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Petition FOR road-pricing

fuck that!!!!! :mad: :mad:

you muppet!

I am completely unable to use pubic transport to get to work, and unless the public transport system dramatically takes on new routes, I have to use a car.

So fucking CHEERS FOR THAT :mad:
Pete the Greek said:
So fucking CHEERS FOR THAT :mad:

I shouldn't worry,PTG, 2,000 signitures so far. It might reach the dizzy heights of 5,000 :D

How many has t'other one got....into the millions innit?
elloagain said:
I shouldn't worry,PTG, 2,000 signitures so far. It might reach the dizzy heights of 5,000 :D

How many has t'other one got....into the millions innit?

over a million and a half.

And thanks to this thread, I actually went onto the site, and ....yep....you guessed. Added my name to the biggie.

Here's a Bud, just for you, oh Motor Car.

:cool: :cool:
Pete the Greek said:
fuck that!!!!! :mad: :mad:

you muppet!

I am completely unable to use pubic transport to get to work, and unless the public transport system dramatically takes on new routes, I have to use a car.

So fucking CHEERS FOR THAT :mad:

It should work out cheaper for you than now if you travel at off-peak times or on uncongested routes. If you need to travel on congested routes, there should be plenty of people to car-share with :D

Also you might have to get used to the idea that it is not very practical to live so far away from where you work, or so far away from public transport links. Either move closer to your job, or get a job closer to where you live. If you can't do either then curse yourself for making such a stupid decision in the first place and causing everyone else to suffer from your excessive driving and congestion causing ;)
bi0boy said:
It should work out cheaper for you than now if you travel at off-peak times or on uncongested routes. If you need to travel on congested routes, there should be plenty of people to car-share with :D

Also you might have to get used to the idea that it is not very practical to live so far away from where you work, or so far away from public transport links. Either move closer to your job, or get a job closer to where you live. If you can't do either then curse yourself for making such a stupid decision in the first place and causing everyone else to suffer from your excessive driving and congestion causing ;)

a) I don't live or work in London
b) I do not experience any congestion
c) I live 16 miles from my work. Is that not near enough?
d) My work is very isolated from facilities, services or indeed....life. It's surronded with fields. There is no public transport network. No homes. It's in the middle of no-where.
e) Give up my job so I can push trolleys at tescos? no ta. I earn way too much to jack it in on a bullshit ethical principle, when the biggest environmentally offensive countries in the world continue to fuck the planet unabated and without conscience. Like the UK and what people drive here on these Isles makes that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things?
f) Your catch all solution (i.e. increase tax, without plans on what to do for motorists as an alternative) is a farce and could never work in reality.
g) the Tories are going to win the next election anyway, so this plan is bolloxed from word go.

Pete the Greek said:
a) I don't live or work in London

g) the Tories are going to win the next election anyway, so this plan is bolloxed from word go.


Of all the very sensible points you made, thats probably the most potent. The Tories play Green to get votes but road charging is not a vote winner.
Pete the Greek said:
a) I don't live or work in London
b) I do not experience any congestion
c) I live 16 miles from my work. Is that not near enough?
d) My work is very isolated from facilities, services or indeed....life. It's surronded with fields. There is no public transport network. No homes. It's in the middle of no-where.
e) Give up my job so I can push trolleys at tescos? no ta. I earn way too much to jack it in on a bullshit ethical principle, when the biggest environmentally offensive countries in the world continue to fuck the planet unabated and without conscience. Like the UK and what people drive here on these Isles makes that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things?
f) Your catch all solution (i.e. increase tax, without plans on what to do for motorists as an alternative) is a farce and could never work in reality.
g) the Tories are going to win the next election anyway, so this plan is bolloxed from word go.


If you have a congestion-free commute, then road charging should see you paying less than you do at the moment. The whole idea of it is to encourage people not to cause congestion, so that is where the financial disincentive lies.
bi0boy said:
If you have a congestion-free commute, then road charging should see you paying less than you do at the moment. The whole idea of it is to encourage people not to cause congestion, so that is where the financial disincentive lies.

That's bizarre.

At the moment, I pay zero pounds, zero pence on road tolls.

If they bring in a road toll system, even if I pay the bottom rate, I still pay. Which means I lose out. Which sucks. Sucks arseholes to be precise.

I fail to see how I'd benefit, unless the current tax disc scheme is scrapped, and all I have to do is pay, like, forty quid a year. Then I'd be up on the deal.
bi0boy said:
It should work out cheaper for you than now if you travel at off-peak times or on uncongested routes. If you need to travel on congested routes, there should be plenty of people to car-share with :D

Also you might have to get used to the idea that it is not very practical to live so far away from where you work, or so far away from public transport links. Either move closer to your job, or get a job closer to where you live. If you can't do either then curse yourself for making such a stupid decision in the first place and causing everyone else to suffer from your excessive driving and congestion causing ;)

I'm assuming you live in a town or city and don't have children.
Poot said:
I'm assuming you live in a town or city and don't have children.

:cool: top post.

All very well slamming the 'car', but what about mothers with kids who need to get shopping in?

Oh well, never mind about them, let's think about the young proffesh classes who live in Hackney.

