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RCP & CPGB - where do ex-communists go?

Louis MacNeice said:
Very strange when you conside that the RCP dismissed the working class as agents of revolutionary change and hence disolved themselves, while RA and AFA pushed ahead with the IWCA as a project

It's certainly true that a shift from the RCP's descendant projects to Red Action's descendant project would be very strange. But a shift from the RCP to Red Action back in the day wouldn't have been so odd. The two groups have obviously evolved in very different, but while they were never identical the parent organisations were similar in some ways. Not only did they ally together in the Red Front, they were both obsessed with cheering on the IRA, were both virulently hostile to Labour even back before Labour's long rightward march and both shared a certain arrogance.

The main problem shifting between the two twenty years ago might have been the different sub-cultures. Red Action were, of course, determinedly prolier than thou while the RCP were more interested in what we might euphemistically call the upwardly mobile. Now of course about the only thing they have in common is that both have disbanded and been replaced with successor organisations.
The fact that an ex RCP member joins the IWCA is hardly evidence of a process of natural symbiosis between Red Action and the IWCA.

Anyway if Red Action were more 'prolier than though' I can see why Nigels nose is out of joint , normally Militant and the Socialist party liked to aspire to that title.

And good luck to the IWCA in the Thurrock Council elections.
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