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Petition FOR road-pricing

Nigel said:
Where isthe petition against Road Pricing.
I'll try and get as many people to sign it as I can?:D ;)

good man

whack e petitions in google, hit the first hit and get STUCK IN.

having said that, the latest plan is for voluntary road pricing, which, potentially, could save me money as my route is cross country where there's precious little traffic :cool:

It's all about looking after Number One

;) :D
I would support some form of road pricing, but do not think it should require having some tracking device in every car. I can just imagine how this could be used to repress the Traveller community, as well as all the other Big Brother implications.

So... petition NOT signed.
Granny Apples said:
I am a 76 year old lady, how am I supposed to get to Sainsbury's twelve miles away, or to see my grandchildren in Bournemouth fifty eight miles away?
Please ignore the piss weak troll.
gentlegreen said:
Try the ABD / Clarkson fan-club, or Daily Mail websites :p
Fuck Off You Sad Lentil Eating Middle Class, Dole Scrounging, Petulia Oil Wearing, Druggie, Sandel Wearing, Parsitical, Pseudo Intellectual, Space Cadet etc. etc. etc. Hippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*&^&%$%$£"###~~#
:mad: :mad: :mad: :D
i'm going to get a car soon, and i signed it anyway. sometimes things are a good idea, even when they're not good for you personally. amazingly enough.
maomao said:
Signature added.

2001 now. :cool:

I hope you enjoy the higher prices in the shops and for ALL the goods and services you use.
I hope all the people who can least aford those price rises understand why you did it to them.
I hope you die in pain:p

Maybe not the last one:D
Only another 1,804,823 signatures to go in the next 6 days and you've got as much support as the original petition.

Like I said, good luck. I'm sure you'll make it, after all.

*dies laughing*
Nigel said:
Fuck Off You Sad Lentil Eating Middle Class, Dole Scrounging, Petulia Oil Wearing, Druggie, Sandel Wearing, Parsitical, Pseudo Intellectual, Space Cadet etc. etc. etc. Hippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*&^&%$%$£"###~~#
:mad: :mad: :mad: :D

:D It's all about the congestion maaaan.
gentlegreen said:
seems like a good idea to show solidarity against the petrol heads and tinfoil hat brigade.

Duly signed.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people work on the principle of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' and end up siding with a terrifyingly illiberal, authoritarian government just because it happens to be doing something to upset a group they don't have much sympathy with.

It makes about as much sense as a supposedly socialist party cosying up to a bunch of Islamist fanatics just because they both happen to disagree with some aspects of the government's foreign policy...
Roadkill said:
It never ceases to amaze me how many people work on the principle of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' and end up siding with a terrifyingly illiberal, authoritarian government just because it happens to be doing something to upset a group they don't have much sympathy with.
It's almost as if the radical, liberal left and the centre right were just two sides of the same coin.
not signing this nonsense by some Islington Living, Middle Class, Green crank

I live in a semi-rural area with no public transport to speak of, and no road congestion either. I just see this as another attempt to socially cleanse rural areas of working class people, to be repalced by those who can afford road pricing
I think Pete the Greek makes a good point. I would rather have this blunt instrument replaced with something more equivalent to the council tax if you see what I mean. Areas could be graded and taxed according to their level of integration into the overall transport network. Everyone would pay the same flat rate per mile, but you could get rebates if you lived in far-out areas without decent public transport alternatives, or if you really needed a car (job, being old etc)
mk12 said:
And what percentage of the population are you writing off there then?
you could extrapolate this from the ratio of support for the anti road pricing and the pro road pricing camps - 1.8 Million versus 5 thousand petitioners.

It's strange that neither Tone nor any member of his "Government" has made any comment about the pro petition being a measure of support amongst the great British populace for their incredibly well supported policy (e.g. square root of not a lot at all).

Gordo wants to have at least enough support to keep them in ministerial Jaguars for another 5 years so this ludicrous policy will presumably sink without a trace soon.
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