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Rich Bloke Kills Girlfriend ‘During Rough Sex’ - gets 3 years

3 years seems more than light.

I guess perp will be more than happy with his lawyers though, money well spent no doubt.
Still not getting how the fuck anyone can "accidentally" inflict mortal injury on a person multiple times, past the point needed to kill them even, and have anyone else believe a single word of the claim that it was an accident. Bull-fucking-shit does that kind of thing happen accidentally. Lawyers who defend this vile shit on such a flimsy and outrageous basis should be thrown into the clink alongside their scumcunt clients. Fuck!
Because they are savagely overworked and under-funded, same as all areas of the justice system.

They should have gone for manslaughter via GBH wit intent.

You can't acquiesce to being a victim of GBH.

They are overworked and under-funded. But, by the time the plea as accepted, the hard work had been done. I suspect it was more a reflection of their assessment of the chances of conviction.
Still not getting how the fuck anyone can "accidentally" inflict mortal injury on a person multiple times, past the point needed to kill them even, and have anyone else believe a single word of the claim that it was an accident. Bull-fucking-shit does that kind of thing happen accidentally. Lawyers who defend this vile shit on such a flimsy and outrageous basis should be thrown into the clink alongside their scumcunt clients. Fuck!

I think one issue was that part of the cause of her death was acute alcohol intoxication (as well as blunt force injuries).

The ethics of defence lawyers is a toughie. If they decide not to try their best within the law, they're effectively acting as judge and jury. That's who wants to defend scumbags? That's why criminal work never appealed to me. But, thank god there are some defence lawyers!
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Because they are savagely overworked and under-funded, same as all areas of the justice system.

They should have gone for manslaughter via GBH wit intent.

You can't acquiesce to being a victim of GBH.

It's a fucking bizarre thing to do, though.
Can only wonder whether they were leaned on by someone.
its a game to them you do need to give even scumbags a defense as the way the system works anyone can find themselves public enemy no 1 :confused:
but painting a rape or murder victim as a whore so she was asking for it is pretty low. Kinky rough sex defence to set of criminal lawyers cps could take what they can get or wtch the bastard walk.
The Scottish lawyer who forced a rape victim to read out the motto on her knickers and she later committed suicide wouldn't be breathing if it had been my relative:mad:
Execution is wrong I have no problem with a murderer being killed by police while they are trying to arrest them but once they are secure its murder and the state shouldn't be in the business of murder the whole rigamarole of a death sentence is a bizarre theatre better they confined in clean secure humane surroundings and be forgotten only to appear to complain they cant have a ps3 or penis pump etc.
Harriet Harman was on Woman's Hour earlier talking about this case. She made the very good point that this woman's family weren't allowed to speak in court when actually they could have been called. So the last description that Natalie Connolly's 10 year old daughter has of her mother is that of a dirty slapper who liked really rough sex from her wealthy boyfriend
Harriet Harman was on Woman's Hour earlier talking about this case. She made the very good point that this woman's family weren't allowed to speak in court when actually they could have been called. So the last description that Natalie Connolly's 10 year old daughter has of her mother is that of a dirty slapper who liked really rough sex from her wealthy boyfriend

They weren't allowed to do a victim impact statement? As the family of the victim, I thought they had that right ?
They weren't allowed to do a victim impact statement? As the family of the victim, I thought they had that right ?

Seems like plenty of things went wrong here, but it seems like the CPS were the biggest fuck-ups.

I'm not 100% sure of what the function of a victim impact statement is tbh.
If it's to "humanise" the victim, I don't think that should be the responsibility of the family.
They weren't allowed to do a victim impact statement? As the family of the victim, I thought they had that right ?
That's what Harman said but I think it's down to the individual judge? I might have to listen again because I was doing something else so only half listening
I'm not 100% sure of what the function of a victim impact statement is tbh.
If it's to "humanise" the victim, I don't think that should be the responsibility of the family.

