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Fucking hell that Unlocked UK Twitter is horrendous. What a parade of horrible pricks.
'A place where you can natter ... you can actually sit round and put the world to rights with mates'.

Distinct impression here that she's repeating something she's learned by rote as the sort of thing people would say in this situation.

Uncanny valley
My personal experience is that she does not natter with you, she actually just harangues you in a mean-spirited and bullying way.
My personal experience is that she does not natter with you, she actually just harangues you in a mean-spirited and bullying way.

Well, exactly. I assume putting the world to rights in the pub with Claire Fox means nodding mutely while she does just that. She might permit occasional brief, timed forays into what's happening in the world of football, I guess, just to give the impression that she's of the people.
I look forward to Contessa di Fox, Jonathan Pie's understudy, Forty Winks Furedi and Brenda No-Kneel all positing fascinating explanations on why KILL THE BILL is the wrong thing to be organising around, and completely different to when they were organising around KILL THE BILL.

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Fox will do it as part of a double bill with 'why the House of Lords is a different entity now'
Andrew Doyle getting his time in the shade again, this time on the Inside Politics podcast from the Irish Times Inside Politics - Is free speech under threat? taking about Free Speech which is pretty easy thing to do if you're one of the GB NEWS anchors or stars. Always interesting that these spike lot are never introduced as such. Instead they get a free reign to introduce themselves as 'struggling oxford student...blah blah blah teacher...moved to London to move in with a wealthy old woman who was my patron' but never mention Uncle Frank.

Anyway armchair interview arguing that universities (and I suppose Arts and Social sciences) are an existential threat to billionaries right to do anything they want.*

*I listened to it at 2am fell asleep 10 minutes in.
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Really don't know how she squares having a mixed race son and writing for a publication that produces stuff like this: The myth of ‘institutional racism’

Has she gone conservative?
How does she square being pro working class/anti middle class and writing for the Guardian? God knows, perhaps there's a genuine shortage of decent outlets to write for/in. and she will write for anyone. It's what she writes rather than who she writes for thats more important imo. Don't always agree with her politics but she's certainly not gone or going Tory
How does she square being pro working class/anti middle class and writing for the Guardian? God knows, perhaps there's a genuine shortage of decent outlets to write for/in. and she will write for anyone. It's what she writes rather than who she writes for thats more important imo. Don't always agree with her politics but she's certainly not gone or going Tory
She may aswell write for Breitbart or the Daily Star if she's gonna do so for the likes of Spiked. Jeezus.
How does she square being pro working class/anti middle class and writing for the Guardian? God knows, perhaps there's a genuine shortage of decent outlets to write for/in. and she will write for anyone. It's what she writes rather than who she writes for thats more important imo. Don't always agree with her politics but she's certainly not gone or going Tory
Personally I don't respect someone who will write for anyone. Have some fucking integrity and backbone for fuck sake.

Who else is she gonna write for? The Spectator? The Daily Heil? The Sun?
Personally I don't respect someone who will write for anyone. Have some fucking integrity and backbone for fuck sake.

Who else is she gonna write for? The Spectator? The Daily Heil? The Sun?
The only paper I won't read on principle is the Sun because of Hillsborough. I think most people can read a paper and pick and choose the bits they agree with or don't agree with. Who would you suggest she should write for btw?
She's long down that path. Reposted shit spiked content more than once. Stopped following her on social media a while back now as it's a car crash

I'm not going to get into it but her book has some dodgey stuff against migrants who moved onto the estate she talks about, being less deserving than the generation of earlier Caribbean migrants she aligns with.
Dont have a copy anymore but it's towards the end.

Not trying to convince anyone with this post but she's off my list after giving her several blies.
Like ska invita I stopped following her a while back.

Sadly, it's a well trodden trajectory these days. The disgust at the m/c liberal "left" has led some to embrace increasingly reactionary positions to mark their distinction from the "liberals".

Brexit (and the behaviour of some vocal remainders) really accelerated this. Follow this with a desire not to get drawn into the "m/c side" on the culture wars, the whole "red wall" mythology and so and you have a really toxic environment where it's all to easy to lose sight of stuff.
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