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Prince Harry

I think the full argument is that his legal team expected opening statements to last more than a day, so he wasn't expecting to go to court. Not that earth shattering, nor likely to change history's reading of the event, but interesting that The Public are getting all the possible spins on the story that hold him in the worst light (or, indeed, I could have read my version of events from a press release drafted by his team :oops: But I have read all the Lincoln Lawyer novels so I am quite an authority on legal affairs and this seemed quite feasible :hmm: ).

That said (altogether now), I really don't care that much about it, of course....
I think the full argument is that his legal team expected opening statements to last more than a day, so he wasn't expecting to go to court. Not that earth shattering, nor likely to change history's reading of the event, but interesting that The Public are getting all the possible spins on the story that hold him in the worst light (or, indeed, I could have read my version of events from a press release drafted by his team :oops: But I have read all the Lincoln Lawyer novels so I am quite an authority on legal affairs and this seemed quite feasible :hmm: ).

That said (altogether now), I really don't care that much about it, of course....
I care. I pay taxes for the courts.

He was asked to be there today. There was an expectation that opening statements wouldn’t take that long - and they didn’t. But now lots of people have been held up, on whatever side of the argument and none. It’s just fucking rude. Time and money - other peoples. And it’s not the only case in the system waiting its turn. I don’t think it’s acceptable at all.
I care. I pay taxes for the courts.

He was asked to be there today. There was an expectation that opening statements wouldn’t take that long - and they didn’t. But now lots of people have been held up, on whatever side of the argument and none. It’s just fucking rude. Time and money - other peoples. And it’s not the only case in the system waiting its turn. I don’t think it’s acceptable at all.

I agree.
And as punishment he should move to a far land and not work as a royal anymore!!!

Oh...hang on...
No punishment. Just a point made by the judge. When ordinary people are asked to be in court, they don’t go on time, they go early so they aren’t late. If you want to be plain Mr Mountbatten, you need to be where a judge asks you to be when they ask it of you. It’s not for fun, this is work - and the entitlement of thinking hundreds of people can just rearrange themselves because your toddler is having a birthday party is an unacceptable insult.

Maybe he’s confused by the terms ‘public servant’ and ‘civil servant’ and thought these were like the long suffering household staff who fulfil your personal wishes on your personal timetable, and then fade into the background until you tinkle the bell for them to attend to your next whim. Everyone is just an accessory to be picked up, dropped, kept waiting around with their schedules delayed because you’ve got something more fun to do.

His wife is an actress, so she could’ve shared a transferable skill with him. When the curtain goes up and it’s your name in lights, you’re there, rehearsed, prepared, and ready to go. Nobody cares about your jet lag, or your daughters birthday party, or the trouble of having to coordinate your life to fly commercial. The only thing that matters is that you are there a) in case you’re needed and b) to show respect to the system you need on your side.

He may not be aware of that. At 37 or whatever he is, it’s high time he was made aware and left in no further doubt.
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I've had experience of Courts and no, it's really not a good idea to fuck off the judge. Particularly when there's no jury. How stupid is that. For a judge to say it's 'a little surprising' is akin to most of us saying 'what the fucking fuck fuck'
Is it your Job
Is it your Job

Haha, no. I've just had the misfortune to have to deal with the 'system' more than I'd like to. In this case, it's 100% down to the judge to give a verdict. So pissing him about isn't a great idea. I've been late to online calls with them before and got lots of shit but not showing up at all. Well..
Haha, no. I've just had the misfortune to have to deal with the 'system' more than I'd like to. In this case, it's 100% down to the judge to give a verdict. So pissing him about isn't a great idea. I've been late to online calls with them before and got lots of shit but not showing up at all. Well..
I've been in it too. I got drunk once beforehand, that wasn't great. Public speaking man I cannae dae it.
There's a great quote on the BBC's report on this today, to the effect that cross examination is quite different to being interviewed on Oprah...
That witness statement is pretty damning for Piers Morgan if found to be true (which let's face it it probably is). There's no way he didnt know how these shitty stories were being sourced given what a control freak he is, so at least it might get rid of him from the public landscape. I don't know the legal ins and outs but can't he be subpoenaed or something and asked to testify under oath?
There's a great quote on the BBC's report on this today, to the effect that cross examination is quite different to being interviewed on Oprah...

