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Petition: ban disposable vapes

Right, and in making that statement, we should be clear that pretty much anything is less bad for you than smoking. Working with asbestos is less bad for you than smoking. Being less bad for you than smoking is no endorsement at all.

Climbing K2 is less bad for you than smoking, ffs.
I use an old Aspire Nautilus. It’s so old it’s a 5ml tank. That lasts me a day. Coils last 3 or 4 weeks. I vape high pg juice at 8w so no big steam clouds for me either. Very happy with my set up atm.
yes, smok nord for me. 20mg but with its strength, i only use it maybe once an hour. it's a bit like a fag in that regard. long gone are my days of 3mg and sucking on the thing all day. urgh. just a quick blast now and then, yum.
There is a shop just opened near me that is a combination vape and sweet shop. I see no issue there at all.

Another good argument for restricting the sale of vaping products to licensed shops and requiring them to a) check the age of buyers and b) operate effective recycling schemes where a replacement device can be obtained at a discount rate upon exchange with the old device and c) where users can be assisted to use better, cheaper and less wasteful devices.

A ban will achieve none of this and will enhance the allure of the disposable
I was just thinking about this, and wondering if I'm being hypocritical by using disposable razors. But they just end up in the recycling in my house and I don't see them littering the streets either so I think I'm OK with it.
Disposable vapes are a waste of materials, especially the Lithium.
They are difficult to recycle, not impossible, just difficult.
The presence as litter in the environment is extremely problematical.
And that gets worse every day that they continue to be available.
The other problematical aspect is their use to start rather than stop smoking, especially by "youngsters"

I'm not convinced banning them would work {compare prohibition in the States, or weed in the UK}
What might significantly improve the situation would be to ...
a) strictly regulate {license} their sale [and proper enforcement]
b) put a decent deposit on each one, to encourage returns. [that worked on pop bottles]
c) encourage recycling in other ways
Disposable vapes are a waste of materials, especially the Lithium.
They are difficult to recycle, not impossible, just difficult.
The presence as litter in the environment is extremely problematical.
And that gets worse every day that they continue to be available.
The other problematical aspect is their use to start rather than stop smoking, especially by "youngsters"

I'm not convinced banning them would work {compare prohibition in the States, or weed in the UK}
What might significantly improve the situation would be to ...
a) strictly regulate {license} their sale [and proper enforcement]
b) put a decent deposit on each one, to encourage returns. [that worked on pop bottles]
c) encourage recycling in other ways

d) tax them so hard there is a strong incentive to use reusable kit.

Mind you the TPD banned the sale of e liquid bottles bigger then 10ml which is more waste.
maybe those bottles should have a deposit / recycling scheme as well ...

Well in the grand scale of plastic waste, its tiny, but it's certainly a thing. It's also pushed up the price for many people who wouldn't understand or want to add nicotine to bigger bottles, which makes disposables more attractive.
d) tax them so hard there is a strong incentive to use reusable kit.

Mind you the TPD banned the sale of e liquid bottles bigger then 10ml which is more waste.

You can still buy bigger bottles of eliqud, but you have the nictotine to it - which is extremely wasteful. There is one simple change that could be made, allowing people to buy eliquid mixed to the appropriate strength.
You can still buy bigger bottles of eliqud, but you have the nictotine to it - which is extremely wasteful. There is one simple change that could be made, allowing people to buy eliquid mixed to the appropriate strength.

Which unless you import from China (or find a dodgy site) comes in 10mg 20mg bottles. :D

For once you can blame the EU and be correct.
Blah blah:

I don't disagree that baning them is a good (although I got caught short and bought one recently) but adults can enjoy sweet flavours as well.

Also it's a bit alarmist to say that they are the highest allowed nicotine. Because the law has already been changed to reduce it, which is why they are set at that. And the reason it's higher is because the heating coils are so weak they hardly use any liquid. I'd get more of a hit of juice a quarter of the strength on a different vape.
I don't disagree that baning them is a good (although I got caught short and bought one recently) but adults can enjoy sweet flavours as well.

Also it's a bit alarmist to say that they are the highest allowed nicotine. Because the law has already been changed to reduce it, which is why they are set at that. And the reason it's higher is because the heating coils are so weak they hardly use any liquid. I'd get more of a hit of juice a quarter of the strength on a different vape.
It's just fucking ridiculous that in a climate crisis we're manufacturing tens of millions of throwaway, one use products stuffed full of electronics and plastics,
I don't disagree that baning them is a good (although I got caught short and bought one recently) but adults can enjoy sweet flavours as well.

Also it's a bit alarmist to say that they are the highest allowed nicotine. Because the law has already been changed to reduce it, which is why they are set at that. And the reason it's higher is because the heating coils are so weak they hardly use any liquid. I'd get more of a hit of juice a quarter of the strength on a different vape.
The reduction in the maximum allowed nicotine is of dubious health value. For those of us addicted to it, higher nicotine levels reduce the need to vape so much. It's not really the nicotine that's damaging you. Taking in all that vapour all the time is almost certainly worse - can bring on asthma, for example.

I briefly switched to lower nicotine but I was sucking on the damn thing all the time. I very quickly switched back up.
But making such things attractive to children with funky colours and sweet flavours also has to be part of the discussion.

Adults don't like sweet flavours? When I started vaping years ago I tried the tobacco ones and they were vile.

I think elf bar are probably one of the most popular. You could argue for plainer packaging still, but it's not like there are cartoon characters. I don't think the many brands they stock my local shop are much differerent. In fact I'd say they are more responsible then some e liquid.


There's a lot less under age drinking then when I was younger. How about we have tighter punishments for those found supplying them.

And yes ban disposables.
Surely it must be possible to devise a pressurised container of the vape juice, so a small vape can be refilled in the same manner as a cigarette lighter? Add a rechargeable battery and the throwaway waste is gone. How much liquid do the rechargeable vapes hold?
Surely it must be possible to devise a pressurised container of the vape juice, so a small vape can be refilled in the same manner as a cigarette lighter? Add a rechargeable battery and the throwaway waste is gone. How much liquid do the rechargeable vapes hold?

Why do you need to? Pod vapes have existed for years and can be filled fine with a normal 10ml eliquid bottle.
I build my own coils and use an RTA. Zero waste.

Whilst I’m not a huge fan of disposables they are increasingly the gateway for those wishing to stop smoking. The issue is the lack of control over their sale. My own view is that the sale of any vaping product should be via licensed shops only and that the industry needs to do more to ensure recycling of them (via a trade back scheme or similar).

But government bans? Nah.

I get that some people don’t like cloud chucking vapers on the streets, but seriously, banning disposables because of a few knobheads would be ludicrous. A ban won’t stop China making them and it seems to me that effective regulation and an industry funded recycling programme would be far more effective. Education is also needed: there are cheaper and better (and more environmentally sustainable) vaping options out there
My grandson has never smoked a cigarette in his life' He is currently addicted to nicotine due to vaping. It started at a party where after a few beers, he had a toot on someone's vape. Then another. Then another. Then he bought one.

I asked him what he would do if the vape ran out and he couldn't get hold of one. 'I suppose that I'd try a cigarette'.
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