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Papers, please - covid passport bollocks

As said on another thread wait til they want to vaccinate kids.
Far to much binary thinking around vaccination.
Well I guess we'll soon have to carry and show our papers/phones everywhere.

I am 1000% sure that it won't be mishandled or exploited in any way whatsoever.
It's daft, as there'll soon be fake ones out there, there'll be new variants out, and confusion will soon reign - before looking at any of the political arguments against the notion.
What I find most baffling is that there will be a period of only a few months where they will be most useful for internal UK use - the period between opening up and almost everyone being vaccinated. There is no point in introducing a system for such a short period of time. Once almost everyone is vaccinated we won't want to go around showing our vaccine passports forever. That would be stupid.

If the idea is that it will encourage vaccine-reluctant people to get vaccinated, I think that could backfire. "You're worried that the government wants you take a vaccine that is insufficiently tested? Let us alleviate your worries by twisting your arm to take it." Doesn't work does it?

It also sends a message about the vaccine making you safe from covid. Which it doesn't do.

The focus should be on getting to vaccination saturation point as quickly as possible, and focusing on vaccination as a good thing that we can do to protect each other. I think us all working to build a good feeling around vaccination will be far more effective than carrot and stick approaches.
What's wrong with vaccinating kids? We already do, for a number of diseases. It's why we don't have so many dead kids nowadays.
Yeh it's been really weird this past year seeing people umming and ahing about whether kids could get the disease. Are there many viral diseases which differentiate between children and adults?
Clearly people aren't keeping up with news, there is no plan to introduce 'covid passports' for internal UK use, it's only a suggestion under consideration.

If, and that's a very big 'IF', they are introduced internally they would mainly be for large events, such as football matches & music festivals, and the logistics of managing that would be virtually impossible.

And, they would be 'covid passports' not 'vaccine passports', meaning they would show one of three things -
1 - you have been vaccinated.
2- you have had covid recently, and therefore have anti-bodies.
3 - you have had a recent negative test, which as they are introducing free home testing kits for every adult would be not hardship.
It's daft, as there'll soon be fake ones out there, there'll be new variants out, and confusion will soon reign - before looking at any of the political arguments against the notion.
Any app comissioned by this gvt will be full of holes that it will be effectively useless, so it's like just some bullshit facesaving thing, with a bit of data sales on the side
I’ve still got my old clozaril clinic/medical emergency card. Might get me in early doors.

The insurrectionists can stay at home making some ‘kill terfs’ placards.

It’s a brave new world
It's part of the anti-vaxx starter kit. Suggesting something could be harmful or more harmful to kids, immediately means you want to harm kids if you do it/agree with it.
its partly because of real cases like this
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