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A tonne of scans of Living Marxism magazine have been added to the Splits and Fusions archive FWIW

There was a copy of this cover on the wall in my school classroom 🤣

In many ways 👍

I'm not going to get into it but her book has some dodgey stuff against migrants who moved onto the estate she talks about, being less deserving than the generation of earlier Caribbean migrants she aligns with.
Dont have a copy anymore but it's towards the end.
If you're saying she's racist or xenophobic then I disagree, especially as she constantly shares articles by Aditya Chakrabortty. Her son is also mixed race. And neither do you actually provide any evidence to back up your claim.
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Did your teacher sport a fashionable hair cut and wear expensive black jeans? Were they known to haunt the high street on a Saturday morning with a clipboard in hand? In short, were they a cunt?
Reader, Dr C did not append the poster to the wall
The segue into complaining about idpol being to blame is about the most LM thing possible. As though weird PhDs haven't been standard fare for the papers for decades.
Can't say I like Spiked but to be fair to Lisa McKenzie I'd say this is a pretty good article

Not much to disagree with - or terribly original in Lisa M's article. The use of 'free', self-alienating academic labour to support mega-rich publishing and maintain exclusive, demagaing hierarchies is hardly a new insight. And the masturbation article - though hardly representative of the majority of academic research - is not the only self-indulgent published article (and no more self-indulgent that a lot of IoI/Spiked articles). Nor is the call to engage with the 'wider world' new or radical. The impact agenda in Universities is precisely that - and can be even more damaging that academic insularity. As impact is often - and easily evidenced - but showing how the research helps government policy makers or business.

Whilst it is possible to make 'impact' through engagement with other groups, it is usually less highly regarded and obviously far harder to evidence. After all some groups work best by operating under the radar, rather than naming themselves through academic-reporting. So Lisa M's suggestion can be used to support the idea, already in operation within government and University management, that the only research that matters is that which helps capital and/or the state.
Been hopping between threads and it took me a while to twig that you weren’t talking about SpookyFrank.
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Look at the cursed lineup for the Battle of Ideas festival this year. Jesus.

View attachment 347037
"Plus a special video message from Alex Belfield, a fundraising auction hosted by celebrity gavel-basher Katie Hopkins, the amusing cabaret stylings of former Scots comedian of the year Leo Kearse, and closing disco by Special Guest DJ that fella from Mumford & Sons (prompt 10:30 finish)"
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I can imagine the meeting.

Do you think everyone will get the message now?
No, a lot of these are hardly household names. We need to go obvious.
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