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Petition to raise the sentences for animal abusers!!!

Seeing as I seemed to make friends with everyone else,allow me to retort Frances Lengel...My hair isn't purple...You couldn't bully me...Who mentioned AIDS,not me? Vegans have a shit immune system so are more susceptible to bouts of illness....I would hope the person who has their benefits cut looks after their pets first,learning difficulties or not....And lastly,you called me a wanker.Well let's just say that I'm an asshole.It says so on my arm....Now that we've got that out the way,nice to meet ya!

Sheds,I've made the effort pal...Just seems like there are a few who don't like freedom of speech...even calling me a racist earlier.

Freedom of speech means having your opinions challenged sometimes lemky. I said that you were demonstrating casual racism in your crass (and entirely unprompted) assertion that 'people or countries with the worst record for animal cruelty are Asian'. You are wrong about vegan diets, you are wrong about fish having a five second memory and you are wrong about halal meat. You are happy to consume animal products that involve the infliction of suffering on animals yet want to impose lengthy jail sentences for 'animal abusers' that you have not adequately defined. I'm sure that your heart is in the right place, but in all honesty I don't think you've got a good enough grasp of the relevant legal, moral, scientific or cultural material that you need to launch a one-man campaign in the way you have done. If you want to improve the lot for animals you should maybe join an organisation and learn from them, or simply educate yourself better.
Wilson,the point of directing me to that page is what...I've got a few more than that one I showed,none of which is bad ink!

My basis of animal cruelty Jeff,is that if I saw some guy kick a dog down the street then he wouldn't be standing for long.That goes for any animal,for instance the cows that were being stabbed with screwdrivers at the Wiese Brothers Farm in Wisconsin....leading up to slaughter,they should be treated the same as you would any other animal...Unless of course you're in Iceland,Japan or Canada where they slaughter whales,dolphins and seal pups respectively....Their governments won't step in though,and I'm pretty sure it all comes down to money!
Somewhat surreally, a track was just played on the ambient station I'm listening to featuring the voice of Temple Grandin....
I'm struggling to find the name of it.

Having worked with young people with ASD my whole life, Temple Grandin came up quite a lot in training.
Sheds,I've made the effort pal...Just seems like there are a few who don't like freedom of speech...even calling me a racist earlier.

But it's like saying "All that child abuse that went on in Rochdale was perpetrated by Asian men!".

It's missing the bigger point.
We have a default mistrust of people who join for only one reason.

This is the crux.

This is a community not just a place to promote something,

If you join purely to advertise something and don't want to even answer any questions put to you about it (OK originally, maybe not now) then be prepared to get some shtick untill you ingratiate yourself better with the community.
A troll eh...Coming from some twat that can't even use a profile pic,I'd say that's pretty fucking rich...Now off you pop,you missed a bit on your window!!
I know perfectly well how to tie my laces,been doing em for over 30 years...Now if you've finished bending over for the rest of the boys to fuck you,you're dismissed son!
I know perfectly well how to tie my laces,been doing em for over 30 years...Now if you've finished bending over for the rest of the boys to fuck you,you're dismissed son!
30 years is far too long to be trying to learn to tie your laces.

get some velcro before you do yourself a mischief.
I learned that shit long ago pal,but speaking of velcro,you may need some to hold your arse together after they've finished with you!
I'm not homophobic-I have nothing against gay people as long as they don't shove it in your face....pardon the pun.
hateful of vegans.
hateful of gays.
hateful of islam.
confused ideas about animal welfare.
no understanding of basic scientific ideas.
can't tie own shoes.
response to genuine questions is anger.

the best thing you can offer the world is a stranglewank gone wrong.
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I'm not forcing anyone to sign,and I'm not going to lose sleep over someone that doesn't want to do so...get over yourself,I already have!

This is what I said originally..Yet I've been called a prick and a cunt...But why leave a comment just to say that you won't sign it in the first place. That's like seeing an advert in Argos,then going in just to tell them you won't be buying that item..

This is why I love U75! :D
Would you fuck an animal?

Halal meat isn't stunned first,they are strung up and have their throat slit so they can bleed out....who told you that bollocks.
I've been in slaughter houses. Animals are suspended upside down, their throats slit, and then they bleed out. This is whether they slaughter is halal or not. IME killing animals for food is cruel. But as Homer said "If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why do they taste so good?"
As an aside, dolphin tastes really good, it's one of my favourites. Its feria here and there's bullfighting today. I like the spectacle, but the cruelty bothers me. Hypocritical I know. If it rains I'll watch it on TV.
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