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Paramedics doubt Dr Kelly's 'suicide' cause

Justin said:
That would constitute the research element.

Oh come on, I've read all of this thread, admittedly there is some of it I have skimmed but I'm at work and should be busy but what I have gleaned so far is that your argument is based on "why would the UK govt go to such lengths as murder" which makes a crass leap in logic and if I've missed any vital elements of your line then let me know cos I don't want to trawl the whole thread again.

Kelly verdict suicide
Conspiracy buffs here say: no, twas UK state sanctioned murder
You say it isn't murder cos the UK state has no motive

That's a huge leap, there's still room for it to be murder and consequent cover up attempt, not state sanctioned but helpful to them.
Stobart Stopper said:
That's the spirit!

That's what they want you to think. Over the last 7 years, so much crap has been written, it's almost become like a big joke.

Surely the fact that the driver of the white Fiat car that clipped her Mercedes that night should have come forward, only his body was later found in suspicious circumstances, a burned out car, I believe?

Diana, the silly cow, if she has kept her gob shut and behaved she would still be alive today. It was the landmines that killed her.

Justin said:
Oh Christ, the Diana nonsense. Evidence for this one = nil.

Oh please, the probability is that Diana wasn't killed by shadowy secret service agents.

So shallow, self-obsessed and 'me,me,me' was that woman that she seemed far more likely to have killed herself to heap more self-pity and attention on herself. Those recent tapes are a perfect example of her vacuous self-obsession and laughable shallowness...
Thumper Browne said:
if I've missed any vital elements of your line then let me know cos I don't want to trawl the whole thread again.
You've missed (several times) where I've pointed out that I can't and don't say that it "must have been suicide". I do and continue to say that there's not actually any positive evidence for anything else.
Stobart Stopper said:
That's the spirit!

That's what they want you to think. Over the last 7 years, so much crap has been written, it's almost become like a big joke.

Surely the fact that the driver of the white Fiat car that clipped her Mercedes that night should have come forward, only his body was later found in suspicious circumstances, a burned out car, I believe?

Diana, the silly cow, if she has kept her gob shut and behaved she would still be alive today. It was the landmines that killed her.
If I was trying to kill Diana, I'm sure I'd have done it reliably by, er, "clipping her car" on a public road in front of loads of people with cameras. Ideal really.

Still, good to see the old "that's what they want you to think" rolled out again. And the bit where the bump off the person who did te bumping off! The Parallax View, wasn't it?
Justin said:
This is the point. Proper research, be it scientific or journalistic, needs qualities like evidence and methodology. If you come out with loads of crap then you demonstrate that you don't know, or care, the difference between a sustainable case and a load of rubbish. And so you convince nobody.

Hold on a tickety boo, So before we knew about radio waves,nuclear power,before we had evidence of it. it didn't exist? Proof has to be found,it has to be weeded out,evidence has to be collected. Just because it hasn't been found yet,doesn't mean that it is non existance. Which goes for everything.Also you have be able to disproove something,not just proove.

And at the end of the day,you're not going to change your mind because you haven't got the hard evidence jumping right out at you. Which is fair enough.I have my (allbeit nieve possibly) sense of distrust. Shall we just agree to disagree?
I think I've worked it out!!

Justin,are you working for the goverment? Just making sure that we don't "find out too much" ??? :p


*peers out the window to look for a black van*

Fuck it,end of the day,i don;t really care one way or the other.

Just don't bump me off cos i've uncovered you :D right?
editor said:
Pickman's model said:
i can think of a reason or three why someone might have wanted that turbulent scientist out of the way.
After he'd given a long interview to one of the world's biggest media organisations, no.
At the Foreign Affairs Committee, Dr. Kelly said that he could only have been the source for part of Gilligan's report, effectively supporting the govt position. The danger was that he might have been more truthful at a later date.
xes said:
I think I've worked it out!!

Justin,are you working for the goverment? Just making sure that we don't "find out too much" ???
A gag made by John Sladek at the end of his Von Daniken demolition, as I recall.

People should read his book The New Apocrypha. It's full of conspiracy/mad theory debunkings. And this was years before the internet.
Justin said:
Idiot. What have I been saying?
sorry miss,not really been paying attention miss :oops:

What was the question again?

And on a side note,I think my monitor is about to die,it wont degausse!!

