers.
I can see why Liam Neeson was cast. He can do the deadpan. He was funny being unfunny in Life’s Too Short.
But no thanks all the same.
Just watched the original on C4 on demand last night. I was worried it might be out of date for the 13 year-old (I mean, most of the cast is dead), but he laughed like a drain and we'll be putting 2 1/2 on soon.
Such cultural snobbery!

Besides. The Muppets are a beloved global phenomena, who have far transcended their hipster roots.

And they are puppets - clue is in the name.
The Muppets are ace! Their Christmas Carol is almost as good as Alastair Sim's and their Treasure Island is on a par with the Robert Newton version.
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