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Paxo v Brand starts in 5 minutes

O i get it how it workds now: I like brand and what he says. I don't like conspiracy theories and that shit. Therefore what Brand says has nothing to do with conspiracy theories. Because I like brand and what he says and don't like conspiracy theories and that shit
O i get how it works now: I don't like brand and what he says. I don't like conspiracy theories and that shit. Therefore what Brand says is a mirror of conspiracy theories. Because I don't like brand and what he says and don't like conspiracy theories and that shit.

Yeah you really are a genuius aren't you. Mug
O i get how it works now: I don't like brand and what he says. I don't like conspiracy theories and that shit. Therefore what Brand says is a mirror of conspiracy theories. Because I don't like brand and what he says and don't like conspiracy theories and that shit.

Yeah you really are a genuius aren't you. Mug
You've not quite grasped the positives that i've found in Brand's millionaire hippy drivel have you? Which sort of messes up your little model. As does the fact that there are demonstrable links between what he says and conspiracy theory approaches - as you yourself helpfully demonstrated when you decided to point out that what looks like conspiracy theory stuff is actually derived from marxism and long winded philosophical histories of science, rather then the much closer to home Icke.
You are useless. Go away and try harder. Think about what you are posting. Think.
Genius stuff. I shall have to pay more attention to you. This is how it goes. Brand uses a clearly icke derived trope. You spot this and argue that it actually comes from his reading of Thomas Kuhn. Not Icke. Who he has long term associations with and who hammers the phrase. Because that would be a crazy thing to suggest. Of course, in putting this argument forward you only highlight that conspiracy theory derived nature of the usage. Think. No, actually, don't.
The fawning over Brand is a bit sickening. Just safe contained opisition. Get some outspoken albeit eloquent clown. There's the voice of the opposition, this is your spokesman. Now back in your box.
Brand uses a clearly icke derived trope. You spot this and argue that it actually comes from his reading of Thomas Kuhn. Not Icke. Who he has long term associations with and who hammers the phrase. Because that would be a crazy thing to suggest. Of course, in putting this argument forward you only highlight that conspiracy theory derived nature of the usage. Think. No, actually, don't.
So your argument that using the word "paradigm" is an 'icke derived trope'.

There are millions of places he would have seen that word used outside of Icke.

Is this really the best you can do? You can't find one single quote?

You can't even paraphrase any of Brand's arguments?

You are pathetic. Thankfully you are not going to respond to me with any more gibberish.
So your argument that using the word "paradigm" is an 'icke derived trope'.

There are millions of places he would have seen that word used outside of Icke.

Is this really the best you can do? You can't find one single quote?

You can't even paraphrase any of Brand's arguments?

You are pathetic. Thankfully you are not going to respond to me with any more gibberish.
You brought that case up not me. Presumably because you recognised that it so closely chimes with Brands long terms associate David Icke's use of the term? You see the hole that you've dug for yourself - each time you deny the possibility that he uses the term because of his comrades repeated use of it you only drive home where it did in reality - not your justificatory possible fantasy world - come from.

Are you going to answer my question btw? Do you think that none of Brand's stuff come's from conspiracy theory? If you don't, then just say it.
A couple of analysis's here worth reading

Russell Brand, revolution and pragmatis: http://libcom.org/blog/russel-brand-revolution-pragmatism-24102013?page=1

Brief remarks on Russell Brand: http://attemptsatliving.wordpress.com/2013/10/26/brief-remarks-on-russell-brand/
Odd how pragmatism ends up meaning being on your knees to a celebrity and the implicit argument for 'dumbing down' - that the way politics works is someone tells the class something something in either hight falutin' or low-down langauge. Not the common working together on collectively identified needs, and the way politics is done coming out of that. Back to the great men of politics theme. We won these battles years ago surely? That whole libcom debate is point missing nonsense.
You brought that case up not me. Presumably because you recognised that it so closely chimes with Brands long terms associate David Icke's use of the term?
No it wasn't me who brought up the word 'paradigm'. You need to read the thread more carefully.

I haven't 'denied the possibility'. Maybe he did actually only see the term first in Icke, but I doubt it as he is actually well-read and will have undoubtedly seen it elsewhere long before Icke published his books. I am not saying he read Kuhn, the term is used *widely*.

Do I think that none of Brand's stuff come's from conspiracy theory?

I can't see what he has said that would qualify as conspiracy theory.

Now, are you going to answer my question about what Brand has actually said that would make him a 'conspiracy theorist'?

You love asking questions but you seem incapabale of answering any.
No it wasn't me who brought up the word 'paradigm'. You need to read the thread more carefully.

I haven't 'denied the possibility'. Maybe he did actually only see the term first in Icke, but I doubt it as he is actually well-read and will have undoubtedly seen it elsewhere long before Icke published his books. I am no saying he read Kuhn, the term is used *widely*.

Do I think that none of Brand's stuff come's from conspiracy theory?

I can't see what he has said that would qualify as conspiracy theory.

Now, are you going to answer my question about what Brand has actually said that would make him a 'conspiracy theorist'?

You love asking questions but you seem incapabale of answering any.
Who brought it up? Why did they bring it up - did they bring it up because it has conspiracy connotations in certain contexts? I.e someone who a public supportive association with the worlds leading conspiracy loon using it in a vague waffly way. I'll help you, yes is the answer.

You haven't denied the possibility, you've just argued at some length against it when people offer perfectly plausible examples of it. Fine.

I think you need to read the thread more carefully, what was suggested is that Brand is smuggling in conspiracy tropes under the rubric of political opposition. You went out of your way to respond to one such use ('paradigm') yourself earlier - completely missing of course, all context and pretending the word and concept is just hanging out there neutrally. That's the hole you've dug.
Don't people find it incredible that a guy who usually lives 1000's of miles away, lives a life most people can't imagine, is incredibly rich, etc actually takes time to find out about such things as the benefit changes, etc in the U.K?

btw, I do agree with Weepiper, he shouldn't get a free pass due to his appalling sexist behaviour in the past.
His manifesto that he headed up his new statesman edited edition with.

When I was asked to edit an issue of the New Statesman I said yes because it was a beautiful woman asking me. I chose the subject of revolution because the New Statesman is a political magazine and imagining the overthrow of the current political system is the only way I can be enthused about politics
Don't people find it incredible that a guy who usually lives 1000's of miles away, lives a life most people can't imagine, is incredibly rich, etc actually takes time to find out about such things as the benefit changes, etc in the U.K?

btw, I do agree with Weepiper, he shouldn't get a free pass due to his appalling sexist behaviour in the past.

e2a - you think it is pure altruism and he is blessing us with his time and with? nothing in it for him?

in what way is it incredible?
Don't people find it incredible that a guy who usually lives 1000's of miles away, lives a life most people can't imagine, is incredibly rich, etc actually takes time to find out about such things as the benefit changes, etc in the U.K?

btw, I do agree with Weepiper, he shouldn't get a free pass due to his appalling sexist behaviour in the past.
God love the tsar.
The first line of that Salon piece:
"I felt an immense affinity with comedian and would-be revolutionary vanguardist Russell Brand . . ."

:confused: That's a bit lazy. Did she watch that interview?
Maybe she means vanguardist in the silently vanguardist way the SPGB silently are(n't).
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