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what a wanker. How can you be an active lefty in the 80s and not be extremely wary of someone who is working for special branch? It was well known that they all over the miners strike and up to their necks in shitty dealings
I think this was around the time he was pretending to be HIV+ so as to elicit sympathy and kindness.
It takes about 10 tweets into that thread to get to people posting that wretched horseshoe theory pic.

This loonery was on the fullbrexit site. By Peter Ramsay and Christopher Bickerton. Spiked people?

Behind the intransigence of Michel Barnier and Leo Varadkar we find potential threats from diehard republican grouplets, effectively recruited as the armed wing of the European Union. In London, we find a British political class that has been willing to send its armies on bloody adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, but is unwilling to face down even the slightest hint of violence closer to home to ensure that a democratic decision over the constitutional future of the UK can be implemented.
I thought that read was interesting actually. I didn't know Furedi's childhood and earliest political engagement was Hungary. Also interested in the development of his libertarian politics. However, what the article doesn't explain is how those politics led him and his supporters into some extremely dark places post the RCP.
Just looked at that interview. I actually find it really implausible that someone from that background would become a Marxist of any stripe, Trot or otherwise. . . of course, he might have reasons for claiming to be a Marxist. . .
Find it proper depressing that brendan o'neill, bowtie prick who sounds like a public school boy eternally stuck in a helium balloon, somehow gets to market himself as a spirit guide for what ordinary people think
They are, in fact, a cheap talking point for BON, for Lammy they seemed to be a real material purpose for their actions when in govt.

We got what he wanted in the end.
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Find it proper depressing that brendan o'neill, bowtie prick who sounds like a public school boy eternally stuck in a helium balloon, somehow gets to market himself as a spirit guide for what ordinary people think
He utilises the same networks that the BBC runs on. The problem isn't (wholly) that it's him that is on there, it's that it's that the BBC choose who we have on there to do that.
I wonder if DR Simon Wesseley of M.E denial infamy is linked, Spiked have captured a fair bit of M.E information control through the Science Media Centre, and Sense about Science, they have also created an M.E network, but can't remember its name.
Find it proper depressing that brendan o'neill, bowtie prick who sounds like a public school boy eternally stuck in a helium balloon, somehow gets to market himself as a spirit guide for what ordinary people think

O Neil is ridiculous, obvs. but suspect he's closer to reflecting actual ' ordinary people' thinking here than he / Spiked etc usually are, and it's the reason Bozza / Cummings feel able to go so big / gung ho at the moment : seems like there is a pretty incendiary undercurrent out there now amongst some core Leavers / boredom and total frustration combined with growing feeling they're going to get f*cked over one way or another
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