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Petition to raise the sentences for animal abusers!!!

They don't sell immune system boosters aimed at vegans for nothing..All the vitamins in the world can't replace what nutrients that you get from food.

Again, that's absolute unsubstantiated nonsense. Mate, I don't mean to be rude, but people like you who don't do their basic research before starting campaigns do more harm than good for animals. Educate yourself a bit next time.
well they call it food..


I was going to say I have limited experience of vegan food but I actually do eat loads of veg and it all tastes good to me. Tastiest burgers I've ever had were beanburgers, and I had a vegan pud one time that was gorgeous.

And to tatoolemky:


A meatless diet can be healthy, but vegetarians -- especially vegans -- need to make sure they're getting enough vitamin B12, calcium, iron, and zinc.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics warns of the risk of vitamin B12 deficiencies in vegetarians and vegans. Vitamin B12 is found naturally only in animal products. A lack of vitamin B12 can lead to anemia and blindness. It can also cause muscle weakness, tingling, and numbness. To counteract the increased risk, vegans should include B12 supplements, or fortified cereals and veggie burgers. Stay tuned for more information, but B12 has been found in varying amounts in mushrooms, particularly in the outer peel.

Vegans and ovo-vegetarians, who eat eggs but not dairy, need to find foods (dark green vegetables, tofu, edamame, soy nuts, butternut squash) or supplements that compensate for the missing calcium from their diets. Absorbable calcium is critical to protect against osteoporosis, or thinning bones.

I'm not a veggie but I think they deserve respect for not contributing to the mistreatment of animals that eating meat involves. Even more so for vegans. And animal welfare is the topic - strange view that hates cruelty to animals but seems to despise people who are less involved in cruelty to animals than the rest of us are.
So,someone on a vegan diet without vitamin supplements is going to be more at risk from varying illnesses as stated above...Why do you think veggies that only breast feed need to take their babies for regular jabs to supplement them,all because they won't feed them formula...so not talking bollocks am I jeff? As for not knowing my shit regarding animal cruelty,I ain't one of these new age hippy types that rants on and then goes for a kebab and a pint-reason being,I don't eat halal meat because of the ritual slaughter that is done...I also don't eat from certain pizza chains because of the cruelty suffered by cows that supply milk for the topping cheese...I don't touch battery eggs...I won't eat goose liver aka fois gras...I'm also educated enough to know that the people or countries with the worst record for animal cruelty are Asian.
So,someone on a vegan diet without vitamin supplements is going to be more at risk from varying illnesses as stated above...Why do you think veggies that only breast feed need to take their babies for regular jabs to supplement them,all because they won't feed them formula...so not talking bollocks am I jeff?

Yes you are.


With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.


American Dietetic Association:

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.


Dietitians of Canada:

A vegan eating pattern has many potential health benefits. They include lower rates of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Other benefits include lower blood cholesterol levels and a lower risk for gallstones and intestinal problems. This eating pattern can take some extra planning. Vegans must make sure that enough nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins D and B12 and omega-3 fats are included. A well planned vegan diet can meet all of these needs. It is safe and healthy for pregnant and breastfeeding women, babies, children, teens and seniors.

Vegans...had a little typo...and the reason they won't use the formula is because it has animal derivatives in it...lanolin I think it is.
Jeff,I eat steak,fish,I load on carbs and protein and I ain't had so much as a cold in nearly 15 years...

Good for you, I think you'll find that plenty of vegans are fit and healthy as well. I notice that you have ignored the sources I posted above indicating that a vegan diet can be optimally healthy, instead you prefer to rely on one off cases taken from the press.

I'm also educated enough to know that the people or countries with the worst record for animal cruelty are Asian.

This is the other problem with unthinking 'animal lovers' like lemky... their casual racism. Asia a pretty big place that you cant make those sort of sweeping generalisations about. India is in Asia and it's the most vegetarian country in the world. It's also the home of Jainism, which on the whole practices the very humane treatment of animals. Also many Buddhist communities in East Asia hold animals in very high regard. But don't let facts get in the way of your ignorance eh?
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Jeff,I eat steak,fish,I load on carbs and protein and I ain't had so much as a cold in nearly 15 years...

OK I'll bite.

The people who force your cow to be permanently pumping milk then slaughter it and Captain Birdseye who cheerfully suffocates your fish are ok? Or should they be subject to your mandatory sentences? What would be your definition of abuse ?
Okay then Jeffrey,I digress...Asian countries such as Thailand,China,Philippines,North Korea,Vietnam...that better for you pal?

Nogo,I don't drink milk pal...the human digestive system hasn't fully adapted to it yet,hence lactose intolerance amongst some people.
I don't care what you eat or drink, but as a species we'll never adapt to being fully able to drink cows milk unless intolerant people like yourself chug it down. Its for the greater good.

I am however still interested in knowing what you consider animal abuse?
Okay then Jeffrey,I digress...Asian countries such as Thailand,China,Philippines,North Korea,Vietnam...that better for you pal?

Not really, there are massive differences in the treatment of animals within those countries. China and Thailand for example have many vegetarian communities within their Buddhist populations.
I've also seen pieces recently that halal slaughter (a) is actually used for a lot of meat that goes into general food production so you probably do eat halal meat and (b) is actually more humane because the animals are stunned first and don't know what's happening unlike the other slaughter methods for all the steak you're eating.
I'm not intolerant to it,I just choose to go without...Like I do with alcohol and tobacco....But as animal abuse goes,maiming,injuring,unjustly murdering anything with more than a 5 second memory span pretty much does it.

Jeff,there are a lot more Asian than any other population on the planet...I'll let you do the math to work it out.
Halal meat isn't stunned first,they are strung up and have their throat slit so they can bleed out....who told you that bollocks.
I'm not intolerant to it,I just choose to go without...Like I do with alcohol and tobacco....But as animal abuse goes,maiming,injuring,unjustly murdering anything with more than a 5 second memory span pretty much does it.

Jeff,there are a lot more Asian than any other population on the planet...I'll let you do the math to work it out.

I've got no idea what that last sentence is supposed to mean. I see you're repeating the false claim about fishes memory. And most Halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned btw. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Halal meat isn't stunned first,they are strung up and have their throat slit so they can bleed out....who told you that bollocks.
Q Are animals conscious when they are killed for halal slaughter?
For the majority, no. Between 84 and 90 per cent of animals killed for halal meat in the UK are processed by one of the large number of halal slaughterhouses which do use electric stunning beforehand.

Tattoolemky... how many animals do you think suffered to allow you to paint your hair pink? I wonder how much those rabbits screamed when the dye was poured into their eyes?

Is it possible that you're not really an animal lover? That you just like the attention you receive by pretending to be?
Somewhat surreally, a track was just played on the ambient station I'm listening to featuring the voice of Temple Grandin....
I'm struggling to find the name of it.
Herbz,the dye I use is vegetable dye mate...and yeah,I'm pretending to like animals..maybe all the weed you smoked turned your brain o mush a bit.

Sheds,I've made the effort pal...Just seems like there are a few who don't like freedom of speech...even calling me a racist earlier.
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