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RCP & CPGB - where do ex-communists go?

untethered said:
The point I made was a simple, factual addition. I'm sorry that I didn't read the thread closely enough to see that it had already been made. Hardly a "cheap shot".

My point about "theses" was a pun about Martin Luther. Sorry you missed it. Maybe next time.


Sorry bubba, but Luther already corrected me. Why did you feel the need to chip in?

Tell you what, I'll put you on ignore, that way I won't have to waste my time responding to your idiotic remarks.
He says he didn't read the thread properly, nino_savatte...

So where were we...ah yes...watching Living Marxism licking Nick Cohen's eye, scream...
Maybe all this think tank malarky is some obscure method of infiltrating the establishment and destroying from within? I mean if you're saying John Reid is among their number, he's sure doing a fine job of wrecking the legal and judicial systems in this country...

Or it could be to pay the mortgage. Who knows...
nino_savatte said:
I'm confused too.
sourcewatch on LM/RCP's "Sense About Science" said:
In October 2003, a series of largely unfavorable GM articles in the media followed the results of Farm Scale Evaluations of three GM crops. The group co-ordinated a letter to the Times written by Derek Burke of its Advisory Council and signed by 113 other scientists, complaining that the government had had remained silent instead of making the case for genetic engineering. "Genetic engineering of plants has been reduced to a matter of consumer preference; the public has been misinformed; and the efforts of scientists to communicate about genetic engineering have been misused," they complained. [3] [4].

Tony Blair subsequently told the Commons that he had not ruled out the commercialisation of GM crops in Britain [5]. The [Sense About Science]group has also planted a variety of pro-GM stories in the media, including the Broom's Barn trials.

The [Sense About Science] trust shared the same phone number as Global Futures [6], and is related through this organisation and common personnel, to the libertarian Institute of Ideas and the LM group. The domain name senseaboutscience.org.uk was registered by Rob Lyons, the web master of right wing e-zine Spiked Online, edited by the prominent LM partisan Mick Hume.

kyser_soze, how could this be indicative destroying the establishment from within?

Dependence on pesticides and growing pesticide-resistent GM crops would destroy our ecology from within. It's not ecologically sound to be manufacturing pesticide, or eating crops that have been doused with chemicals...so surely you meant to say "destroying the ecosystem and endangering human health to increase corporate agribusinesses profits?

Pesticide build-up in supermarket food - Report of the U.K. Pesticide Safety Directorate - 2001 (article+stats)
Luther Blisset prooving that people who are serious about the left have no sense of sarcasm, irony or indeed, humour...:rolleyes:
kyser_soze said:
Luther Blisset prooving that people who are serious about the left have no sense of sarcasm, irony or indeed, humour...:rolleyes:

Being a Revolutionary is a serious business :mad:
kyser_soze said:
Luther Blisset prooving that people who are serious about the left have no sense of sarcasm, irony or indeed, humour...
quello era umore? mia nonna che loffa è infinitamente più divertente :rolleyes:
Luther Blissett said:
quello era umore? mia nonna che loffa è infinitamente più divertente :rolleyes:

Ah, is this some example of subtle humour inspired by Garibaldi that you would write it in Italian?

Pompous ass.
What happened to ex RCPers? I'm ex and have now got a life :D A lot of people I know simply drifted back into normal life after the late 90s. A smaller number have nice cushy careers in (mainly their own) think tanks, columns in papers, cushy jobs in universities - I could go on but you get the message...middle class careerists!
portman said:
What happened to ex RCPers? I'm ex and have now got a life :D A lot of people I know simply drifted back into normal life after the late 90s. A smaller number have nice cushy careers in (mainly their own) think tanks, columns in papers, cushy jobs in universities - I could go on but you get the message...middle class careerists!

So you're telling us that you haven't swapped one cult for another?
nino_savatte said:
So you're telling us that you haven't swapped one cult for another?

Exactly! I only needed the experience once to know never to get involved in anything like that again. Not only is their a high personal cost, which I don't want to go into, politically, any form of vanguardist organisation is never going to reach out to the mainstream...