Yeah, but just like that other spare, the sweatless nonce, Harry's got a razor-sharp brain, able to rebuff the toughest of questioning....oh, hang on.
Yeah, but just like that other spare, the sweatless nonce, Harry's got a razor-sharp brain, able to rebuff the toughest of questioning....oh, hang on.

Haha, yeh he's not coming across as too bright so far. Claiming the reason he did coke and drank a lot was because the tabloid media was reporting that that was what he was doing 'so i might as well do it more'. This is better than wagatha christie. Prince Charles making him shovel pig shit on the farm as punishment for dressing up like a Nazi :D
Haha, yeh he's not coming across as too bright so far. Claiming the reason he did coke and drank a lot was because the tabloid media was reporting that that was what he was doing 'so i might as well do it more'. This is better than wagatha christie. Prince Charles making him shovel pig shit on the farm as punishment for dressing up like a Nazi :D

TBF it doesn't matter if he comes across as bright, it matters if he comes across as honest. I think he did and MGN are in a lot of trouble, especially as their defence appears to be that they were not hacking phones but were instead getting tips from (which previous litigation has recognized was usually corruptly paying off) cops and Palace staff.
TBF it doesn't matter if he comes across as bright, it matters if he comes across as honest. I think he did and MGN are in a lot of trouble, especially as their defence appears to be that they were not hacking phones but were instead getting tips from (which previous litigation has recognized was usually corruptly paying off) cops and Palace staff.

Well, no he's definitely not honest. He and his other half have spent the last few years lying through their teeth - which given it's the royal family they're lying about I'm totally fine with.

As far as I know from the coverage today he has to produce proof they hacked his phone, which he can't, it's all circumstantial even though yeh, its highly likely it was hacked* . And he's been absolutely mauled in court as most of those stories were reported by the Sun or the Mail days before Piers Morgan got his grubby hands on them.

* 'hacked' is a very loose term here. We're not talking cyberpunks. It's cunty journos entering '0000' as the pin number for a phone.
Well, no he's definitely not honest. He and his other half have spent the last few years lying through their teeth - which given it's the royal family they're lying about I'm totally fine with.

As far as I know from the coverage today he has to produce proof they hacked his phone, which he can't, it's all circumstantial even though yeh, its highly likely it was hacked* . And he's been absolutely mauled in court as most of those stories were reported by the Sun or the Mail days before Piers Morgan got his grubby hands on them.

* 'hacked' is a very loose term here. We're not talking cyberpunks. It's cunty journos entering '0000' as the pin number for a phone.

MGN's lawyer doesn't appear to have raised any of those incidents from the last few years though in terms of his character (and what incidents are they again?), and has he actually been "mauled" in court?

All MGN's lawyer did is suggest that there were other sources that the paper could have talked to, which is possible in many cases but there are a lot of them where illegal / corruptly obtained information is likely. Remember Prince Harry doesn't have to prove just his phone was hacked on all of those occasions, only that there was a pattern of illegal behaviour in terms of gathering news as part of a wider set of practices at MGN and that he was a victim of that.
MGN's lawyer doesn't appear to have raised any of those incidents from the last few years though in terms of his character (and what incidents are they again?), and has he actually been "mauled" in court?

All MGN's lawyer did is suggest that there were other sources that the paper could have talked to, which is possible in many cases but there are a lot of them where illegal / corruptly obtained information is likely. Remember Prince Harry doesn't have to prove just his phone was hacked on all of those occasions, only that there was a pattern of illegal behaviour in terms of gathering news as part of a wider set of practices at MGN and that he was a victim of that.

Well no thats not true. He has to prove his phone was hacked. And that those stories didn't come from elsewhere. Gonna be very tough to prove that. They've admitted to one charge but that was just sending a reporter to stalk him outside a club, not 'hack' his phone which is going to be almost impossible to prove. The salacious gossip could theoretically have come from anywhere. They need to get Morgan et al up on the stand, dont know how they do that though.
Let me get this right: the whining dullard Harry, who inherited his title (though not from his real dad😉) is lecturing us plebs on threats to democracy? I see….
For all his many faults, he’s one of the very few public figures in this country who has tried to stand up to the all-powerful, despicable, bullying, blackmailing UK tabloid press.