It's them again :mad:

hhmmmppff I don't wanna spend loads of money on a new screen :(
The points where I said many times over that you cannot prove a negative and that nobody is claiming that it couldn't have happened? Those ones? The ones to which I just referred Mr Browne?
Appologies,must have missread what you were saying,got it the wrong way round like. :oops:

side note part 2


My grinder has a magnet inside it. It is (was) directly under my monitor,I've been rolling it back and forth and not making the connection that that's when my screen wen't all funny.

I'm going back to the wanking/shitting threads,much more my level of intelegence.

*flounces from the yet again*
editor said:
Err, and how does this support your assertion that UK scientists were regularly being bumped off by the UK government in the UK?
for FUCK'S sake!

i make an assertion - which was fucking common knowledge a couple of years ago, i'm surprised you don't recall it - and in fucking five minutes you want me to track down a ton of reputable sources? so i gave you a couple of suggestive snippets about iraq and scientists and tell you i'll have a better look later. :mad:

what pisses me off even more is that i expect you'll want fucking spoonfeeding when i have the time to really research it.
When you say "common knowledge" though, you sure you don't mean "went round the internet"?

Incidentally, (a librarian adds) it's not all that hard to track down reputable sources for reputable information.
editor said:
Err, and how does this support your assertion that UK scientists were regularly being bumped off by the UK government in the UK?
and don't fucking mix up my words. where did i say that? or did you just think you know best about what i'm saying?
Pickman's model said:
for FUCK'S sake!

i make an assertion - which was fucking common knowledge a couple of years ago, i'm surprised you don't recall it - and in fucking five minutes you want me to track down a ton of reputable sources?
If something was 'common knowledge' then it shouldn't have taken you more than a couple of seconds to source examples of it.

But you haven't. Instead you've thrown a childish hissy fit.

Ho hum.

editor said:
If something was 'common knowledge' then it shouldn't have taken you more than a couple of seconds to source examples of it.

But you haven't. Instead you've thrown a childish hissy fit.

Ho hum.

which i wouldn't have thrown if you weren't so arsy on occasion. anyway, i found it. i'm sure there's a better fucking link. but since you wanted the facts, there you go.
All of these suspicious deaths are perplexing and some of the victims appear to have been induced to commit suicide, by remote mind-control.

A Global psycho-electronic mind control system is possible by injecting micro- electronic robots, the size of bacteria, inserted through vaccines, into the blood-stream, which can perform tasks within the human body, (like Fantastic Voyage.)
Pickman's Link said:
All of these suspicious deaths are perplexing and some of the victims appear to have been induced to commit suicide, by remote mind-control. Scientists and their expertise are expendable to prevent the real purpose of HAARP and ELF's being revealed or the capabilities of nano-technology and computer-controlled aircraft, (and cars) but micro-biologists are the most recent target of 'commercial espionage' which implies bio-terror is high on the agenda of the NWO. That is why vaccines and chemtrails, dispersing biological agents, are a deadly combination and a threat to the human race, a potential 'doomsday weapon.'

A Global psycho-electronic mind control system is possible by injecting micro- electronic robots, the size of bacteria, inserted through vaccines, into the blood-stream, which can perform tasks within the human body, (like Fantastic Voyage.) These nano-robots can travel through capilliaries without rejection by the immune system, being made from biological material, to carry out internal life-saving repairs or act as body-wreckers and no-one would know how or why you died. Travelling into your brain by remote control, they could interfere with the cerebral cortex and instill feelings of ‘love for Big Brother,' or any other impulses the 'operator' desires

Not today, thank you!


Great minds think alike, eh Justin?
i said i thought there were a number of top govt scientists topped a few years ago. i'd say that the suspicious nature of a lot of those deaths is, well, suspicious, and anyway i was right cos they did, well, die a few years ago. :p
Pickman's model said:
which i wouldn't have thrown if you weren't so arsy on occasion. anyway, i found it. i'm sure there's a better fucking link. but since you wanted the facts, there you go.
Where does it say that the scientists were all killed by the UK government because they disagreed with them?

And boy are you in a bad mood today!

PS Guess what's on the home page of that site?
Yep - you guessed it! Yet more fucking UFOs and some bonkers 'Hollow Earth' stuff!!!
Pickman's model said:
if you worked some place where so many people died by their own hand or in unusual circumstances, wouldn't you be slightly perturbed?
Sure. But you were claiming that scientists were being routinely knocked off by the UK government just for disgreeing with them.

So where and when has that been happening, then?
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