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She seemed to be involved in stirring up some considerable acrimony on a local issue here in Brixton. Mentioned in the comments on this article. Involved some form of attack on one of my local councillors who has been pretty good on many things and dragged in some people who post on u75. Pretty hard to figure out what the whole story was here but it looked to me like a very unhelpful intervention.

Yes I remember this. Looking at these pages about her and thought the name was familiar.

The I'm a working class academic got to me. ASH as well.

Really put me off them.

When it comes down to local community stuff one IMO works with well meaning people who might not be hardened lefties like her. But might actually know more about the area that some so called working class academic like her.

What surprised me was that someone who is a trained to study society does not listen to others. Not have the humility to not wade into a local area and instead actually step back and listen.
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It’s very odd. I took a look at the article and there’s some quite interesting stuff about Bin Laden’s interest in and influence from the Western counter-cultural scene of the late 90’s and interest in environmental concerns (I wonder about some disingenuousness on the latter one).

Applying the “w” word is clearly total bollocks and if the idea is to attract people to the article clickbait-style, it seems rather daft.
The man who could pass for the Hulk's arch-nemesis, the Leader, offers this analysis (with emphasis on the first 4 letters) on 9/11.
I still think my favourite ever piece of identity politics victimhood was when O'Neill said it was racist to make fun of his big head. I hope Wokey O'Neill isn't going to do a major terror attack to get back at the west over it.
I still think my favourite ever piece of identity politics victimhood was when O'Neill said it was racist to make fun of his big head. I hope Wokey O'Neill isn't going to do a major terror attack to get back at the west over it.

He is such a dick. When he appears on TV with a Sex Pistols "God save the queen" poster flanked by Union flags behind him, he probably thinks he is being provocatively iconoclastic. But what this combo actually does is scream, "Twat!"
The SDP of today of course, is a tiny rump party headed by William Coulson, and including people like Rod Liddle and Giles Fraser. A nasty little bunch. And the Spiked members speaking at this will be Frank Furedi and Baroness Fox.
The SDP of today of course, is a tiny rump party headed by William Coulson, and including people like Rod Liddle and Giles Fraser. A nasty little bunch. And the Spiked members speaking at this will be Frank Furedi and Baroness Fox.
Liddle and Fraser are raving communists compared to the (also speaking) David Starkey, Lionel Shriver and David Goodhart.
You have to wonder what the aim is of the SDP. They're not going to do well in elections outside of Bridlington, but there could be a kind of half life as a kind of centre right Compass equivalent.
Brief mention of Zero Books on the last page - they have now been bought out by Repeater books. Repeater was set up by some of the original founders of Zero who got pissed off with it.

Also a brief mention of the 1990s Anarchist Workers Group on the last page. Splits and Fusions blog have a post on them now and PDFs of all the issues of their magazine:
The RCP make a very RCP cameo appearance in this article about Kathleen Stock and the UCU:
Things were to escalate further with Brand revelling in being a scientific racist in the pages of The Independent in April 1996, stating, ‘It is scientific fact that black Americans are less intelligent than white Americans and the IQ of Asians is higher than blacks.’ and, ‘I am perfectly proud to be a racist in the scientific sense.’

The students’ response was to walk out of his classes, begin a boycott of them, and send a letter of complaint to the then departmental head, Robert Grieve. The University responded that, as Brand’s views were inside the law, they would not act. This parallels the Stock situation, where students and others attempted to use internal procedures to raise their concerns but to no avail.

The University’s Student newspaper, The Student, responded with an article titled ‘SACK HIM! – Student fury as Uni backs ‘racist’ lecturer’ and the Student Representative Council passed a motion calling for Brand’s dismissal. The Anti-Nazi League (ANL) held a rally in support of these calls.

Brand did draw some support, most notably from the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), the forerunners of today’s Spiked, who tried to stage a debate between Brand and their own Kenan Malik during the Edinburgh Festival. A picket by the ANL saw the event cancelled...

In November, Brand came out in support of paedophile Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, stating, ‘Non-violent paedophilia with a consenting partner over age 12 does no harm so long as the paedophiles and the partners are of above average IQ and educational level.’ This time, the University did act and Brand was suspended.

By February 1997, it was rumoured that Brand, with RCP backing, was to be nominated to stand for Rector of the University.
Brief mention of Zero Books on the last page - they have now been bought out by Repeater books. Repeater was set up by some of the original founders of Zero who got pissed off with it.

Also a brief mention of the 1990s Anarchist Workers Group on the last page. Splits and Fusions blog have a post on them now and PDFs of all the issues of their magazine:
Im not sure if that's precisely accurate.. Zero are owned by a conglomerate, as are Repeater, and Repeaters congomerate bought Zero. Not sure what this means if anything to the editorial line
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That sounds good. The report I read said Watkins (repeaters owner) bought out John Hunt (zeros owner)

Sounds like Repeater are pulling strings tho
I think this is up there as among the funniest non-sequiteur replies I've seen to anything:

I'd never really thought of like... Islamic mystic bots(?) being a thing, but perhaps they are.
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