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President Biden; impact on UK, Ireland, Brexit, trade etc..

So...maybe this would have happened anyways? Who knows?

But...perhaps the supra state see their moment...the UK cast adrift without a friend in the world...?

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This article seems to suggest it was going to happen anyway, but if Biden's won the UK probably has more to lose from an acrimonious break with the EU and fucking over Ireland, so it's going to be a different sort of conversation than it would be if the stupid orange shitgibbon was going to be about for another few years. I reckon this could well the point at which Johnson caves and accepts a deal largely on Brussels' terms.
This article seems to suggest it was going to happen anyway, but if Biden's won the UK probably has more to lose from an acrimonious break with the EU and fucking over Ireland, so it's going to be a different sort of conversation than it would be if the stupid orange shitgibbon was going to be about for another few years. I reckon this could well the point at which Johnson caves and accepts a deal largely on Brussels' terms.
I for one welcome our EU overlords
From the comments below that tweet it would appear that the MP for Romford is friends with Arron Banks, if so one of the disaster capitalist no-deal brigade. If there's one thing that having Biden as president worries them most it's the thought of compromise with Brussels. Fuck them all.
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The portents are not looking good, in fact they are looking dire :)

The headline ignores the conclusion, which is that Biden - a quiet, persistent deal maker - will work very hard to bring the EU and UK to a deal, because he believes that is best for the US and both parties. The closing off of the idea than an 'EU-busting' deal with the US is on the cards will help him produce that.

Its true that Johnson is not going to be fêted at the WH, but unlike Trump, Biden isn't going to allow his personal distaste for Johnson or Brexit to get in the way of what he sees as US interests, which are a strong EU-UK relationship within a spectrum of strong European prosperity and security - which, of course, supports US prosperity and security.

Anyone who thinks this means the UK being frozen out, in a mirror of Trump's freezing out of the EU, has really misread the tea leaves - Biden want the exact opposite, and he has big leavers to use, and he's pushing at a half open door.
I suspect humble pie may be on the menu.

Humble pie certainly, and Johnson will have his name lower down the list of sub-kings on Bidens charters, but there'll be no act of attainder or declaration of Outlaw - it will be a quiet 'this is the way it is, act like a grown up and we'll all be friends and you can have a seat at high table - if not...'

Johnson might even give it a bit of bluster, but he's on his way out and Biden knows that - Biden, unlike Johnson or Trump, can play a longer game, and Johnson knows that being on the US presidents shit list when you also have few friends in Europe is not going to be condusive to a long career. Tory MP's are motivated by trade or security, and if Johnson can't provide either they tend to be rather ruthless.
Humble pie certainly, and Johnson will have his name lower down the list of sub-kings on Bidens charters, but there'll be no act of attainder or declaration of Outlaw - it will be a quiet 'this is the way it is, act like a grown up and we'll all be friends and you can have a seat at high table - if not...'

Johnson might even give it a bit of bluster, but he's on his way out and Biden knows that - Biden, unlike Johnson or Trump, can play a longer game, and Johnson knows that being on the US presidents shit list when you also have few friends in Europe is not going to be condusive to a long career. Tory MP's are motivated by trade or security, and if Johnson can't provide either they tend to be rather ruthless.

I'd dispute that Tory MPs are motivated by trade: if they were the UK might not be in the position it is. But yes, with a Biden win Johnson can ill afford an acrimonious 'no deal' and although she evidently didn't ambush him today, my guess would be that von der Leyen pointed out to him that he's now caught between a rock and a hard place. I bet the more swivel-eyed of the Tories don't see it that way though.
Already an article in the Daily Fail linking JB to Gerry Adams. I guess they're a bit sore that JB might not be as good for Brexit.

(Would post a link, but not sure if that's allowed.)
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