I don't think of it as a question of "responsibility". It just makes sense to me that the ones impacted by an offence, especially involving the loss of a loved one, should be able to make a statement to the court.
I don't think of it as a question of "responsibility". It just makes sense to me that the ones impacted by an offence, especially such involving the loss of a loved one, should be able to make a statement to the court.

To what end? I think it makes some sense while the victim is alive for possible therapeutic and sometimes restorative or rehabilitative reasons.
In murder cases it seems more like bringing these about is an attempt by politicians to secure votes via the tabloid coverage.
To what end? I think it makes some sense while the victim is alive for possible therapeutic and sometimes restorative or rehabilitative reasons.
In murder cases it seems more like bringing these about is an attempt by politicians to secure votes via the tabloid coverage.

To let the victims and/or their relatives speak to the court about how this has affected them personally. Why isn't that enough?
That is a description, not a reason.

Do you think that the impact of a crime on those it affects has no relevance? By allowing victims/relatives to make an impact statement, it gives them a chance to speak outside of the nuts and bolts of the judicial process, and who better to humanise something than those humans directly affected? I'm honestly puzzled as to why you think it needs further justification.
Do you think that the impact of a crime on those it affects has no relevance? By allowing victims/relatives to make an impact statement, it gives them a chance to speak outside of the nuts and bolts of the judicial process, and who better to humanise something than those humans directly affected? I'm honestly puzzled as to why you think it needs further justification.

It needs further justification because it is meant to be a justice system. There are better arguments in cases where the victim is alive but in murder cases you *need* the nuts and bolts of the judicial process. If the victim in this case had been a meth-addled prostitute with no family, few friends and a history of petty theft, this scumbag should still be breaking rocks for the rest of his natural. That should have no bearing on the result.

Of course, the judicial process fucked up massively here, but that's the bit that needs fixing here.

IMO, obviously - I can't say I've considered all arguments but that particular one isn't enough for me.
I can't bear to read the details of this case, but essentially the same thing happened to the sister of another mum at my kids' school.
The partner drugged, tortured, repeatedly raped her and waited while she bled to death from internal injuries while their baby slept upstairs. Then he called his mum.
His defence was "rough sex gone wrong/she consented to everything".

At least though he wasn't rich and actually got convicted of murder and has served a decent sentence (their baby was almost an adult before he was released).
I can't bear to read the details of this case, but essentially the same thing happened to the sister of another mum at my kids' school.
The partner drugged, tortured, repeatedly raped her and waited while she bled to death from internal injuries while their baby slept upstairs. Then he called his mum.
His defence was "rough sex gone wrong/she consented to everything".

At least though he wasn't rich and actually got convicted of murder and has served a decent sentence (their baby was almost an adult before he was released).

Small mercies, I guess. :(
That would be heading towards some people's deaths are more severe than others.

What does this even mean? The "severity" of a death is always going to be subjective. For the person dying, their life is cut short. Can't get more severe than that, it's one of the reasons that capital punishment is so controversial. Likewise, people who had some kind of relationship with the deceased are going to be affected more than strangers who don't know them from Adam.

It needs further justification because it is meant to be a justice system. There are better arguments in cases where the victim is alive but in murder cases you *need* the nuts and bolts of the judicial process. If the victim in this case had been a meth-addled prostitute with no family, few friends and a history of petty theft, this scumbag should still be breaking rocks for the rest of his natural. That should have no bearing on the result.

Of course, the judicial process fucked up massively here, but that's the bit that needs fixing here.

IMO, obviously - I can't say I've considered all arguments but that particular one isn't enough for me.

Yes, it's meant to be a justice system. Allowing victim impact statements is in my opinion perfectly concordant with that, as the views of those affected should be heard.

Of course we need the nuts and bolts, and I have made absolutely no suggestion that they should be reduced or abolished.

If there is some mechanism through which the human impact of a murder could be conveyed to the court in the case of a victim with no friends or relatives to speak for them, I would welcome that as an addition.
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