Pete the Greek said:
:cool: top post.

All very well slamming the 'car', but what about mothers with kids who need to get shopping in?

Oh well, never mind about them, let's think about the young proffesh classes who live in Hackney.


Oi! Mr Assumption! :mad: :p

Some of us mothers with kids do more than just shop! Some of us have a hectic time dropping everyone where they're supposed to be before we even get to work!

Poot said:
Oi! Mr Assumption! :mad: :p

Some of us mothers with kids do more than just shop! Some of us have a hectic time dropping everyone where they're supposed to be before we even get to work!



well, quite.

And that too.

Pete the Greek said:
That's bizarre.

At the moment, I pay zero pounds, zero pence on road tolls.

If they bring in a road toll system, even if I pay the bottom rate, I still pay. Which means I lose out. Which sucks. Sucks arseholes to be precise.

I fail to see how I'd benefit, unless the current tax disc scheme is scrapped, and all I have to do is pay, like, forty quid a year. Then I'd be up on the deal.

Err Road tax at 170 quid a year, would be scrapped. How much tax per litre do you pay?

I do believe that adds up to more than 0p per mile. If your on empty roads then it might be free to drive to work and have no car tax, so you'd be better off.
Sunray said:
Err Road tax at 170 quid a year, would be scrapped. How much tax per litre do you pay?

I do believe that adds up to more than 0p per mile. If your on empty roads then it might be free to drive to work and have no car tax, so you'd be better off.

I pay the lower tax rate as my car has a tiny engine.

and by tax per litre, are you talking about the tax levied on petrol? That aint never gonna get scrapped mate! :D

and if it does, it's a matter of speculation if I'd make on the deal, depending on how much road toll I'd have to pay.
I'm a disabled person. I hate my car, I hate driving, I live alone, I have no choice but to drive.
Going to price me off the roads do you think?
bi0boy said:
It should work out cheaper for you than now if you travel at off-peak times or on uncongested routes. If you need to travel on congested routes, there should be plenty of people to car-share with :D

Also you might have to get used to the idea that it is not very practical to live so far away from where you work, or so far away from public transport links. Either move closer to your job, or get a job closer to where you live. If you can't do either then curse yourself for making such a stupid decision in the first place and causing everyone else to suffer from your excessive driving and congestion causing ;)

So what about me and all the other people who work in the serivce industies. Personlay i work in the building trade, where every 6 or so months in at a new job. Either building new factories, shops offices or maybe a home.
All these are in demand, so i have to travel all over the place, i cant car pool as no one in my firm is my neighbour. I have to be there early so i am travling in rush hour, and for me to get there out of thses hours, im either going to be out of the house before 6 or after 9. Not making sence there as i would be too tired to do any thing paractical for a few hours and then it would mean i have no personal life when i get home *the fact that i dont is not the issue :D *
Do i then have to up sticks every time a new job starts, leave all my freinds behind, just so that i can live closer and pay less tax.

Its a fine idear to pay for what you drive... NOT
if my firm payed the fine, then yes i would not be bothered, but what about all the other people that have to drive to survive, we dont all live in london where they have a tube system or trains.
ANd some how i dont think th emoney raised by this would go back in to the public transport system, they would use it on more usefull stuff, like there taxi fees or the cost of taking some twat out for a meal.
Yes i know im rambling
If they are going to do this, 1st off the mark, ALL public services need to be improved 100%. They are shite, unrelaiable and wank.

thank you
Pete the Greek said:
I pay the lower tax rate as my car has a tiny engine.

and by tax per litre, are you talking about the tax levied on petrol? That aint never gonna get scrapped mate! :D

and if it does, it's a matter of speculation if I'd make on the deal, depending on how much road toll I'd have to pay.

I didn't say it was going to get scrapped. But it also makes your 0p a mile quote considerably inaccurate.

There are other concerns as well. Cars here are scrapped far too easily. This is because the ~400 quid a year liability that having to insure and tax it. If this was lifted people would keep their cars for longer.
Pete the Greek said:
:cool: top post.

All very well slamming the 'car', but what about mothers with kids who need to get shopping in?

Oh well, never mind about them, let's think about the young proffesh classes who live in Hackney.


leave hackney out of it love we have fuck all to do with it... we didn't want the coking olymipics let alone car tracking...
seems like a good idea to show solidarity against the petrol heads and tinfoil hat brigade.

Duly signed.

When do I get my chip inserted ?
Feck it all! I'm stuck in work trying to work out how to model the probability responses between two charging options (one using ANPR and another using Tags) with time-shifting.

I don't care anymore.. you can all sit in a f'ing traffic jam listening to Sarah Cox all day.
Pete the Greek said:
over a million and a half.

And thanks to this thread, I actually went onto the site, and ....yep....you guessed. Added my name to the biggie.

Here's a Bud, just for you, oh Motor Car.

:cool: :cool:
Where isthe petition against Road Pricing.
I'll try and get as many people to sign it as I can?:D ;)
I am a 76 year old lady, how am I supposed to get to Sainsbury's twelve miles away, or to see my grandchildren in Bournemouth fifty eight miles away?
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