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For anyone who hasn't been following, Zer0 split in 2014, with most of the people who made it decent leaving to found Repeater, and they have had a bit of a tendency to publish any old shite since then. Although I think the Heartfield book on WWII they published was before the Zero/Repeater bust up anyway?

Also, for RCP/Spiked watchers, found a great unexpected RCP connection the other day - you might remember that back in the 90s, RATM used a picture of a big pile of books as part of the artwork for Evil Empire. Saw a copy of the book recommendation list they assembled to go with it the other day, and you'll never guess who's on there:
Hmmm. Well I found fabulous Frank's Mau Mau book to be barely readable (don't think I finished it, in fact), but thsoe who work in African history tell me that it's considered a solid contribution to the study of the Mau Mau war. Not that I would know (I wasn't able to finish it).
O'Neill's latest slithery turdreckon about laurie penny's latest slithery turdbook contains this 24 carat nugget of truth.

...rape culture is so insidious that we don’t even see it. It’s just there, everywhere, doing its deadly work, training blokes like me to be gross, entitled pussy-molesters without us even realising it.

Thoughts and prayers in advance to anyone who ends up having to share a post nuke hellhole with him babbling away about 'why it's time to break the woke cannibalism taboo' and so on.
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Thoughts and prayers in advance to anyone who ends up having to share a post nuke hellhole with him babbling away about 'why it's time to break the woke cannibalism taboo' and so on.
Like anyone going into a bomb shelter would let him in, much less stay 🤣

Like anyone going into a bomb shelter would let him in, much less stay 🤣

The spectator probably has a bunker so he'd be holed up with a gaggle of likeminded souls. The dizzying hellbound spiral of oneupcuntship would be quite something.
Not listened to this yet. Any good? I am hoping for some big LoLs..
Do you think there's lols to be had with these guys anymore? They're hacks and weirdos, but they have managed to get themselves into a position where their agenda is taken serious by - and sometimes drives - the media and government of this country.
Thoughts and prayers in advance to anyone who ends up having to share a post nuke hellhole with him babbling away about 'why it's time to break the woke cannibalism taboo' and so on.

The woke set have a cannibalism taboo now? Twitter is going to be a bit quiet.
Politics Theory Other podcast has an episode about the RCP/Spiked lot here
Well that was fairly dull. A few things oddly omitted. They say they weren’t sure when Mirza became involved with the network, but she has said it was when Furedi was overseeing her dissertation, so it should be easily dateable. They omit any mention of their vile position around AIDS (just a moral panic to put us off sex) which predated the big shift (acc to the show) during the miners strike.

Most oddly, there is no mention at all of how LM was forced to shutdown after losing its libel case against ITN. They present the move as a political choice. Odd.
I think I’ll give it a miss. I know enough about Spiked, thanks. And though I used to enjoy PTO, I’ve not listened in ages as I grew bored of the style. It very much relies on having an engaging guest. Which I’m not prepared to expend any effort in finding out.
Most oddly, there is no mention at all of how LM was forced to shutdown after losing its libel case against ITN. They present the move as a political choice. Odd.
I mean, my take was always that the black polo necks pragmatically chose to wind up the print mag, because they saw which way the wind was blowing, print is expensive, and political parties unfashionable (plus
various key cadres were already financially fingers-in-the-pie with online stuff, paid punditry and event organisation).

What I find curious about the Omarska debacle is that in 1994 Campaign Against Militarism (RCP front group) was propagandising around a photo exhibition about the presentation of visual tropes to push a certain response; namely, emaciated people photographed and filmed by Western media crews the other side of a tall fence, evoking 1945 camp liberation footage. Pretty sure even then it was 'in association' with sister magazine Novo.

The contention at the time was that the fence seen on the cover of the Mirror and in ITN bulletins was not one which fully enclosed the prisoners, but instead was effectively visual shorthand chosen by the journalists to frame their story.

My recollection is that at the time CAM/RCP did not deny that these were prisoners and that they were detained within a camp from which they could not leave, but instead focused on what it saw as the misrepresentation of the specific fencing seen in frame (as in the journalists could have walked around the fence but chose to interview the prisoners through the wire).

Over the next couple of years the cadres seemed to double down, and kept doubling down, to the point that they were arguing that the camp now wasn't really a camp at all, and that the prisoners were not really prisoners, until eventually they got a response.
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I think I’ll give it a miss. I know enough about Spiked, thanks. And though I used to enjoy PTO, I’ve not listened in ages as I grew bored of the style. It very much relies on having an engaging guest. Which I’m not prepared to expend any effort in finding out.

I've read a few things by Evan and he"s generally decent (good stuff on campus no platforming) if a little rooted in the IS tradition from what I can see. No idea what he'd be like on radio.
I've read a few things by Evan and he"s generally decent (good stuff on campus no platforming) if a little rooted in the IS tradition from what I can see. No idea what he'd be like on radio.

Is the IS his political background? I always thought (guessed, tbh) that he had a soft spot for 'official' communism.
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