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Prince Harry

if parliament was, he said, ignoring the tripartite nature of parliament - the supreme authority of the nation being the monarch in parliament. if you think that a) the commons, b) the lords, and c) the monarch are ever going to allow the passage of a bill to remove the monarchy you're dafter than i thought. at the moment even the most minor discussion of the monarchy in the commons cannot, we're told, occur without the consent of the monarchy. and the heirs of mps like cromwell, michael livesey, and john okey cravenly abide by this restriction. things would have to change massively before shammer and his ilk would go against this convention let alone start to think of proposing a future without a monarchy. republican mp sir charles dilke was a minister in one of gladstone's administrations: it's an indictment of modern british politics that it is inconceivable now for a republican mp to other than on the backbenches.

if we look abroad for examples of the end of monarchy, it has either been after a referendum (italy, greece), by revolution (france, russia, china), and only very rarely by parliamentary means (first spanish republic, for example). and even then there have been several returns of the spanish monarchy, while the british monarchy famously returned after the republic and commonwealth - and then not only executed as many living regicides as they could, they also dug up and mutilated the corpses of those who had died. it'd be nice to suggest that this memory of what happened to their forebears was the only thing stopping the likes of shammer and davey proposing an end to the monarchy. but while they're too cowardly to bring forward the meekest motion on the monarchy nothing of any great extent can be expected of them.

the only way the monarchy has ever really become an issue has been through activities outside parliament, be it the tentative movements of republic or the bolder activities of the movement against the monarchy. but at the moment imo the wrong question's being asked, as in this statista survey

but even with this tepid question, more than a fifth of the population want to get rid of the monarchy. for my money getting rid of the monarchy is more likely to lead to, or result from, a more general systemic change in the uk than a simple transference of their role to some elected individual - something seismic would have to change for the lily-livered layabouts in parliament to face up to this greatest of constitutional questions.
That's pretty but not really relevant since Starmer and most of the rest of Parliament are going to be as dead as you and I will be by the time that abolition of the monarchy becomes plausible let alone likely. Like I said I reckon they have the life of Billy the Bald to go before it starts to get likely ie sometime in the 2060's. If you want earlier going to be disappointed I'm afraid.
As for where Brenda is buried apparently it's proper name is St George's Chapel I thought it was called Windsor Abbey on account of being at Windsor Castle but it seems not.
Even when my then teenager had a weekend job in TKMaxx, meaning I had discount, the only things I bought were feather cushions and a silicone whisk.
Believe me, I tried, but the madness of the shoe and clothing departments made them a total no go.
The shoe dept is something entirely. It’s depressing actually. I like to sit down after a gentle browse, and have shoes brought to me in pairs before being wrapped and boxed. You don’t get that in TKMaxx, you have to do it all yourself while other people compete. There’s arms in the way of what you’re trying to access, and nobody stands back. It’s dispiriting.

It's less than a cup of tea at my greasy spoon for all this fun. I hope he's got more to give us. cmon Harold. more. i mean he must have seen daddy and camilla thrusting or something.
It costs you a lot more than that when you factor in all that it represents.
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Oh, ok. Well, I’ve already learned more than I needed to know about former posters and former threads over the last half hour, so I’m happy for others not to have to retread what’s old ground for them and mysterious woodland for me.
You joined six months ago, I've been here over twenty years, and I'm by no means the longest. You are getting your leg fairly gently pulled. :)
Oh god, stop it now. There are other random people that Lt Colombo thinks are me. I can’t be bothered with it. The list is becoming too onerous.
Just one more thing. How would you react if someone got hysterical in a boat?
It depends on what was there. If a slap hadn’t worked to stun them, I’d look for other avenues. If there was a gun available, I’d shoot them (only for the greater good). If not, I’d have to use an oar to brain them and get them over the side.

Or, is the boat large enough to walk away? Because I’ve actually done that. I said to my friend once, who was becoming hysterical, ‘I’m going to the back of this boat. Do not follow me unless you want a woman overboard situation’.

