Dr. Furface
One small step for me
They're my main ones too. The difference between us is I didn't read them as a teenager (I was in my 20's) and never much cared for either of them. I remember I did like Kerouac's The Subterraneans though.Slightly different but On The Road and The Catcher In The Rye were both books I loved as a teenager but reread and hated in later life.
On The Road got described as 'an ode to selfishness' by Dillinger4 on here once and after rereading it I agreed.
Similarly Catcher In The Rye just seemed whiny and self-absorbed. I was like that myself at that age so that's why I liked it then, I think.
I loved that!Likewise, 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance'...