Whereas there’ll be no serious consequences for the press, it’s nice for someone to stand up to them and expose their appalling and often illegal practices. I hope Piers Moron develops an ulcer from his name being dragged across the mud in court.
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Well no thats not true. He has to prove his phone was hacked. And that those stories didn't come from elsewhere. Gonna be very tough to prove that. They've admitted to one charge but that was just sending a reporter to stalk him outside a club, not 'hack' his phone which is going to be almost impossible to prove. The salacious gossip could theoretically have come from anywhere. They need to get Morgan et al up on the stand, dont know how they do that though.
Its a civil case, so the burden of proof is not "beyond reasonable doubt".
Well no thats not true. He has to prove his phone was hacked. And that those stories didn't come from elsewhere. Gonna be very tough to prove that. They've admitted to one charge but that was just sending a reporter to stalk him outside a club, not 'hack' his phone which is going to be almost impossible to prove. The salacious gossip could theoretically have come from anywhere. They need to get Morgan et al up on the stand, dont know how they do that though.

I would strongly advise you to read his statement, which explains that he is not just talking about phone hacking but also the unlawful gathering of information.
Interesting article here.

“They claim to hold public figures to account, but refuse to hold themselves accountable,” he said. “If they’re supposedly policing society, who on earth is policing them, when even the government is scared of alienating them because position is power. It is incredibly worrying for the entire UK.”
He came across as honest.
Having said that, he probably pissed off the judge telling him to call him His Royal Highness.

As for what went on over the past few years since marrying MM? There is no doubt they were hounded by the press and ridiculed. Social media tore them to shreds...including the newspapers in question because they allowed comments on aarticles online...people posted horrendous stuff. Threatening to kill MM.
Pure hatred spewed out. Piers Morgan being one of them.

So I hope the judge isn't best buddies with some news paper magnates. I hope the MGN group get trashed and have to pay massive damages. Much as I dislike the RFam, I think he has taken a very brave step in taking the press on.

Wonder if he will sue the King and other members of the RF next 😄
That would be a case worth watching.
Is it a chase if they dont break the speed limits?
"Chase" kind of implies speed was involved?
Following them isn't illegal ..

When I worked for the cop shop, we had a "high speed pursuit" that didn't go over 15 mph. The roads were nothing but ice and 15 mph was probably more hazardous than going 100 mph on a normal day. If the conditions are considered unsafe, then speed doesn't matter. It also may not be legal to follow someone, if doing so is endangering others.
Interesting appearance outside the court earlier from Brian Harvey of running himself over fame.

Does anybody actually leave voicemails? Even back in 2005? I don't think I've left one in literally decades. Particularly ones as detailed as he's alleging must have been accessed by the papers. If I did, it would be just - 'call me back when you've got a minute'. Not long reflections on my girlfriend.
The voicemail access stuff was known about before levenson or any of that came about. It was first detailed in the 'Dark Arts' chapter of Nick Davies book 'Flat Earth News'. In between telling you how the shit filled sausages are made he carefully looks at supremely dodgy and illegal practises used by journos and did so long before it all came to proper light. Its an industry stuffed with poisonous private school oxbridge pricks and grubby climbers who would and have sold your gran out for position.
The voicemail access stuff was known about before levenson or any of that came about. It was first detailed in the 'Dark Arts' chapter of Nick Davies book 'Flat Earth News'. In between telling you how the shit filled sausages are made he carefully looks at supremely dodgy and illegal practises used by journos and did so long before it all came to proper light. Its an industry stuffed with poisonous private school oxbridge pricks and grubby climbers who would and have sold your gran out for position.

Even in the US, we have these types writing the "news". Journalism is mostly staffed by people who had rich parents that sent them to ivy league schools such as Tucker Carlson, Jenna Bush, etc. The news is supposed to be independent, but its latched on to sources of power pretty tight. No wonder we really don't get real news, because real news wouldn't serve the monied class.
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