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Liverpool Arms Fair OCCUPIED by Palestine Action​


Breaking: Liverpool Arms Fair OCCUPIED by Palestine Action
  • The site of the Liverpool Arms Fair, due to open tomorrow morning, has been occupied by Palestine Action activists, who are currently on the roof of the venue, the ACC Arena.
  • After a dozen activists stormed the site, two are currently occupying the roof to disrupt the commencement of the event.
  • Activists are occupying the site in order to prevent the normalisation of war crimes – war crimes which event attendees facilitate through their export of arms to Israel and elsewhere
At the ACC Arena – the site of the Liverpool Arms Fair, which is due to commence tomorrow morning – activists have begun occupation of the event venue, to prevent the firms in attendance from conducting their business of bloodshed in Liverpool.
Due to appear at the fair – in attendee, key note speaker, and marketing capacities – are a number of the world’s most morally despicable companies: from Elbit Systems, to ELTA, Raytheon, L3 Harris, BAE Systems and more. Fairs such as this would offer these companies the opportunity to showcase their products to governments and procurement agencies across the globe, and by holding these fairs in major cities in broad daylight, organisers are attempting to normalise their murderous operations.
Altogether, 4 Israeli arms firms and 13 International arms firms which supply the Israeli military were due to appear at the event. These firms are already complicit in war crimes, repression, and apartheid in Palestine, and it is immoral and insulting to then invite them to hold their discussions and sales talks in our towns and cities. Local residents, organising groups, and councillors have all spoken out against the arms fair, with protests taking place over the last month in an attempt to have the event cancelled. The council, event and venue organisers were all happy to ignore these calls – leaving direct action to stop the fair as the only viable option for activists.
After a dozen activists stormed the site at 19:00 Monday evening, two activists successfully scaled the building, and are occupying the ACC roof. Ahead of tomorrow’s event, activists will endure police harrassment, intimidation, and removal attempts, and are hoping to prevent the arms fair from opening in the morning.
The action will continue as long as it can, and aims to be as disruptive as possible. A Palestine Action spokesperson has said the following:
This event cannot be allowed to go ahead. Liverpool’s residents don’t want arms dealers and war criminals gathering in their city, and its presence is an insult to our Palestinian, Iraqi, Afghan citizens, and all others whose homelands have been devastated by the products of Raytheon, Elbit, ELTA, and the other despicable firms meeting in the ACC. After the council and event organisers failed to act, our activists have taken it upon themselves to uphold human rights by disrupting this festival of criminality.”
This occupation of the ACC is an escalation of previous protests and actions taken across the city. After thousands gathered to voice their opposition to the event, other actions by Palestine Action have involved covering the venue in blood-red paint, but these calls to stop the arms fair have been ignored as organisers press ahead with this unwelcome and unethical meeting.
Suppose this might as well go here:

Our client is a Jewish rabbinical student from Israel who vocally supports the struggle for Palestinian rights, and strongly opposes Zionism and Israeli apartheid on religious and political grounds.

After he was detained and beaten by the Israeli authorities on several occasions for peacefully protesting against Israeli state policies, he fled to the UK and claimed asylum.

The UK Home Office rejected his asylum claim and our client has appealed the decision to an independent Tribunal.

He argues that Israel's apartheid government persecutes anti-Zionists like him, and that he'll be conscripted into Israel's armed forces and made complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Hearing relisted for 27 October 2021, Call to Attend Solidarity Vigil​

Our client’s asylum appeal will now be heard at 10 am on Wednesday 27 October 2021 at the Immigration Tribunal, 2 Piccadilly Plaza, Mosely Street Manchester M1 4AH.
We are organising a vigil from 9am outside the court building in solidarity with our client and all those who have been persecuted by the Israeli apartheid regime. We encourage all opponents of apartheid and supporters of justice to attend.
We are immensely grateful for your support to date but we are still quite a distance from raising the funds needed for our client’s legal challenge. Please donate generously and share the link with all your contacts.
Our client has been humbled by your continued support and sends his gratitude.
Please continue to support this case by
1.Making a donation to our client’s legal fund.
2.Attending the solidarity vigil outside the court building on 27 October 2021.
3.Writing a letter of support to our client. Please send to info@ihrc.org and we will forward them to him.
4. Sharing this update on your social media platforms
The case continues to receive wide coverage in the international press. The news stories can be accessed below.
Israeli yeshiva student could open asylum doors to conscientious objectors, Palestinians ...
Court case starting in Stafford on the 10th:

Also, a successful acquittal from December:
And Palestine Action's review of the year:
Freedom write-up:
Full write-up:
I respect how regularly these seem to be happening:

Suppose this might as well go here:
An update from the Israeli asylum-seeker case:

The First-tier Tribunal has allowed our client’s appeal on the basis that returning him to Israel would result in his being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment on account of his mental health condition.

Although the Tribunal dismissed our client’s asylum appeal, he has been granted permission to argue those points at the Upper Tribunal which has the power to issue binding guidance.

A Resident Judge of the First-Tier Tribunal found that it was arguable that the judge who dismissed the asylum appeal had committed legal errors by

1.Failing to analyse his fear of persecution as an anti-Zionist at the hands of Israel’s apartheid regime;

2.Failing to consider whether he would have to live discreetly as an anti-Zionist if returned to Israel;

3.Placing undue weight on the untested hearsay evidence of his father about whether he was exempt from military service, over and above the evidence of numerous expert witnesses and multiple objective sources; and

Failing to take into account extensive evidence of the ways in which the Israeli government and non-state actors persecute Orthodox Jewish anti-Zionist members of the Neturei Karta in particular.

We urgently require funds for the Error of Law hearing before the Upper Tribunal where our client will be seeking to persuade the senior judges to set aside the decision of the lower court and list the case for country guidance on the nature of Israeli apartheid that will bind future judges.
Statement from his lawyers here:
Bit of a bump. Just wanted to ask, who are good to get involved with for the Palestinian cause in Britain? I see Palestine Action has come up a few times on this thread, don't know anything about them. What it is, I'd like to get involved with solidarity for Palestinians but unfortunately there seems to be an element of antisemitism and pro-Assad bastardness types who've attached themselves to some groups. Any advice welcome!
Call for people to turn up at Glasgow Sheriff Court from 1pm tomorrow (the 12th) in support of the Thales defendants:
Lots of Palestine Action court cases ongoing, sounds like the biggest one will be happening in Snaresbrook in October:

Full list of upcoming cases here:
Permanent protest camp set up at Shenstone, if there's anyone in that area:
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