I’m imagining this hypothetical boat is a small open lifeboat, Titanic style, in the dark mid ocean, where my life is dependent on this hypothetical hysteric being silenced before they upturn it and kill us all before rescue. Is it? It all depends.
That's pretty but not really relevant since Starmer and most of the rest of Parliament are going to be as dead as you and I will be by the time that abolition of the monarchy becomes plausible let alone likely. Like I said I reckon they have the life of Billy the Bald to go before it starts to get likely ie sometime in the 2060's. If you want earlier going to be disappointed I'm afraid.
As for where Brenda is buried apparently it's proper name is St George's Chapel I thought it was called Windsor Abbey on account of being at Windsor Castle but it seems not.
that's not even pretty or relevant. or rather, it's only relevant if people agree with your contentions, which i don't. for example, the way things are heading societal collapse in the next 20 years is a real possibility. so it's quite possible there will be no united kingdom by 2040 let alone 2060. you're also seeing things in a very linear way - that this will happen, than that etc. that there will be a smooth transition from one thing to another. the world doesn't really work like that. you're relying on business proceeding as usual and nothing rocking the boat. if there's one thing that's utterly certain over the next 20, 30, 40 years it's that there will be enough rocking to satisfy everyone, if it's the china war, another pandemic, the american civil war ii, if it's dislocations of society as energy and economic changes are made, if it's the end of civilization as we know it.
and things will have to either bend with the new situations or break. with parliament and the monarchy my bet is they'll break, unable to change themselves rapidly enough to adjust to the new way of doing things. you reckon that it'll take years for the monarchy to go. i think that will be accelerated, and that if it is as you say after william's death, i suspect that death will be rather before the 2060s. you're what, 65 now? this could all be done by the time you're 85.
It depends on what was there. If a slap hadn’t worked to stun them, I’d look for other avenues. If there was a gun available, I’d shoot them (only for the greater good). If not, I’d have to use an oar to brain them and get them over the side.
This has to either prior knowledge or such good prescience you could probably have a very good career reading fortunes… ;)

Many thanks.

Well yes, as I say, it all depends. If it was a small boat and my life depended on calm, I’d give them one chance to stop, then I’d kill them.

If it was a large boat, and they were simply pissing me off, I’d clearly tell them I was going to the other side of the boat, and I’d leave them.

I should clarify, I wouldn’t really have thrown my friend overboard. I was trying to relax on holiday, and she was going on and on about being a better parent than me while she became more agitated, so I said ‘don’t follow me’, and I went for a fag at the back.
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that's not even pretty or relevant. or rather, it's only relevant if people agree with your contentions, which i don't. for example, the way things are heading societal collapse in the next 20 years is a real possibility. so it's quite possible there will be no united kingdom by 2040 let alone 2060. you're also seeing things in a very linear way - that this will happen, than that etc. that there will be a smooth transition from one thing to another. the world doesn't really work like that. you're relying on business proceeding as usual and nothing rocking the boat. if there's one thing that's utterly certain over the next 20, 30, 40 years it's that there will be enough rocking to satisfy everyone, if it's the china war, another pandemic, the american civil war ii, if it's dislocations of society as energy and economic changes are made, if it's the end of civilization as we know it.
and things will have to either bend with the new situations or break. with parliament and the monarchy my bet is they'll break, unable to change themselves rapidly enough to adjust to the new way of doing things. you reckon that it'll take years for the monarchy to go. i think that will be accelerated, and that if it is as you say after william's death, i suspect that death will be rather before the 2060s. you're what, 65 now? this could all be done by the time you're 85.
You're definitely a glass half empty kind of guy aren't you? and perhaps you're right. Personally I don't think civilization is going to collapse and whilst there will be crises we will weather them (as a species at least, I suspect quite a few individuals won't) Looking at the crises of the 20th century, the Spanish Flu Pandemic, the World Wars they may have reshaped civilization but they didn't end it.
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