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Even they couldn't praise Prince Philip, could they? Of course they could

That's not them, It's the voice of the Great Leader himself.

We had a good laugh about the irrational impulse to ban anything that seems ‘too risky’. It was clear to me that he understood the threat posed by the culture of precaution to British society.

Frank and Phil were like two chips off the same old spud. And given the success of his movement, he has every right to be the next Royal Consort
Well well Well. What an amazing coincidence that two independent anti-LTN council candidates in North London should both turn out to be linked with our favourite libertarian network?

“Are you saying I'm part of a conspiratorial network?” :hmm:
Well well Well. What an amazing coincidence that two independent anti-LTN council candidates in North London should both turn out to be linked with our favourite libertarian network?

“Are you saying I'm part of a conspiratorial network?” :hmm:
That's quite funny, for reasons I don't really want to get into because these people tend not to have a sense of humour :D
Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out they were just playing the long game. Preparing for power, using money siphoned from the Kock brothers, big tobacco and the oil companies and investing it in guillotine makers. They already seem to be in charge of the state broadcaster and are making inroads into the institutions of power using deep enterist tactics. I look forward to the day comrade Fox's mask slips and she starts popping off the captains of industry on prime time telly.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out they were just playing the long game. Preparing for power, using money siphoned from the Kock brothers, big tobacco and the oil companies and investing it in guillotine makers. They already seem to be in charge of the state broadcaster and are making inroads into the institutions of power using deep enterist tactics. I look forward to the day comrade Fox's mask slips and she starts popping off the captains of industry on prime time telly.

The Red Baroness
I notice that zero books are publishing Alex Hochuli’s book, on the end of the end of history. Hochuli has written for spiked, was working at the university of Kent. Zer0 have published the likes of, Jenni Bristow, Nagle and Gittos. Has Zer0 become Spiked publishing arm?
Where are they now?
Bruno Waterfield joined the Anarchist Communist Federation as a young man in the late 1980s. He subsequently left to join the platformist Anarchist Workers Group (ha) and then like most of the AWG joined the Revolutionary Communist Party which morphed into the even more horrendous Spiked/ Institute of Ideas. He's still a Spiked heavy as well as being for the last couple of decades Brussels editor for first the Daily Telegraph and then the Times (wha?)
Where are they now? No.2
Duleep Allirajah was a member of the Direct Action Movement in the 1980s. He then also joined the AWG, and then went to the RCP, Institute of Ideas/Spiked. He still writes a sports column for Spiked. He works for MacMillan Cancer Support
Yeah, he became a UKIP supporter and still appears to be on the far-right judging by his twitter account. Apparently he's a 'terrorism expert' and is now an academic. Must be a good earner.
Paul Stott, not just a supporter but a member of UKIP by 2015. He's now a member of the Henry Jackson Society, neocon think tank linked to Priti Patel and Michael Gove
I notice that zero books are publishing Alex Hochuli’s book, on the end of the end of history. Hochuli has written for spiked, was working at the university of Kent. Zer0 have published the likes of, Jenni Bristow, Nagle and Gittos. Has Zer0 become Spiked publishing arm?
For anyone who hasn't been following, Zer0 split in 2014, with most of the people who made it decent leaving to found Repeater, and they have had a bit of a tendency to publish any old shite since then. Although I think the Heartfield book on WWII they published was before the Zero/Repeater bust up anyway?

Also, for RCP/Spiked watchers, found a great unexpected RCP connection the other day - you might remember that back in the 90s, RATM used a picture of a big pile of books as part of the artwork for Evil Empire. Saw a copy of the book recommendation list they assembled to go with it the other day, and you'll never guess who's on there:
I notice that zero books are publishing Alex Hochuli’s book, on the end of the end of history. Hochuli has written for spiked, was working at the university of Kent.
Are you sure this book is verboten? Looking at Alex Hochulis bits for spiked they were 11 years ago now and fairly inoffensive. The book is the product of the Aufhebunga Bunga podcast group. Ive listened to that a few times, not found anything objectionable
I definitely think of him as being a prick, can't remember exactly why though and I just thought of him as common-or-garden-dickhead rather than a specifically Spikey one. Seems like one of those people who's much more interested in sneering at other people for not doing class politics than in actually doing class politics from what I remember, would have to dig a bit to remember what else I dislike about him.
Are you sure this book is verboten? Looking at Alex Hochulis bits for spiked they were 11 years ago now and fairly inoffensive. The book is the product of the Aufhebunga Bunga podcast group. Ive listened to that a few times, not found anything objectionable
I guess I’m judging him by the company he keeps he does that pod with Philip Cunliffe who still is at the Uni of Kent. Seems he was at the Ioi in 2016. Basically it smells a bit spiked.
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