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Prince Harry

More misogyny. Joanna the Mad (Hapsburg linked Trastamara) sounds entirely sane to me, while everyone around her seems to have been criminally insane and/or a total cunt. She has known descendants all over Europe, including all the royal families.

She was Katherine of Aragon's sister. Another very capable and clever woman who was treated terribly by the powerful vile men around her.
You're definitely a glass half empty kind of guy aren't you? and perhaps you're right. Personally I don't think civilization is going to collapse and whilst there will be crises we will weather them (as a species at least, I suspect quite a few individuals won't) Looking at the crises of the 20th century, the Spanish Flu Pandemic, the World Wars they may have reshaped civilization but they didn't end it.
yeh. the problem is that for centuries if not millennia the way that birds, insects, plants and animals have arranged their year has required certain things to happen at certain times. for example, for the cold winter to be followed by a warmer spring. but what has happened the past few years is that a warm winter is followed by a warm spring, with a sudden cold snap wrecking everything. the seasons have become dislocated. the warmer ocean means that storms can assume a ferocity they didn't 30, 40, 50 years ago. calamitous declines in pollenating insects are already having an impact. it's not like the world wars or the spanish flu in that those were not permanent fixtures. at a time when global stability is needed, the world has never been more unstable - another consequence, imo, of global warming.

and everything's coming to a head quite quickly. the chinese under their bellicose leader xi jinping hope to be america's military equal by the middle of the century. but their demographics mean that they have a vast issue with their aging population. it is in part because of this that i have for some years now suggested a great war between china and america (and of course other countries too) will occur in 2025. the russian adventure in ukraine has shown what global effects a regional war can have. the coming conflagration will be, i expect, much more destructive of lives, cities, and prospects than putin's war.

and the instability and conflict to come will be unkinder to institutions, some of which though beloved will topple. possible the eu. maybe nato. and there's a fair chance that the monarchy will be affected too. its fate will be something to look forward to, perhaps.
She was Katherine of Aragon's sister. Another very capable and clever woman who was treated terribly by the powerful vile men around her.
Even just in that Wikipedia page, they admit that she showed no sign of being anything other than happy and intelligent before marriage - ’It was only after her marriage that the first suspicions of mental illness arose’.
yeh. the problem is that for centuries if not millennia the way that birds, insects, plants and animals have arranged their year has required certain things to happen at certain times. for example, for the cold winter to be followed by a warmer spring. but what has happened the past few years is that a warm winter is followed by a warm spring, with a sudden cold snap wrecking everything. the seasons have become dislocated. the warmer ocean means that storms can assume a ferocity they didn't 30, 40, 50 years ago. calamitous declines in pollenating insects are already having an impact. it's not like the world wars or the spanish flu in that those were not permanent fixtures. at a time when global stability is needed, the world has never been more unstable - another consequence, imo, of global warming.

and everything's coming to a head quite quickly. the chinese under their bellicose leader xi jinping hope to be america's military equal by the middle of the century. but their demographics mean that they have a vast issue with their aging population. it is in part because of this that i have for some years now suggested a great war between china and america (and of course other countries too) will occur in 2025. the russian adventure in ukraine has shown what global effects a regional war can have. the coming conflagration will be, i expect, much more destructive of lives, cities, and prospects than putin's war.

and the instability and conflict to come will be unkinder to institutions, some of which though beloved will topple. possible the eu. maybe nato. and there's a fair chance that the monarchy will be affected too. its fate will be something to look forward to, perhaps.
Nope glass quarter full at best. It's usually me that's the pessimist who hopes he's wrong. Let's all hope it's the other way round this time eh? Agree with you getting rid of the monarchy sooner rather than later would be a positive but not if we all have to eat rats as a consequence.
Please, not the football. The way it stands, I can nuke any footy thread as soon as it shows up. Except it doesn't, so I must have nuked a subforum at some point.


(By the way, anything about the above in the book? He looks as if he's just creamed his pants :hmm: )
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