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Prince Harry

Even though Meghan has recently done just what the lowlife scumbag hounds at the Mail and elsewhere had been long clamouring with bulging veins of rage pulsating on their necks, and has been keeping a low profile and minding her own business, she continues to be scrutinised, followed, analysed, and criticised for the most batshit crazy of reasons.

Her latest crime against humanity involves wearing coats deemed a bit too warm for the season. Worse than Hitler, obviously

Harry's a cunt. Morgan is as well. So I'm gonna enjoy how this plays out.

I suppose at least Morgan has some talent as a broadcaster, Harry's just a lucky little fuck who apparently has protection following him around collecting glasses in bars to prevent his DNA being tested. And has been trading on his alleged royal connections for years, on our dime. Tis gonna be fun.
The idea that a control freak like Piers Morgan had no idea where the fuck his exclusives were coming from as Editor is absolutely bonkers. Murdoch was nuts hiring him for TalkTV knowing this was coming.

https://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12868243/Prince-Harry-Mirror-High-Court-phone-hacking.html

Well yes but no mention of Morgan by name. The Guardian is usually very slow on the uptake on breaking news but were very quick on this, naming him.
Piers Moron has just read out an statement for the waiting press outside his house, denying everything and throwing further insults in Harry's direction. And suggesting those people who have testified seeing him acknowledging phone hacking are 'old foes with an axe to grind'

I think he's shitting myself :D
£140k will at least cover some of the £600k losses these parasites have lost in the last financial year since they ran out of material against the firm
Interesting-looking Christmas wreath on his front door. What is that made of? Sour grapes, perhaps? :D

He's a colossal cunt as well as an untrustworthy slimebag as well as his newspaper editorship career goes (anyone remembers the staged images of British soldiers in the Mirror pissing on prisoners?). Not to mention the whole City Slickers corruption/ insider trading scandal, which he was at the centre of but somehow escaped unscathed.

Ultimately it comes down to his phsychotic-level egotism, which is where his vitriolic hatred of Meghan and Harry actually comes from. He was snubbed for a social event Harry and Meg were throwing, and the rest is history.

Harry might be a privileged twat, but not more so than any of his relatives, and no matter how much one might despise him in general, everyone should be on his side regardinig his (and other celebs') fight against the abominable tabloid British press. Because any victory against the nefarious practices employed the and relentless bullying dished out by the gutter press is undoubtedly a Good Thing regardless of who the other party is.
Morgan's a very hard one to pin down. He was very anti-war in his Mirror days and was too quick to publish those pics as a result. And has being playing a bit of a blinder during the current war hauling IDF supporting war-mongering nutters over the coals at the same as doing the same to Hamas supporting fuckwits. I've never been able to establish his politics. But there is absolutely no way he didn't know his freelancers were 'hacking' (and that term is giving much too much credit to idiots who knew that most people's pins were 1234 back in those days)
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