Love and solidarity
For instanceWhat should we be doing, do you think?
Short answer: Provide a fucking alternative.
So people aren't left with a choice limited to (racist/sexist etc etc) populism or the status quo.
How to create that alternative is the problem.
I don't think it (Trump or Brexit or UKIP or whatever...) was (just) about racism/racists. I will continue to work in my community, in my workplace etc. advocating an alternative to both kneejerk populism and the status quo that is based upon practical examples of solidarity, mutual aid and so forth. Albeit in the most micro of ways. I will continue to believe, and advocate, that a better world is possible. I will also continue to believe that the "stupid" or "racist" people voting for Brexit for UKIP for Trump etc. also want a better world. However distorted or damaged a form that desire currently takes. And that its worth looking for common ground, for practical, achievable victories that show that world is possible. Mostly though, that will consist of talking to, and listening to, the people around me.
It occurs to me that the "logging out" they advocate is something I (accidentally) did a few years back when I gradually stopped doing activist stuff and looked around and realised that none of my contemporaries social were activists (or even Political) anymore either. A break or rupture confirmed when I moved back here, and didn't (Urban aside) plug back into my old networks. Anyone that's known me on here for the duration might notice how that's really changed my arguments. I still "have the same politics" but but it manifests in a radically different way now. I'd argue that this "logging out" is something more should do. Abandon your vehicles not your destination (Sorry, a pretty wooly post I know , but...)
This is the sort of approach which chilango has been advocating and actually following for a while and, for what it's worth, I broadly agree with and am following it myself.
But he's also inviting and encouraging others to offer their perspectives and opinions, whether they agree with him or not. Simply saying, in effect (and you're not the only one)
isn't really an adequete response, either to the thread or more importantly to the situation we all find ourselves in, whoever's "fault" we think it might be.but what do you think?