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I'm not a big fan of hers, mainly because aside from railing against the middle class her politics don't actually lead to anything in practice aside from advocating riots. . However, her book was a good warts and all read and I am looking forward to her Tales from the Lockdown. I fail to see that the content of her article in Spiked, which despite being short makes a reasonable point, offers any evidence that she is long down some insidious sounding path.
I'm not a big fan of hers, mainly because aside from railing against the middle class her politics don't actually lead to anything in practice aside from advocating riots. . However, her book was a good warts and all read and I am looking forward to her Tales from the Lockdown. I fail to see that the content of her article in Spiked, which despite being short makes a reasonable point, offers any evidence that she is long down some insidious sounding path.

In isolation it may well be a reasonable point. But in the context of here and now it offers "w/c cover" for the "stop whining you millennial snowflakes" current in the culture wars.
I'm not a big fan of hers, mainly because aside from railing against the middle class her politics don't actually lead to anything in practice aside from advocating riots. . However, her book was a good warts and all read and I am looking forward to her Tales from the Lockdown. I fail to see that the content of her article in Spiked, which despite being short makes a reasonable point, offers any evidence that she is long down some insidious sounding path.
It's about giving left cover to the bullshit that Spiked spouts "we cover current affairs from a radical, democratic, pro-freedom and humanist perspective"
Just stumbled across her twitter feed and she's still spending 90% of her energy shouting about how working class she is. She reckons that by writing in Spiked she's getting her work read by w/c people. Yeah alright.
Completely irrelevant person writes same shit article she always does in fash adjacent publication but it's fine cos she's more working class than you. I think that's how it goes.
"we cover current affairs from a radical, democratic, pro-freedom and humanist perspective"
Such as denying the existence of institutional racism and spewing out god knows what other toxic shit?

Somehow I don't think they would print stuff that acknowledged the existence of institutional racism.
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So you will read the other two nazi sympathizer rags I mentioned?

Occasionally I do read articles in them that I think I might find interesting. Having been an active antifascist and left winger for all my adult life I don't really feel that think I am on that slippery slope or 'that path' tbh .In the same way as reading the Guardian has never made me drift into concerned lifestyle liberalism.
It's not. It's where she says what she says - and what that says about what she says. And you hate her for being a pink haired faker anyway.

There is no hint here of the usual w/c are secret racist stuff, always thinking bad stuff of the middle class terror-grammar. It's just banal boring nothing crap.
She seemed to be involved in stirring up some considerable acrimony on a local issue here in Brixton. Mentioned in the comments on this article. Involved some form of attack on one of my local councillors who has been pretty good on many things and dragged in some people who post on u75. Pretty hard to figure out what the whole story was here but it looked to me like a very unhelpful intervention.

Proper full on loon bollocks tailor made for RT. 'As a sociologist'. jfc.

He promised to clean up Washington, to drain the swamp, and to vanquish ‘the deep state’. But he failed miserably. And what if Wednesday, 14 days before he was due to depart the White House, was the deep state’s revenge, a stage-managed show designed to humiliate him and his supporters, and to reveal them in their true, disgusting colours? And put paid to ‘Orange Man’ forever?

I’m no conspiracy theorist, but it makes sense to me. Certainly, my sociological analysis thus far in this ever changing and dynamic situation is that the unleashing of the angry mob onto Capitol Hill was a good day for the forces of conservatism, the Washington elite, both Republican and Democrat, who have loathed Trump with a passion since he dared raised his coiffured head above the political parapet.

how is it possible that a couple of thousand of badly dressed and quite frankly weird folks break into the USA’s centre of power?
Isn't this snobbery about clothes a little bit m-m-m-m-middle class.
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Funny how none of the working class academics I've known have felt the need to describe themselves as working class academics. Probably didn't see it as their primary selling point

There's a whole bunch of stuff being organised under the network/label of "working class academics". Some useful, some less so. There's a strong tendency to view at as identity rather than position, which limits it imho.
There's a whole bunch of stuff being organised under the network/label of "working class academics". Some useful, some less so. There's a strong tendency to view at as identity rather than position, which limits it imho.
No problem with organising along those lines obviously but labelling yourself as such every time you speak your brains unto the world is a little limiting. As you just said I guess
Proper full on loon bollocks tailor made for RT. 'As a sociologist'. jfc.

An exciting new form of "I'm not [x], but..." there.
No problem with organising along those lines obviously but labelling yourself as such every time you speak your brains unto the world is a little limiting. As you just said I guess
For me anyway, it seems that Dr McKenzie more and more tends to use and see the notion of working class as an identity rather than a relationship to the means of production. While there is the role of cultural capital to take into account, some people do go too far down the route of lifestyle signifiers. Ketchup and mushy peas. That’s not a measure of class in and of itself, so it’s frustrating when people abandon economic relationship for culture as their yardstick.

In theory Dr McKenzie sells her labour for a wage, making her working class by that measure, and her background is working class, but your Dad being a miner doesn’t make you one.

She works as a lecturer at a Russell Group university and, with a doctorate, can expect an average of around £48k a year. I’m not in favour of racing to the bottom, but I think if you gave her title, occupation and salary, and asked around the area she grew up, people would be more likely to say she came from a working class background as opposed to still being working class. She could certainly put aside enough money to own property she doesn’t directly use. And if she lives in the North East of England, her housing will be cheaper than it would be in London.

That all probably goes towards explaining why she plays up the identity side of things more now. Note, I’m not saying that you can’t be working class and have a degree. Nor that you can’t be working class and work in education (I did). Just that she seems a little like she doth protest too much these days.
Funny how none of the working class academics I've known have felt the need to describe themselves as working class academics. Probably didn't see it as their primary selling point
Academia has been an upper middle class game for a long time. It’s rare to have anyone rattling their cages, someone amongst them.

It’s not surprising your academic contacts did not emphasis being working class. It’s does not help in that arena.
I would not say it's "rare" to find people from working class backgrounds in academia. It's not the norm but it's not rare.
Turns out someone I know is friends with Claire Fox and others from associated groups on Facebook. I made a comment about disliking Claire Fox and attracted the attention of other IoI types. They seem a bit weird, almost cult like, they certainly don't like criticism! Reminds me a bit of the scientologists.

Any had any experiences with them?
Wa Prince Philip in the RCP?

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