The paradox is, that now a number of ex RCPers have cushy jobs in the media, they have more influence than back in the 80s and 90s...
portman said:
The paradox is, that now a number of ex RCPers have cushy jobs in the media, they have more influence than back in the 80s and 90s...

Sorry, I don't see the paradox. In the days of the little RCP, the RCPers were communists, albeit in their own slightly odd Trot way. Now the IoI people and the Spiked people and Frank 'no longer Richards' Furedi are not communists. They get a bit of a hearing in sections the media because they have some topical points to make and are keen to be controversial. That's all.
portman said:
Exactly! I only needed the experience once to know never to get involved in anything like that again. Not only is their a high personal cost, which I don't want to go into, politically, any form of vanguardist organisation is never going to reach out to the mainstream...

The paradox is, that now a number of ex RCPers have cushy jobs in the media, they have more influence than back in the 80s and 90s...

Sure, it wasn't as though you could become a member though. Iirc, it was only Furedi's inner circle who were members, everyone else was a supporter.

I'm aware of the numbers of them in the media and it would seem that this was their true aim all along:to infiltrate their way into influential positions in the press, radio and television. This way they hoped to form/shape opinion and disseminate their ideas to a wider audience. I'm not sure how effective their campaign has been, though they always seem to attach themselves to cultural bodies as well as those of the media.
Mark Kermode is another ex RCP, but he is very disparaging about them,and i don't think he is on the left at all now.

portman, i though you were sympathetic to the IWCA, strange shift if true
treelover said:
Mark Kermode is another ex RCP, but he is very disparaging about them,and i don't think he is on the left at all now.

portman, i though you were sympathetic to the IWCA, strange shift if true

Well, Kermode is now a [born again] Xtian, so he's swapped one cult for another.
treelover said:
Mark Kermode is another ex RCP, but he is very disparaging about them,and i don't think he is on the left at all now.

portman, i though you were sympathetic to the IWCA, strange shift if true

...but after all that sitting around theorising and pontificating (followed by a few years break!), it's actually a nice change to be getting stuck into something that has a connection with real life and people :D Not only that, something that represents my direct interests as well...

Just wish I'd got out of the RCP sooner (even though I was just a humble supporter)... However, we all learn from our mistakes and I certainly learned a hell of a lot from the political mistakes I made in the past!!
portman said:
...but after all that sitting around theorising and pontificating (followed by a few years break!), it's actually a nice change to be getting stuck into something that has a connection with real life and people :D Not only that, something that represents my direct interests as well...

Just wish I'd got out of the RCP sooner (even though I was just a humble supporter)... However, we all learn from our mistakes and I certainly learned a hell of a lot from the political mistakes I made in the past!!

I bet you learnt how to flypost in the RCP though ... they could have given masterclasses in it ... they should have used it as a recruiting tool like the Army - "Join up and learn a useful skill"!
treelover said:
portman, i though you were sympathetic to the IWCA, strange shift if true

Not that strange when you consider that the IWCA is the child of Red Action. Red Action and the RCP at one stage had an electoral alliance called the Red Front. And despite Red Action's emphasis on fistfights with fascists and the RCPs emphasis on recruiting upwardly mobile students, they had a similar arrogance and for that matter similar politics on quite a few issues. The most notable one being Ireland of course, where both took an uncritically pro IRA stance.
Nigel Irritable said:
Not that strange when you consider that the IWCA is the child of Red Action. Red Action and the RCP at one stage had an electoral alliance called the Red Front. And despite Red Action's emphasis on fistfights with fascists and the RCPs emphasis on recruiting upwardly mobile students, they had a similar arrogance and for that matter similar politics on quite a few issues. The most notable one being Ireland of course, where both took an uncritically pro IRA stance.

Very strange when you conside that the RCP dismissed the working class as agents of revolutionary change and hence disolved themselves, while RA and AFA pushed ahead with the IWCA as a project that sought to place the working class back centre stage as the neccessary agents of 'total social change'. A member of RA once told me that the Red Front experience had been one where they'd learnt alot but didn't feel the need to repeat...or words to that effect.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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